
  1. 虽然这并非完美无瑕,但我们正朝着目标前进。

    It 's not perfect but we 're getting there .

  2. 我看见一个男人正朝一个司机叫嚷,他的车把街道堵塞了。

    I saw a man shouting at a driver whose car was blocking the street .

  3. 船正朝大陆扬帆航行。

    The ship is under sail , making toward the land .

  4. 一队士兵正朝我们走过来。

    A contingent of soldiers was marching towards us .

  5. 他们正朝着那幢房子跑去,但是我们从地里一喊,使他们改变了方向。

    They were running towards the house , but we headed them off by calling from the field .

  6. 除了‘你是否正朝着目标努力’这一点,那里基本不会有其他要打分的了。基本上,考核的就是‘我要研究出这个产品,然后年底将它呈现给美国宇航局’。工程师会亲自过来给产品做评判,而……

    There almost are no grades , other than'Are you working towards your goal ? ' Basically , it 's ' I 've got to produce this product and then , at the end of year , present it to NASA . ' Engineers come and really do an in-person review , and ...

  7. 警官正在给他的连队上一堂战斗课,他问:“约瑟,假如你看到有700名敌兵正朝你冲过来,你会怎么办?“

    The first sergeant was holding a class on combat for his company . He said , " Jose , what would you do if you saw 700 enemy soldiers coming at you ? "

  8. 祖克曼太太摆出了一副准备拦截的架势——如果威伯要往花园里跑的话。现在,祖克曼先生拎着桶正朝威伯走过来。“这真太可怕了,”威伯想。

    Mrs. Zuckerman stood ready to head him off if he started for the garden , and now Mr. Zuckerman was coming down toward him carrying a pail . " This is really awful , " thought Wilbur .

  9. 网络管理技术正朝着分布式和Web化的方向发展。

    Network management technologies are developing towards distribution and Web .

  10. 因此,计算机环境现在正朝着采用以XML作为基础的数据存储和转换格式的方向发展。

    So computing environment is now developing towards XML-based data store and format transformation .

  11. SpareChange成立仅15个月,目前正朝着年内处理3000万美元交易的目标挺进。

    Founded just 15 months ago , Spare Change is on course to process $ 30m in transactions this year .

  12. 随着Internet/Intranet技术的普遍应用,越来越多的应用系统正朝着基于WEB的方向发展。

    Web browser is becoming the predominant user interface in more and more application systems along with the prevalence of Internet and Intranet Technologies .

  13. NASA的好奇号正朝着最终目标火星进发。

    NASA 's rover Curiosity is on final approach to Mars .

  14. Internet已成为全球范围的网络平台,随着实时和多媒体业务的广泛应用,它正朝提供综合服务的综合业务Internet过渡。

    Internet has become the world-wide network platform , and with the wide use of real-time and multimedia applications , the current Internet is evolving to the Integrated Services Internet .

  15. 在1990年代中期,有几个强大的商业开发环境。微软公司的VisualStudio在那时正朝着一个更加多用途化的工具方向发展。

    In the mid-1990s , a number of powerful commercial development environments were available ; Microsoft Visual Studio was becoming a more general-purpose tools platform .

  16. 目前pH化学传感器仍在研究发展阶段,而ZnO一维纳米材料的研究正朝着实际应用方面发展,因此ZnOpH传感特性的研究具有重要的研究意义。

    At present the pH chemical sensors are still studying the development stage , ZnO one-dimensional nano-materials are heading for the practical application of research development .

  17. 在WTO奉行的逐步自由化原则的指引下,海运服务作为国际服务贸易的重要组成部分,也正朝着自由化的方向前进。

    Under the guidance of the principle of gradual liberalization in the WTO , as an important part of international service trade , shipping service also is heading for liberalization .

  18. 目前尚不确定,债务占国内生产总值(gdp)的比例超过100%,在财政上是否可以持续,但越来越多的国家正朝着这一方向前进。

    It is doubtful whether debt levels above 100 per cent of gross domestic product are fiscally sustainable , but more and more countries are heading that way .

  19. 在电信网IP化的趋势下,越来越多的IP网络设备在电信网中得到应用,现代电信网络正朝着IP化的方向演进。

    With the IP revolution in communication networks , more and more IP networking equipment are applied in telecommunication networks , and modern telecommunication networks is increasingly going toward the IP revolution .

  20. 目前学校正朝着“努力创建ESD教育项目示范学校”的目标迈进。

    Currently , it makes great efforts towards the destination of " building a model school of ESD educational projects " .

  21. CIMS(计算机集成制造系统)已实现了信息集成,目前正朝着经营(功能)集成和系统集成的方向发展。

    CIMS ( computer integrated manufacturing system ) has completed its development stage of information integration and is moving towards function integration and system integration .

  22. 不过,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)中国策略师娄刚(JerryLou)表示:借助这些改革举措,我们正朝着真正的市场迈出重要一步。

    Still , says Jerry Lou , China strategist at Morgan Stanley : We are making a big step toward a real market with these reforms .

  23. 存储器正朝着小型化、存储密度高、功耗低、读写速度快、数据保持时间长、与CMOS工艺兼容等我们所希望的方向发展。

    The memory device is toward miniaturization , high-storage density , low-power consumption , rapid writing / reading speed , long-time date retention , compatible with the CMOS process and so on .

  24. 现在,他们正朝着100%可持续性投资的方向转变,他们要通过系统地将ESG整合到整个基金中来实现。

    Now , they 're moving toward 100 percent sustainable investment by systematically integrated ESG across the entire fund .

  25. 目前,RFID电子标签正朝超高频方向发展,超高频标签具有识别距离长、读写速度快等优点。

    Currently , RFID tags are moving to the direction of UHF RFID tags which have many advantages , such as long identification distance , read and write fast , and so on .

  26. 目前,网络优化正朝着以数据业务为核心的方向发展,从之前的关注KPI参数指标向提升用户体验满意度转变。

    Network optimization is developing towards the data as the core business focusing on the improvement of users ' satisfaction rather than KPI parameters .

  27. 目前分布式系统正朝着自管理方向发展,DEBA组件也是如此。

    Just as distributed systems are moving towards self-management , components in DEBA are as well .

  28. “全球似乎正朝着汇率相关贸易措施形成一种趋势,美国看上去越来越有可能出台相关立法,”美国外交关系协会(councilonforeignrelations)高级研究院泰德奥尔登(tedalden)表示。

    " There seems to be a global trend developing towards currency-related trade measures , and legislation in the US looks more and more plausible , " said Ted Alden , senior fellow at the Council on foreign relations .

  29. 很多人认为,我们正朝着魏玛式(Weimar-style)恶性通货膨胀发展。

    Many asserted that we were heading for Weimar-style hyperinflation instead .

  30. 了解售股谈判的另一位人士表示,rhj与通用汽车正朝着签署谅解备忘录的“方向努力”。

    A second person close to the sale talks said that RHJ and GM were " working in the direction " of signing an memorandum of understanding .