
  • 网络Pentatonic;pentatonic scale;pentatonic mode
  1. 琵琶传统乐曲大都是五声调式,速度大都是中速或慢速。

    Most traditional music by Pipa belongs to the pentatonic scale , and the speed is intermediate or slow .

  2. 同中国其它地区的民歌一样,五声调式音阶也是朝鲜族音乐曲调的基础。

    The same as folk song in other area , pentatonic scale is also the base of Korean music melody .

  3. 钢琴即兴演奏中五声调式的调性发展问题与教学研究

    Study of Pentonic Tonality Development and Teaching in Piano Improvisation

  4. 五声调式在我国有着悠久的历史和广泛的群众基础。

    Five-tone mode has a long history and a solid mass base .

  5. 中国五声调式同主音横向综合的理论与实践

    The Theory & the Practice on the Lateral Synthesis of the Same Keynote in Chinese Pentatonic Modes

  6. 第二部分是分析在中国作曲家的作品中,有关五声调式交替、五声调式远关系转调方面的探索与实践。

    The second part is analysis of Chinese composers ' exploration of alternating and far-relationship transfering of pentatonic tonality .

  7. 它还具有中国传统民谣五声调式音调的特点,因而与其它民族的歌曲相比,具有多层次的调式意义。

    The introduction of the Five-tone modes of Chinese folk ballads has provided it with more prominent individualities and multi-layer mode meanings .

  8. 一般中国五声调式旋律难写,要写成一条真正的角调式旋律则更加困难。

    The melody in Chinese pentatonic scales is hard to compose , and it is more difficult to compose a real melody in Jiao Mode .

  9. 怎样结合我国五声调式的特点进行调性发展方法的教学,是我国高等院校音乐教育系科普遍开设的专业基础课程&键盘和声、即兴演奏(即兴伴奏)课程的教学难点与重要内容之一。

    How to combine the characteristics of pentatonic in teaching development of tonality is the difficult and important content in courses such as keyboard harmony , improvisation in colleges nowadays .

  10. 三度结构的和声方法&五声性调式和声研究之一

    Harmonic Methodology Based on Third - Studies on Pentatonic Harmony

  11. 五声性调式和声的和弦结构可以是多样的,既可采用三度结构、纵合性结构,也可采用四五度结构或二度结构。

    The structures of the pentatonic-modes-harmony are various , either the triad , or the fourth / fifth , even the second is used .

  12. 本文所主要讨论的,即是与调式风格相关的和声处理上的一些特殊问题,并阐述在五声性调式中应用三度结构的和声方法。

    In this paper , the author attempts to deal with some of the specific issues on the handling of modal style-related harmony and elaborates the application of harmonic methodology based on third in pentatonic mode .

  13. 五首乐曲都建立在五声调式体系之中,使用前奏曲与赋格连接而成。

    Five songs are based on five of this system , use preludes and fugues connected to .