
bā chóng tài
  • octuplet;octet;octette
八重态[bā chóng tài]
  1. 确定出对不同的八重态奇异重子电磁形状因子具体起着主导作用的矢量介子,得到了这些形状因子对动量转移的依赖公式。

    We have fixed the vector mesons which play dominant roles for electromagnetic form factors of different octet strange baryons , and then the formulas which depend on the momentum transfer for these form factors have been obtained .

  2. 作者用手征微扰理论建立了有效拉氏量,对夸克标量流作用于强子八重态上的质量矩阵元计算到一圈图,得到了八重态强子的质量劈裂。

    The authors construct the effective lagrangian from chiral perturbation theory , figure out the mass matrix elements of quark scalar currents act on baryon octet to one loop , and obtain the mass splitting of octet baryons .

  3. 与此相关,认为IP由这种反应中得出的一对共轭色八重态胶团组成。

    We think the IP is composed from the conjugated pair of such glue .

  4. SU3群八重态理论和强相互作用粒子的分类

    Eightfold way and the classification of the strongly interacting particles

  5. 由于超子含有奇异量子数,它可深入原子核的内部,是研究核结构的极好探针,所以超核为研究完全的介子和重子味SU(3)八重态性质提供了唯一的实验室。

    As hyperon has the strange quantum number , it can go deep into the interior of nuclei , thus it is the right probe to study the nuclear structure .

  6. 本文从分析实验出发,对SU3羣八重态理论提出了两个补充假定:(1)同位旋T和超荷Y对质量分裂的非线性贡献与多重态的自旋宇称无关;

    Two additional postulates of the eightfold way are suggested on the basis of the analysis of experiments : ( 1 ) The nonlinear contribution of the isospin T and the hyper-charge Y to the mass-splitting is independent of the spin-parity of multiplets ;

  7. 后一种衰变模式用于检验色八重态模型理论。

    The last decay mode is used to test the color-octet state theory .

  8. 结果发现,其为一个对色八重态产生机制不敏感,而只与核效应模型有关的量。不同的核效应模型得到的结果相差很大。

    The results shown that R ( PT ) is insensitive to the heavy quarkonium production mechanism and only related to the nuclear effect models .