
  • 网络non-profit medical organization
  1. 非营利性医疗机构营运分析混沌的非线性控制

    Nonprofit Medical Treatment Organization Operation Analysis Nonlinear Control of Chaos

  2. 非营利性医疗机构国有资产的监督与管理

    Supervisal and management of state property of nonprofit medical organization

  3. 公立非营利性医疗机构补偿机制初探

    A primary research on compensation mechanism for public non-profits seeking medical organizations

  4. 公立非营利性医疗机构分配制度改革研究

    An investigation on reforming distribution system within public non - profit medical institutions

  5. 非营利性医疗机构在医疗服务体系中占主导地位。

    Unprofitable ones will occupy a predominant position in the medical service system .

  6. 建立非营利性医疗机构等级服务体系构想

    Study on Establishing A Multi - layer Health Services System of Non - profit Hospitals

  7. 政府财政对非营利性医疗机构的税收优惠政策还将继续存在。

    Government finance on a non-profit medical institutions preferential tax policies will continue to exist .

  8. 基于集中招标采购的非营利性医疗机构药品采购的制度安排和机制设计随着市场环境的变化而愈发显现出其缺陷。

    The institution and mechanism of non-profit hospital drug bidding and purchasing system manifested its defects .

  9. 某省营利性与非营利性医疗机构存在问题的比较及监管对策

    Comparisons of Problems Existing in Profit and Non-profit Medical Institutions in a Province and Its Countermeasures

  10. 但是许多医疗机构却通过申请为非营利性医疗机构来赚取大量利润。

    But many health care organizations have adopted to apply for non-profit medical institutions to earn large profits .

  11. 政府对非营利性医疗机构补偿不足,已严重影响了医院的发展。

    The government lacks of enough Compensation for non - profit hospitals , which influenced the development of hospitals Seriously .

  12. 国有资产的管理部门围绕资产产权登记管理法规对非营利性医疗机构的国有资产的使用和经营进行监督和管理。

    State property administrant department must depend on law of property right register to supervise use and management of state property .

  13. 目前,我国将医疗机构进行分类管理,将现有的医疗机构分为营利性和非营利性医疗机构两种。

    At present , the medical organizations in China are classified to two sorts : for profits and not for profits .

  14. 结果:对于对外承包科室及医疗器械消毒规范情况,营利性与非营利性医疗机构之间均存在有统计学差异;

    There were statistical differences for departments contracted with external persons and disinfection of medical apparatuses between profit and non-profit medical institution .

  15. “行政审批程序复杂”和“公立医院垄断了市场”制约了民间资本举办非营利性医疗机构;

    The complex official supervision procedure and monopoly of public hospitals are two major obstacles which limits the access of private capital .

  16. 医疗保险与医疗服务体系间良性互动关系的构建非营利性医疗机构在医疗服务体系中占主导地位。

    Establishing Harmonious Mutual-action Relationship Between Medical Insurance Organization and Hospital ; Unprofitable ones will occupy a predominant position in the medical service system .

  17. 第三部分阐述了非营利性医疗机构的战略制定与战略实施,包括第四章的内容。

    The third part explains the strategy of the nonprofit medical treatment organization establishes and puts strategy into practice including contents of chapter four .

  18. 调查结果发现仍有部分非营利性医疗机构违规经营,存在不少的问题。

    Aiming at these problems , the provincial audit department conducted the audit investigation of lease-and contract situation of medical resources of non-profit hospital .

  19. 作为非营利性医疗机构的公立医院,在形式上采用了非营利性机构的税收、价格等政策主要行使政府公益性职能。

    As the non - advantage medical public hospital , their policy and tax revenue , price has mainly played the role of government public welfare function .

  20. 而如何在激烈的市场环境中取得优势,树立品牌效应,就成了非营利性医疗机构所要面临的重要问题之一。

    And how to gain advantage in a competitive market environment , establish a brand , has become one of the important issues facing non-profit medical institutions .

  21. 对公立非营利性医疗机构进行适度的补偿,是促使其扩大再生产的有效途径,也是保持其可持续发展的重要手段。

    Appropriate compensation is a valid way for public non-profits seeking medical organizations to reproduce on an extended scale , also an important means of sustainable development .

  22. 借鉴国际经验,提出了4种社会资金进入非营利性医疗机构的办法(1)基金会发放债券;

    Based on the international experiences , four kinds of social financing methods for non for profit hospitals have been suggested as follow : 1.Bonds granted by foundation ;

  23. 政府加大对西部县医院政策支持力度,落实和完善公立医疗机构的政府补助政策。对县级政府办的非营利性医疗机构以定项补助为主,由同级财政予以安排。

    Government should implement and improve the public medical institutions subsidy policy to increase support for the western county hospital , the county level non-profit medical institutions should be given subsidies mainly by the corresponding financial arrangements .

  24. 第二部分阐述了非营利性医疗机构的战略分析,即非营利性医疗机构的内外环境分析,包括第二章、第三章的内容。

    The second part expatiated the strategy analysis of the nonprofit medical treatment organization which is the outside environment and the inside environment analysis of the nonprofit medical treatment organization , including the chapter two and chapter three .

  25. 随着社会的发展和医学环境的变化,医院面临危机的种类越来越多,发生危机的机率也越来越高,军队医院作为非营利性医疗机构也同样存在着各种各样的危机因素。

    Along with the development of society and the change of medical environment , hospital will be in the face of more and more sorts of crisis and the increasing frequencies of crisis . As the nonprofit institution , Military hospitals have kinds of the crisis too .

  26. 营利性和非营利性牙科医疗机构的局部调查采用多源多时相遥感数据融合技术进行区域滑坡灾害调查,可节约大量人力物力,同时满足了大面积综合调查和灾害体高分辨率局部调查的要求。

    Based on the merging technique of multiple-source and multiple-time RS images , The regional investigation of landslide could save a large number of labor forces and material resources , at the same time , it satisfied the vast-area synthetical investigation and high-resolution local investigation to single hazard .

  27. 我国现在大多数医疗服务机构是非营利性医疗服务机构,但是在对医疗服务市场改革的过程中,没有充分意识到医疗服务的公共品性质,使得医疗服务市场走上了盲目市场化。

    China is now the majority of health care institutions are non-profit medical services , medical services , but in the process of market reform , medical services not fully aware of the nature of public goods , making the health care market embarked on a blind market .

  28. 我国的非营利性医院是医疗机构的主体,肩负着维护民众生命健康的重任,代替政府行使向人们提供医疗公共物品的职能。

    China 's non-profit hospital , the main body of medical organ , burdens the mission of preserving our people 's health , and supplying medical public goods for people instead of the government .