
  • 网络Love and hope;Love Hope
  1. 在爱与希望中轻旋。

    In the love and hope reels .

  2. 每位勇士牺牲的背后,又是爱与希望。

    What ` s behind each warrior ` s death is , again , love and hope .

  3. 整封信洋溢着爱与希望,他要她坚强,给了她鼓励与忠告。

    It was full of love and encouragement and admonishments to be strong .

  4. 我从爱与希望出发,年纪轻轻就仓促结婚,却极少谈论婚姻的真相。

    I married young and quick , from a place of love and hope , but without a lot of discussion over what the realities of marriage would mean .

  5. “你破坏了爱的传统与希望的诺言”

    " You broke the traditions of love and oaths of desire . "

  6. 据一项来自加拿大的新研究表明,网上约会给女士们带来了重新开始爱与性的希望,但可能正如现实生活中约会场景一样令她们失望。

    Online dating renews women 's hope in love and sex , but can be just as disappointing as the real-life dating scene , according to new Canadian research .

  7. 第二章结合她的小说作品,从苦难与爱、死亡与希望两个方面展现迟子建小说温情叙事的主要内容,并着力凸显苦难和死亡中的温情之光。

    In Chapter 2 , combining with her novel works , I will show the contents of relating leniently with tender sentiments from the two aspects : suffering and love ; death and hope ; and highlight the tender sentiments in suffering and death .

  8. 但是作者坡在死亡背后仍然渴望着爱与生命,他希望死亡可以超越生命,这就是他死亡的真谛。

    However , from his death , readers can also feel a thirst of love and life . That is what Poe gives to his theme . He wants to love and to be loved .