
  1. 137个公约缔约方派代表出席了会议。

    The session was attended by137 Parties to the Convention .

  2. 你方将派工程师来监督设备的安装和试车工作吗?

    Will you send an engineer to supervise the erection and start-up of the equipment ?

  3. 而库尔德方和逊尼派的部长们已经抵制支持抗议者们的内阁会议。

    And both Kurdish and Sunni ministers have boycotted Cabinet meetings in support of the protesters .

  4. 此外,我们希望贵方注意合同系按FOB转运港上海的条款签订的,因此,你方有责任按时派船至装运港。

    Moreover , we wish to invite your attention to the fact that the Contract is concluded on FOB Shanghai basis ; therefore , your responsibility is to dispatch the vessel to the loading port in due course .

  5. 我是强尼方亭的朋友派来的。

    I was sent by a friend of Johnny fontane .

  6. 你方可不可以派一个熟悉通关手续的员工来帮忙我们共同完成通关手续呢?

    Would you please assign someone who is familiar with the clearing procedure to work it out together with us ?

  7. 方东树是桐城派重要的古文家、诗论家,也是清代中后期的一位理学家。

    Fang Dong Shu , an important author of the classical Chinese Article and poetic theory as well as a Neo-Confucian in the middle and late Qing Dynasty .

  8. 鉴于我们之间的业务联系得到稳定发展,为了使我方在美国西北地区的业务得到更快、更好的发展,我方需要在洛杉矶派任常驻代表。

    As our relations have grown steadily , to develop our business in Northwest America faster and better , we need to place a full-time representative in Los Angeles .