
dà sān dù
  • major third
大三度[dà sān dù]
  1. 大三度&宫角关系,在以往的传统宫调、调式音阶以及旋宫转调理论中均有过相关的论述。

    In the old theory of Chinese traditional modes of music , mode scales and modulation , the relationship between Gong and Jiao ( major third ) has been expounded .

  2. 其中第四相的纯律大三度,亦有可能是受古琴十一徽之影响。

    It ` s possible that the Just intonation major third is influenced by the 11th Hui of Guqin .

  3. 属于或关于基于大三度的音调系统的。

    Of or relating to a tonal system based on major thirds .

  4. 大鼠三度灼伤后皮肤混合移植模型研制

    Intermingle Skin Transplantation Model in Third Degree Burn Rat

  5. 大客车三自由度综合试验台的设计与研究

    Design and Research on the Three Degrees-of-Freedom Synthetic Test-Bed of Coach-Bus

  6. 霍华德对土著所持的坚硬立场让人想起了2001年他在难民乘船外逃事件上的立场,那一次帮助他在当年后来举行的大选中第三度获胜。

    His tough stand on aborigines recalls the one he took against boat refugees in2001 , helping him win his third election later that year .

  7. 大鼠受15%三度烧伤,同时分别复合2、4、6、8戈瑞(Gy)照射。

    Rats were subjected to 15 % body surface area third degree burns combined with 2 , 4 , 6 , and 8 Gy irradiation respectively .

  8. 经心内膜永久起搏治疗儿童矫正性大动脉转位合并三度房室阻滞

    Permanent endocardial pacing in children with corrected transposition of great arteries combined with complete atrioventricular block

  9. 不同年级的大学生职业成熟度存在显著的差异,大一到大三职业成熟度逐渐上升,到大四职业成熟度水平有所下降。

    It was increasing gradually from freshman to junior , but decreasing slightly in senior . ( 3 ) There were significant gender differences in college students ' career maturity .