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A linkage map of peach was constructed with AFLP , SSR and RAPD markers in 109 F_2 population derived from the cross of ' Okubo ' and ' Xingjin ' nectarine .
In this research , linkage map of peach was constructed with AFLP molecular marker in 109 F2 population derived from the intercross of ' Okubo ' and ' Xingjin nectarine ' .
HWD treatment at 42 C for 5 min promoted normal ripening and softening , maintaining higher level of extractable juice and better edible quality .
One target has been the central Tokyo neighborhood of Shin-Okubo , known for Korean restaurants and shops selling South Korean pop-culture goods .
Effects of harvesting time on the storage quality of ' Okubao ' peach
The effect of ClO2 compound on the respiratory activity , pulp hardness and peel relative conductance of " Jiu Bao " peach is studied .
Relationship between physiological variations and chilling injury in peach ( Dajiubao and Mingxing ) at different temperature ( 8 ℃? 5 ℃ and 2 ℃) were studied . The results further verified that peach is a typical climacteric fruit .