
  • 网络Aiyama
  1. “仁者爱山”,是山的厚重,山的奉献;

    " Benevolent love Mountain " is a mountain of thick , Hill dedication ;

  2. 我爱山,溪水,树林、一切本质的东西就像我爱我快乐的童年。

    I love mountains , brooks , woods and all of the nature things just as I love my happy childhood .

  3. 我爱这座山,因为它终年宁静地坐落在那里,注视着我。

    Pendle Hill was beautiful . I loved Pendle Hill because it sat quietly all year and watched me .

  4. 南京人爱去栖霞山,他们摘些树叶放在书里或做一些漂亮的书签。

    And People in Nanjing like to the Qixia Mountain , they put some leaves in the book or make a nice bookmark .

  5. 我最爱看太阳落山时的景象。

    I love to see the sun when the picture .

  6. 他大多数时间继续待在靠海边的城镇里,但是最爱的地方是山上,所以他经常在夜幕降临时,让自己置身于群山深邃的宁静中。

    Most of His ministry was carried on in the towns and cities by the seashore , but He loved the hills the best , and oftentimes when night fell He would plunge into their peaceful depths .