
  • 网络formal rules;official rules
  1. 企业管理中,存在正式规则和非正式规则。

    There are formal rules and unofficial rules in business administration .

  2. 要是正式规则和非正式约束不一致,那它所导致的紧张关系就会引到政治上的不稳定。

    If the formal rules and informal constraints are inconsistent with each other the resulting tension is going to induce political instability .

  3. 根据多人拇指摔跤的正式规则

    According to the official rules of massively multiplayer thumb-wrestling ,

  4. 制度是人们进行社会交往的正式规则。

    Institution is a formal regulation of social communication .

  5. 潜规则是官场正式规则背后的另类规则,它像癌细胞一样寄生于正式规则又不断地侵蚀着正式规则。

    Latent rules are of otherwise rules that live on but erode the formal rules .

  6. 在美国,正式规则的严格程度尤其荒谬。

    And the strictness of the formalities , especially in the United States , was absurd .

  7. 他们采用的一种战略是尽力援引《行政程序法》规定的正式规则制定程序。

    One strategy they have used is to attempt to invoke the APA 's formal rulemaking procedures .

  8. 正式规则的规范效果直接影响潜规则运行的向度、广度和深度。

    The result of the normal regulation'standard directly influence the direction , range and depth of the latent regulation .

  9. 评论家们批评正式规则制定为昂贵麻烦的程序,对裁定的质量毫无贡献。

    Commentators have criticized formal rulemaking as a costly , cumbersome process that contributes little to the quality of decision .

  10. 其一是制度设计存在着缺陷,这种缺陷导致了正式规则本身不能实现其价值预设。

    The first is the flaws in the system design . These flaws led to the formal rules can not achieve their values by themselves .

  11. 正式规则制定不同于正式裁断的另一点是,机关内部遵循的决定程序在范围上不那么狭窄。

    Another way in which formal rulemaking differs from formal adjudication is that the process of decision followed within the agency is somewhat less confined .

  12. 后发展区域制度移植变迁后发优势的发挥要以被移植的正式规则与本土的非正式约束相兼容为前提条件。

    The precondition of the late-developing advantage of institution transplant can be brought to full play is the compatibility between institution transplant and informal restraints .

  13. 由于市场秩序监管制度中正式规则、非正式规则以及实施机制存在缺陷,致使无法对市场秩序实施有效监管。

    Due to the immaturity of formal and informal rules in market supervision institution , governments fail to exercise an effective supervision on market order .

  14. 作为制度正式规则的经济政策和经济法变迁应当以制度事实为依据。

    Therefore , as the principles of the economic system , changes in economic policy and economic law should rest on the facts about the system .

  15. 政治制度是国家、单位、个人参与政治活动的一种正式规则。

    The political system is a kind of formal rule by which the country or the unit or a person takes part in the political exercising .

  16. 尽管正式规则能突然改变,而非正式约束却远不受变化的干扰,并能强有力的延缓突然的变化。

    While the formal rules can be changed overnight , the informal constraints are much more impervious to change and impose a powerful drag on abrupt change .

  17. 在正式规则制定的过程中,决策人可自由地和机关所有员工咨询商议,包括那些负责在听证中说明机关立场的人士。

    Decisionmakers in a formal rulemaking are free to consult with staff experts throughout the agency , including those who were responsible for presenting the agency 's position at the hearing .

  18. 从制度的生成过程来看,制度的动态发展基本上遵循着从个人的习惯到群体的习俗、从习俗到惯例、从非正式规则到正式规则这样一条路线。

    The process of institutions development basically follow such a route , growing from personal habits to the masses ' practices , from habits to conventions , from informal rules to formal rules .

  19. 制度包括正式规则、非正式规则和实施机制,虽然正式规则可以在短时间改变,但非正式规则和实施机制的改进则是渐进的。

    The formal rules , informal rules and implementation mechanism are included in the system , the formal rules can be changed in a short time , but informal rules and implementation mechanism are progressive .

  20. 周雪光文章与强世功文章的共同之处是关注治理而非改革或体制变迁,既关注正式规则也关注非正式规则,关注做法多于关注文本。

    Common features of the articles by Xueguang Zhou and Jiang Shigong include attention to governance rather than reform or regime change , to informal as well as formal rules , and to practice over texts .

  21. 本文运用诺斯的制度变迁理论作为全文的分析工具,从非正式规则、正式规则、实施机制三个层面展开全文,具有新颖性,而且分析工具贯穿全文,得出的结论具有针对性。

    This paper uses the theory of Institutional change as research tool to analyze from the angel of informal rules , formal rules and enforcement system , which is fresh . The conclusion from the thesis is pointed .

  22. 制度没有必要或甚至通常创造出来是社会性有效的;更不用说它们,或者至少正式规则是创造出来以服务那些有谈判能力去创造新的规则的人的利益。

    Institutions are not necessarily or even usually created to be socially efficient ; rather they , or at least the formal rules , are created to serve the interests of those with the bargaining power to create new rules .

  23. 当劳工部在正式规则制定过程中利用从调查中得到的统计数字以便为该行业的政府承包商确定最低工资时,该部提供了盘问统计员的机会。

    When the agency used statistics derived from this survey in a formal rulemaking to set minimum wages for government contractors in the industry , it made available for cross-examination the statistician who had tabulated the figures from the questionnaires .

  24. 然后,在制度构成的正式规则非正式规则运行机制分析框架下,分析制度是如何对公司债券融资发展产生重大影响的,由此得到本研究的理论基础。

    Then , this paper analysed how institution affects the development of corporate bonds based on the analytical frame of institution composing , which is " formal rules informal rule implementation mechanism " . It is the theory base of the whole study .

  25. 正式规则下的自由裁量权和官员的个人理性是潜规则生存的充分必要条件,基于个人理性的自组织(self-organiz-ing)机制则是潜规则得以扩张的根本原因。

    Administrative discretion under the formal rules and individual reason of administrators serve as the sufficient and necessary condition of the occurrence of latent rules , while the self - organizing mechanism based on individual reason forms the fundamental ground of the expansion of these rules .

  26. 行政官员关于发布新闻稿,举行新闻会议,同意安排采访或向报界“透露”消息的决定通常都是非正式作出的,然而这些引起公开宣传的活动可以和正式规则或命令一样地有影响力。

    An administrator 's decision to issue a press release , hold a news conference , grant an interview , or " leak " a story to the press is usually made informally , yet these publicity-generating activities can be as potent as a formal rule or order .

  27. 即使法规的确明白地要求正式的规则制定,《行政程序法》也允许一些偏离正式裁断中利用的程序的作法。

    Even when the statute does plainly require formal rulemaking , the APA permits some departures from the procedures used in formal adjudications .

  28. 除少数有限的例外情况,如要求正式的规则制订,该程序相当简单。

    With the limited exception of a few situations in which a " formal rulemaking " is required , the procedure is relatively simple .

  29. 作为一项非正式的制度安排,会计诚信是会计制度的一部分,会计制度由正式会计规则与会计诚信组成。

    As an informal institutional management , accounting integrity is an important part of accounting institute system which is composed of formal accounting regulations and accounting integrity .

  30. 本节介绍了北欧国家的《登记伴侣关系法》、正式同居规则、《同居(联合家庭)法》等,由此概括其具有针对性和多层次性的法律调整体系。

    Registered Partnership Act in Nordic countries , formal cohabitation rules and the Cohabitees ( Joint Homes ) Act are introduced to show the Nordic legal regulation system with focalization and classification .