
  • 网络informal rules
  1. 同时,非正式规则的地方性差异会导致基本药物筹资行为的多样性。

    At the same time , local differences of informal rules lead to diversity of financing behaviors for the essential medicines .

  2. 在契约性质上,银行首先是市场契约,但其本质是关系契约,非正式规则起主导作用;

    In terms of contract property , banks should first be a market contract , but the contract is in essence a relation contract where informal rules dominate .

  3. 企业管理中,存在正式规则和非正式规则。

    There are formal rules and unofficial rules in business administration .

  4. 实际上,“佛罗里达东海岸”案的裁决造成了坚决赞成非正式规则制定的推论。

    In effect , the Florida East Coast decision created a strong presumption in favor of informal rulemaking .

  5. 《行政程序法》的非正式规则制定程序简单灵活,只包括三个程序要求。

    The APA 's informal rulemaking process is simple and flexible , consisting of only three procedural requirements .

  6. 潜规则不同于显规则,也不同于西方管理理论中一般的非正式规则。

    It is different from the formal rules as well as the unofficial ones of general meaning in the western management theory .

  7. 非正式规则制定简单且效率高,但给利害关系人极少的权利了解和辩驳建议中的规则的根据。

    Informal rulemaking was simple and efficient , but it gave interested persons few rights to know and contest the basis of a proposed rule .

  8. 结果,倘若行政机关在收集和分析信息时不够严谨或不够自我约束的话,非正式规则制定就可能造成不准确或错误导向的决定。

    Consequently , informal rulemaking may produce inaccurate or misguided decisions if the agency is not sufficiently rigorous or self-disciplined in gathering and analyzing information .

  9. 《行政程序法》的非正式规则制定条款没有明确要求行政机关公开它对公众批评的事实、法律以及政策上的支持。

    The APA informal rulemaking provisions do not expressly require the agency to expose its factual , legal , and policy support to public criticism .

  10. 由于市场秩序监管制度中正式规则、非正式规则以及实施机制存在缺陷,致使无法对市场秩序实施有效监管。

    Due to the immaturity of formal and informal rules in market supervision institution , governments fail to exercise an effective supervision on market order .

  11. 现代世界充斥着公私混杂的机构,而社会和经济方面的监管在更大程度上是通过共同价值观(而非正式规则)得到实施。

    The modern world is populated by hybrid institutions , and regulation , social and economic , is implemented more through shared values than formal rules .

  12. 从管理方面来看,企业中存在的潜规则和显规则,分处于管理的两条坐标上,而一般意义上的非正式规则通常是显规则发展的基础或者延伸。

    According to management , the unofficial rules of general meaning are usually the foundation or extension of formal ones , but the latent rules have no common with formal rules .

  13. 从制度的生成过程来看,制度的动态发展基本上遵循着从个人的习惯到群体的习俗、从习俗到惯例、从非正式规则到正式规则这样一条路线。

    The process of institutions development basically follow such a route , growing from personal habits to the masses ' practices , from habits to conventions , from informal rules to formal rules .

  14. 可是我们必须注意到,“化妆用品”案发生于“奥佛顿公园”案之前,而后一个案件的判决使我们进入对于非正式规则制定程序的记录的司法复审概念的新纪元。

    One should note , however , that toilet goods predated the decision in Overton park , which ushered in the concept of judicial review on the record of an informal rulemaking proceeding .

  15. 制度包括正式规则、非正式规则和实施机制,虽然正式规则可以在短时间改变,但非正式规则和实施机制的改进则是渐进的。

    The formal rules , informal rules and implementation mechanism are included in the system , the formal rules can be changed in a short time , but informal rules and implementation mechanism are progressive .

  16. 周雪光文章与强世功文章的共同之处是关注治理而非改革或体制变迁,既关注正式规则也关注非正式规则,关注做法多于关注文本。

    Common features of the articles by Xueguang Zhou and Jiang Shigong include attention to governance rather than reform or regime change , to informal as well as formal rules , and to practice over texts .

  17. 第二,与“莫比尔石油”案一样,复审法院有时把规则发回重审,指示行政机关在某些争议问题上应准许盘问,即使程序通常受《行政程序法》的非正式规则制定条款的制约。

    Second , as in Mobil oil , reviewing courts sometimes remanded rules with instructions that the agency allow cross-examination on particular issues , even though the proceeding was generally governed by the apa 's informal rulemaking provisions .

  18. 本文运用诺斯的制度变迁理论作为全文的分析工具,从非正式规则、正式规则、实施机制三个层面展开全文,具有新颖性,而且分析工具贯穿全文,得出的结论具有针对性。

    This paper uses the theory of Institutional change as research tool to analyze from the angel of informal rules , formal rules and enforcement system , which is fresh . The conclusion from the thesis is pointed .

  19. 现在,要为参加这个俱乐部和拥有一个中央银行而出代价了。通常会产生一系列关于其它银行运作的非正式规则。

    Now , there 's a price to pay to be in the club , to have a central banker , and that is usually there is a set of sort of informal rules grow up about the behaviour of the other banks .

  20. 然后,在制度构成的正式规则非正式规则运行机制分析框架下,分析制度是如何对公司债券融资发展产生重大影响的,由此得到本研究的理论基础。

    Then , this paper analysed how institution affects the development of corporate bonds based on the analytical frame of institution composing , which is " formal rules informal rule implementation mechanism " . It is the theory base of the whole study .

  21. 行政潜规则是指行政活动中客观存在的,符合或不符合(甚至对抗)行政伦理的、行政行为参与各方自觉或不自觉遵循的非正式规则,是行政伦理文化的表现形式之一。

    The latent rules of administration practice are informal rules which objectively exist in administrative behavior , conform to or do not conform to ( even confront ) administrative ethics , and are followed by administrative participators in a conscious or unconscious manner , and represent administrative ethic culture .

  22. 通过对相关历史片断的考察可以发现,社团处罚这些国家法之外的非正式规则在实际中起着重要的秩序调控作用,社团本身也均与国家形成某种程度的合作。

    With the interview of relevant historical segments , we can find out that informal rule outside state law such as association penalty play an important role of regulating social order in real life , and the association itself also can form a kind of cooperation with the state .

  23. 我国转型期社会群体中的非正式行为规则分析

    On Unofficial Codes of Social Groups in Our Country 's Present Transitional Period

  24. 最后,非正式的规则制定记录本质上不同于法官一直审查的审判记录。

    Finally , an informal rulemaking record is fundamentally different from the adjudicative records that judges have traditionally reviewed .

  25. “奥弗顿公园”案的裁定审查应根据“行政记录”进行很快发展得涵盖了非正式的规则制定案件。

    The Overton Park holding that review would take place on an " administrative record " was soon extended to informal rulemaking cases .

  26. 小型团体中,只要参与者具有一定的耐心,依靠非正式的规则就可以理性地实现难以移植到大型群体的利他主义合作;

    As long as the actors bear definite patience , small teams can realize altruism cooperation by informal regulation which can 't be replanted into big colony ;

  27. 即使行政机关是从事依据《行政程序法》规定的非正式的规则制定,仍要求机关“在通过的规则中包括一个简要的关于其规则基础和目的的综合说明。”

    Even when the agency is engaged in informal rulemaking under the apa , it is required to " incorporate in the rules adopted a concise general statement of their basis and purpose . "

  28. 我国众多行业中由于制度上缺失,人们在相互交往中自发形成了许多非正式的规则,在商业交易中同样存在着许多潜规则,这其中影响最为恶劣的就是商业贿赂。

    Our country in the multitudinous profession because system flaw , people in the mutual interactions spontaneously formed many informal rules , in business there is the same in many hidden rules , which influence the most is commercial bribery .

  29. 若把乡规民约看作一种土生土长于乡村的非正式性规则制度,而国家法律当作一种外来的正式性制度,则可发现二者存在着某种契合,具有互补之作用。

    If the rural rules were considered to be a type of informal rule system that is locally born and bred in the countryside while national laws are regarded as a type of foreign and formal system , it is two which are complementary .

  30. 制度是规则的集合,是一系列正式约束和非正式约束组成的规则网络。

    Institution is the regulation aggregation , is a series of the regulation network that are composed of formal constraint and informal constraint .