
fāng biàn
  • convenient;help;handy;fit;go to the lavatory;spend a penny;have money to spare or lend
方便 [fāng biàn]
  • [go to the lavatory] 婉辞。大小便

  • (1) [convenient]∶便利的

  • 商店设立在对群众方便的地点

  • (2) [fit]∶适宜的

  • 这儿说话不方便

  • (3) [have money to spare or lend]∶有富余的钱

  • 这几天手头不方便

  • (4) [help]∶帮忙,照顾

  • 望周全方便

方便[fāng biàn]
  1. 在城镇骑自行车常常比开车更方便。

    A bicycle is often more convenient than a car in towns .

  2. 用信用卡付款非常方便。

    It is very convenient to pay by credit card .

  3. 为方便顾客我们备有座位。

    We have provided seats for the convenience of our customers .

  4. 所有相关记录都在手边,用起来很方便。

    All the relevant records are easily available ready to hand .

  5. 为方便残疾人的出入修建了坡道。

    Ramps have been built to ease access for the disabled .

  6. 我们两点钟见面,你方便吗?

    If we met at 2 , would that suit you ?

  7. 把电话号码表放在电话旁边,方便查找。

    Keep the list of numbers near the phone for easy reference .

  8. 这家旅馆位于中心地带,去往所有主要景点都很方便。

    The hotel is centrally located for all major attractions .

  9. 学校这么近真是太方便了。

    It was a great convenience to have the school so near .

  10. 你能不能在你方便时给我来个电话,安排见一次面?

    Can you telephone me at your convenience to arrange a meeting ?

  11. 它具有既方便又便宜的双重优点。

    It has the double advantage of being both easy and cheap .

  12. 离了我那辆汽车真是不方便。

    I was really up the creek without my car .

  13. 在方便的时候我会回电话的。

    I 'll call back at a more convenient time .

  14. 所有的原料都可以方便地从你当地的商店买到。

    All ingredients are readily available from your local store .

  15. 门窗不牢靠方便了窃贼。

    Insecure doors and windows make life easy for burglars .

  16. 这座城市乘坐公共汽车很方便,与干线公路的联接也很发达。

    The town is well served with buses and major road links .

  17. 那家旅馆坐落在海滩附近,非常方便。

    The hotel is conveniently situated close to the beach .

  18. 我多次接受采访,已给了报界许多方便。

    I have accommodated the press a great deal , giving numerous interviews .

  19. 方便的话,我可以明天过来。

    If it 's convenient I can come tomorrow .

  20. 我们把见面时间改改吧——星期一我不方便。

    Can we change our meeting ─ Monday isn 't good for me .

  21. 我只好在树丛后面方便了一下。

    I had to relieve myself behind a bush .

  22. 那家小餐馆提供价格低廉、方便快捷的自助餐。

    The cafe provides quick self-service at low prices .

  23. 欢迎残疾人士参观,坐轮椅可以方便地到达多数设施。

    Disabled visitors are welcome ; there is good wheelchair access to most facilities .

  24. 网上购物既便宜又方便。

    Online shopping is both cheap and convenient .

  25. 开车可以方便地到达博物馆。

    The museum is easily accessible by car .

  26. 办事处所处的位置很方便,离总站仅有几分钟的路。

    The offices are conveniently located just a few minutes from the main station .

  27. 这桌子可折叠起来方便存放。

    The table collapses for easy storage .

  28. 这家旅馆既舒适又方便。

    The hotel combines comfort with convenience .

  29. 我得去方便一下。

    I need to take a biobreak .

  30. 为了方便起见,我们把讨论分成两部分。

    For the sake of simplicity , let 's divide the discussion into two parts .