
  • 网络solving equation
  1. 方程求根法计算热电偶测量温度

    The Method of Solving Equation for Thermocouple Measuring Temperature

  2. 超越方程求根的MonteCarlo方法

    Monte Carlo method for finding roots of a transcendental equation

  3. 改进的Euler方法应用于非线性方程求根

    Improved Euler Method for Solving Roots of Nonlinear Equation

  4. 单变量函数方程求根的一种新型Newton迭代法

    A New Type of Globally Convergent Iterative Newton Method for Solving Functional Equations of one Variable

  5. 对著名的方程求根Aitken加速方法作了三个方面的讨论:(1)Aitken加速方法可作一般化处理;

    The famous Aitken accelerated method of root evaluation in equation is discussed in three respects in this article : 1 . Aitken accelerated method is able to be dealt with generally .

  6. 关于非线性方程求根的几点注记

    Notes on the Solution of Non linear Equations in One Variable

  7. 复变特征方程求根的系统逼近程序

    Successive Approximation Procedure for Calculating Eigenvalues of the Complex Characteristic Equation

  8. 代数方程求根的一个新的数值解法

    A new numerical method for extracting the roots of algebraic equations

  9. 一种适用于状态方程求根的高阶收敛迭代算法

    A higher-order convergence iteration algorithm suited to equations of state

  10. 非线性方程求根简单迭代法的一种改进

    Improvement of Simple Repetitive Process on Nonlinear Equation of Extracting a Root

  11. 改进的竞选算法在方程求根中的应用

    The Application of Improved Election Campaign Algorithm in Solving Equations

  12. 一种非线性方程求根的新算法

    A New Algorithm of Searching Root of Nonlinear Equation

  13. 基于遗传算法的方程求根算法的设计和实现

    Design and implementation of genetic algorithm for finding roots of complex functional equation

  14. 微粒群优化算法及其在复杂化学方程求根中的应用

    Particle swarm optimization algorithm and its application in extracting roots of complicated chemical equations

  15. 多项式稳定性判据对代数方程求根的应用及其数值试验

    Application of the criterion of polynomial stability to finding the roots of an algebraic equation and its numerical test

  16. 本文提出了对复变特征方程求根的一种系统逼近程序。

    In this paper , a successive approximation procedure for calculating eigenvalues of the complex characteristic equation is proposed .

  17. 进一步讨论了弦割法,给出了弦割法的一般形式,相信在方程求根的近似计算中有着重要的作用。

    In this paper , the chord secant method is further studied , and then some general forms of chord secant method are obtained .

  18. 方程求根问题是数值分析中的主要问题之一,通常的解决办法是先选择一个合适的算法,再用计算机语言编程求解,耗时又较难掌握。

    The common solution of extracting a root of equation , one of the major problems of numerical analysis , is to select a proper algorithm , then seek solution by computer language program , which wastes time and is hard to handle .

  19. 多项式插值最简单,是整个数值逼近的基础,可被广泛用于处理方程求根、函数逼近、数值微分、数值积分和微分方程数值解等问题。

    Polynomial interpolation is the simplest interpolation , which is the basis of whole numerical approximation . It can be widely used in dealing with finding roots of equations , function approximation , numerical differentiation , numerical integration and numerical solution of differential equations and so on .

  20. 这是用MATLAB实现方程的求根问题,有贝努力法等十几种算法,具体的代码都已给出。

    This is achieved using MATLAB problems finding roots of equations , there are a dozen Bernoulli law algorithms have been given a specific code .

  21. 用IFC公式将汽轮机热力计算转化为描述水蒸汽热力性质的非线性方程迭代求根计算,从而得到快关时的气动载荷。

    Using the IFC formulae the calculations of turbine thermodynamics were transformed into the iteration solution of the nonlinear equations describing the properties of the steam thermodynamics , and thermodynamic loads of the " fast closing " were obtained .

  22. 方程迭代求根加速收敛的算法研究

    Algorithm Research on Acceleration Convergence of Equation Iterative Extracting a Root

  23. 拐点和一元三次方程的求根公式

    Inflection Point and the Formula of Extracting Roots on Cubic Equation

  24. 交换代数中二次方程的求根公式

    Real Coefficient Quadratic Equations Formula of Root on Real Commutative Algebra

  25. 非线性代数方程组求根新算法

    New algorithm on finding roots of systems of nonlinear algebraic equations

  26. 二元非线性方程组求根的牛顿迭代法

    Newton 's method for the nonlinear function of two independent variables

  27. 五次方程的求根公式及其收敛性

    Calculating Formulas and Convergence of Roots for Equation of 5 - th Order

  28. 方程的求根公式和根的展开式及其算法

    The formula of finding roots and expansion of roots of an equation and algorithm of calculating roots

  29. 利用一元二次方程的求根公式构造二元二次方程组的迭代算法,通过图解二元二次方程组的解来说明迭代算法在实践中的应用。

    In this paper , the author gives the formula of roots of a quadric equation over a field of2 k elements and presents the problem .

  30. 根据这种关系,可以用方程迭代求根方法中的增值寻根法和对分法,使网格边界正交化。

    Based on this relation , boundary orthogonalization can be achieved by the search method of stepwise extension and the bisection algorithm with iterative methods in solving equations .