
  • 网络multiplet;multiplicity;supermultiplets;multiplets
  1. 对晶体中3d~3离子(如V~(2+),Cr~(3+)等)的EPR实验结果已有较多报道,而其电子能级和多重态结构也为一些理论研究所获得。

    EPR experimental results have been reported for various 3d ~ 3 ions ( e.g. , V ~ ( 2 + ), Cr ~ ( 3 + )) in crystals , and theoretical investigations on the electronic and multiplet structures have also been carried out .

  2. 在多重态内的每个粒子都有同样的奇异数。

    Each particle in the multiplet has the same strangeness .

  3. F旋多重态及其研究

    F & spin Multiplets and Its Study

  4. 本文给出了强场方案中d3电子系的最大自旋多重态4F、4P的自旋轨道耦合相互作用能量矩阵。

    Matrix of the spin-orbital interaction for the 4P JF states is given by the this paper , that is belonged to the d3 electron systems .

  5. Y3Al5O(12)中晶场造成的Er~(3+)多重态重心的移动

    Shifts in the centers of gravity of multiplets for erucc : y_3al_5o_ ( 12 ) due to crystal field

  6. 本文从分析实验出发,对SU3羣八重态理论提出了两个补充假定:(1)同位旋T和超荷Y对质量分裂的非线性贡献与多重态的自旋宇称无关;

    Two additional postulates of the eightfold way are suggested on the basis of the analysis of experiments : ( 1 ) The nonlinear contribution of the isospin T and the hyper-charge Y to the mass-splitting is independent of the spin-parity of multiplets ;

  7. 利用该模型较为系统地分析了在13K温度下采用常规方法测量的Er3+离子在锗酸盐玻璃中的吸收和发射谱,确定了从Er3+离子4I15/2到2H9/2所有多重态的Stark分裂值。

    By means of this model , the absorption and emission spectra of Er 3 + ions in germanate glass measured at 13K in a conventional way were analyzed systematically and the Stark splittings of the manifolds from 4I 15 / 2 to 2H 9 / 2 were determined .

  8. 稀土离子发光体系中多重态间能量传递的谱交迭模型的研究

    Study on Spectral Overlap Model of Energy Transfer Between J-Multiplets in RE-Doped Crystals

  9. 超对称线性多重态和超场

    Supersymmetric " linear " multiplet and superfields

  10. 粒子的另一分类叫做电荷多重态。一种动态分级的混合粒子群优化算法

    Another particle grouping is referred to as charge multiplets . Dynamic hierarchical hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm

  11. 三重态任何具有三个状态的多重态载重车辆轮胎动态模拟加载与仿真分析

    A multiplet with three components . Dynamic simulation load and simulation research of the heavy-duty vehicle tire

  12. 第二周期元素的原子及其离子的五参数波函数与多重态能量计算

    The analytic 5-parameter wave functions and energies for the atoms & ions of elements of second period

  13. 在非线性行为的研究中,通过分析试验数据,证实了初晶结晶前沿存在温度振荡现象和多重态现象。论企业凝聚力

    According to data analysis there is surge and multimode on the solidification front . Study on the Enterprise Solidification

  14. 在多重态中,决定能量变化是电核吸引能而不是电子排斥能。

    It is the electron nuclear attraction that dominates the energy behaviour in a multiplet and not the electron repulsion .

  15. 在此模型中,层子和轻子放于同一个多重态中,所以它们有耦合,但这种耦合不会导致质子衰变,只对高能散射有效应。

    But this kind of coupling cannot cause the proton decay , and has only some effects in high energy scatterings .

  16. 我们把维格纳处理超级多重态的方法,推广用来研究超核激发态的能谱。

    The method which Wigner used for the classification of supermultiplets has been generalized to the excited energy spectrum of hypernuclei .

  17. Nd:YIG中Nd~(3+)基态多重态耦合对磁矩及磁光效应的影响

    Influence of the Coupling of Ground Multistate of Nd ~ ( 3 + ) Ions in Nd : YIG on the Magnetization and Magneto-Optical Effect

  18. 流态化造粒,成粒近似球形,流动性好。粒子的另一分类叫做电荷多重态。

    Fluidized Granulation , the granule is around ball shape . Its flow ability is good . Another particle grouping is referred to as charge multiplets .

  19. 应用量子理论计算了Nd:YIG中Nd3+离子基态多重态耦合对磁矩与磁光效应的影响。

    The influences of the coupling of ground multistate of Nd 3 + ions in Nd : YIG on the magnetization and magneto-optical effects are calculated by using quantum theory .

  20. 非绝热加热驱动的热带轴对称环流多重平衡态

    Multiple equilibria in diabatic heating induced axisymmetric tropical circulations

  21. 具有多重定态的化学反应中的相变及临界点分类

    The Phase Transition and Classification of Critical Points in the Multistability Chemical Reactions

  22. 中国区域经济发展的多重均衡态与转变前兆

    The Multiple Equilibrium States of China 's Regional Economic Development and the Omen of Changes

  23. 多重正态线性回归模型

    Multiple normal linear regression mode

  24. 单变量多重定态转变体系中热传导-化学反应偶合诱发的温度-浓度振荡

    The Thermo-kinetic Oscillation Induced By The Chemical Reaction-Heat Conduction In a Single Component Multi-Steady States Transition Model System

  25. 研究了具有多重定态的化学反应中的相变及其临界现象。

    This paper reports the study on the phase transition and classification of critical points in the multistability chemical reaction systems .

  26. 近共振热力强迫作用下多重平衡态的激发、建立和转换(一)&多重平衡态的渐近解

    The exciting , establishing and transition of multiple equilibria forced by nearly resonant thermal driving part I : approximate solutions of multiple equilibria

  27. 依据歧点和稳定性理论探讨了在全混釜发酵过程中气提移醇的动力学行为,研究了该系统的多重定态现象、以及气提对多重稳态解的影响。

    The dynamic behavior of gas stripping ethanol during fermentation process in a CSTR was discussed in terms of the theory of bifurcation and regional stability .

  28. 多重离化态Fe~(3+)离子低能碰撞实验研究

    Experimental Research on Low-energy Collision of Multiply Charged Fe ~( 3 + ) Ions

  29. 谓框的主体部分&认识结构的基干是用笔者多年前提出的“多重空间格态模型”来设计的。

    The Multipe Special Case-state Model ( MSCSM ) created by the writer a few years ago is the backbone of the cognitive structure which is the core of the predicate frame .

  30. 多重离化态离子在原子分子物理、表面科学、等离子体物理、核物理以及天体物理中,扮演着重要角色。

    The multiply charged ions ( MCI ) play an important role in those fields , such as atom and molecule physics , surface science , plasma physics , nuclear physics , and astrophysical .