
  • 网络RIGHT SPEECH;samma-vaca
  1. 汉越词在越南语当中作为最引人注目的一部分正跟着越语的不断地发展而日益变化。在学习汉语过程中,本人发现汉越词本身在各个方面对汉语教学来说都是利弊并存。

    Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary , as the most striking element in the Vietnamese language , is gradually changing following by the diverse development of the Vietnamese language . Nevertheless , there are pros and cons in all aspects of Sino-Vietnamese on Chinese learning .

  2. 例如,诺基亚的YoungheeJung女士目前正从事“世界语手势”的开发工作,目的是控制这些对环境敏感的设备。

    Nokia 's Ms Jung , for instance , is working on a project to develop an " Esperanto of gestures " to control such environmentally aware devices .

  3. 系统的电脑运行软件也正处于用老挝语“本地化”的最后阶段,从事这一项工作的是一群移居美国的老挝人。村民们用这个新网络可做的一件事情就是决定要不要走向市场。

    One thing that the new network will allow villagers to do is decide whether it is worth going to market .

  4. 正因为新闻评论语篇的抽象性与概括性特点,读者对评论语句意义的理解也就显得特别重要。

    Therefore , just because of its characteristics of abstractness and generality , the understanding of commentary sentences appears to be especially vital for the readers .