
  • 网络Resignation;take the blame and resign
  1. 引咎辞职是有咎的领导干部主动承担道德责任及政治责任方式,承认自己的错误并最终辞去相应的职务的行为。

    Resignation is the " blame " leading cadres who undertake political responsibility and moral responsibility admit his mistake and eventually quit the corresponding post behavior .

  2. 论我国引咎辞职制

    Analysis of China 's system of taking the blame and resignation

  3. 他犯了一个让他颜面尽失的战术错误,只得引咎辞职。

    He had made a humiliating tactical error and he had to go .

  4. 东芝公司(Toshiba)社长田中久雄(HisaoTanaka)周二因12亿美元的会计丑闻引咎辞职时鞠躬15秒表示悔悟。

    Hisao Tanaka , Toshiba 's chief executive , gave a 15-second bow on Tuesday as he resigned over a $ 1.2bn accounting scandal .

  5. 荣智健表示,中信泰富集团财务董事张立宪(LeslieChang)和集团财务总监周志贤已引咎辞职,并补充称:事件相关的其他人员将受到纪律处分。

    Mr Yung said Citic Pacific 's group finance director , Leslie Chang , and group financial controller , Chau Chi-yin , had resigned over the losses , adding that disciplinary action will be taken against other staff members associated with this event .

  6. 早在2014年,曾经有黑客入侵了索尼影业,导致数以万计的电子邮件、电影脚本以及视频文件遭泄露,使得索尼影业总裁AmyPascal不得不引咎辞职。

    Back in 2014 , a group of hackers that is thought to have been backed by North Korea broke into the networks of Sony Pictures . The group subsequently released tens of thousands of emails , as well as scripts and video files , contributing to the ouster of Sony Pictures chief Amy Pascal .

  7. 另外两个没有做出恰当回应的主管也引咎辞职了。

    Two senior managers also resigned for failing to respond appropriately .

  8. 这次丑闻导致两名主编引咎辞职。

    The scandal led to the resignation of its two top editors .

  9. 论“引咎辞职”的对象及其出路

    On the target and solutions of " blame resignation "

  10. 论作为制度安排的引咎辞职

    On " Taking Blame and Resigning " as System Arrangement

  11. 论作为道德自律的引咎辞职

    On Bearing the Blame and Resigning as a Moral Self-discipline

  12. 目前已有数位首席执行管引咎辞职。

    Several chief executives have been forced to resign as a result .

  13. 试析法院院长引咎辞职制度

    Discussion on the System of Court Head 's Resignation by Taking the Blame

  14. 引咎辞职与道德存在内在的联系。

    There is inherent relationship between Resignation and Morality .

  15. 道德自律&引咎辞职行为的动力

    Moral self & discipline and motive of voluntary resignations

  16. 引咎辞职的理论分析与制度构建

    The Theoretical Analysis and Institutional Construction of Blame-taking Resignation

  17. 引咎辞职制度是实现责任政府不可缺少的制度组成。

    The resignation system is a dispensable part to realize the conscientious government .

  18. 试析引咎辞职对行政责任制的完善

    On Perfection of Administrative Responsibility with Take-Blame-and-Resign System

  19. 他们要求部长引咎辞职。

    They called for the minister 's scalp .

  20. 对我国官员“引咎辞职”现象的思考

    Some Reflections on the Officials ' Phenomenon of " Taking the Blame and Resign "

  21. 理查德·尼克松的引咎辞职,只不过在因水门事件而遭到弹劾的定局到来之前先走了一步。

    Richard Nixon resigned a step ahead of his certain impeachment in the Water-gate scandals .

  22. 接下来这一年,事情变得更加糟糕,杰拉尔德·拉特纳不得不引咎辞职。

    The following year , things got worse and Gerald Ratner was forced to resign .

  23. 近几年,众多高官引咎辞职,在我国引发了一股行政问责的热潮。

    In recent years , frequent official resign , sparked a shares in our country administration accountability upsurge .

  24. 海地发生的多起暴力抗议事件导致数人死亡,并使海地总理雅克引咎辞职。

    In Haiti , violent protests claimed several lives and cost Haitian Prime Minister Jacques-Edouard Alexis his job .

  25. 马哈拉施特拉邦首席部长维拉斯拉奥.德斯穆克说,他愿意为显而易见的安全疏漏引咎辞职。

    Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilisrao Deshmukh says he is willing to quit to take responsibility for perceived security shortcomings .

  26. 引咎辞职作为一种政治文明新象,是责任政府模式下看得见的政治文明。

    Duty dereliction resignation is a new phenomenon of political civilization which takes shape under the mode of government responsibility .

  27. 大家都想当然地认为发生了这样的事,他一定会引咎辞职的。

    Everybody took it for granted that after what had happened , he would surely take the blame and resign .

  28. 煤矿负责人,贵州盘江控股投资集团副总经理则引咎辞职。

    A deputy general manager of the Guizhou Panjiang Group , which controls the coal mine , has also resigned .

  29. 另外,无所作为、违反道德规范、言论失当等也是引咎辞职的触发缘由。

    Besides , attempting nothing , violating moral rules and unproper expressions are also causes of taking the blame and resigning .

  30. 德国议会委托完成的一份报告表示,该公司采用的许多手段都是违法的,梅多恩今年3月引咎辞职。

    A report commissioned by the country 's parliament said many methods used had been illegal and he quit in March .