
  • 网络pentaquark
  1. 五夸克qq-qq-(?)结构的重子谱研究

    Study of Baryon Spectrum in the qq-qq - (?) Quark Structure

  2. 而反夸克不是全同的费米子,不受泡利不相容原理的约束。因此,五夸克的波函数可以将四个正夸克波函数与一个反夸克的波函数作外积约化的耦合得到。

    The anti-quark is not all the same fermion . Therefore , the five-quark wave function with four quarks and an anti-quark function be constructed by outer product .

  3. 质子反常磁矩,重子激发态等问题至今未能解决,而且非弹性散射实验表明了重子并非只含有三夸克成分,还存在五夸克等。

    Issues has been failed to resolve , and non-elastic scattering experiments show that the baryon not only contains three quarks component , but so there have five quarks component .

  4. 结果表明,这个模型确实可以解释一些重子激发态的性质,但是还存在一些偏差,今后,需要考虑五夸克的轨道空间激发和夸克-反夸克对产生和湮灭的影响。

    We have found that this model can explain some nature of the baryons , but there are some deviations . We need to consider the excited state and the quark-anti-quark pair production and annihilation effects in the future .

  5. 最后,计算了相对论修正和五夸克组分对核子低激发态电生振幅的贡献,并对比实验数据进行了分析和讨论。

    Finally , the electroproduction amplitudes of the low resonances of nucleon are calculated with the wave functions with the five-quark component and the relativized transition operator , and the numerical results are given and are compared with the experimental data .