
  • 网络the flame of love;The Flame is Love
  1. 相爱简单,但让爱的火焰持续燃烧却难。

    It is easy to fell in love but difficult to keep the flames of love burning .

  2. 祢是吞食我的爱的火焰。

    You are the fire of love that consumes me .

  3. 因为在你的眼中,我看见爱的火焰在熊熊燃烧。

    Cause in your eyes , I see a love that burns eternally .

  4. 又或者爱的火焰已经随着时间的流逝而燃烧待尽?

    Or has time put out the flame ?

  5. 告诉他:爱的火焰仍在燃烧;

    Show Him the Romantic Flame Still Burns ;

  6. 告诉他:爱的火焰仍在燃烧

    Show Him the Romantic Flame Still Burns

  7. 请在我内增添圣爱的火焰,并请派遣你神圣的天使来煽起这爱火,好让我的心灵雀跃欢腾,并使我的奉献结出丰盛的果实。

    Send your holy angels to fan the flames of this love , that it may enrapture my heart and make my consecration fruitful .

  8. 越来越多的接触,产生爱的火焰,我们携手了,彼此真诚的身对方说,我爱你!

    More and more contact , produce loving flames , we held hands , the body the other party of each other sincerity say , and I love you !

  9. 在无礼的干扰下,人们知道,美丽能刺激嫉妒的技巧,扇起非法之爱的火焰。

    Beauty is well known to draw after it the persecutions of impertinence , to incite the artifices of envy , and to raise the flames of unlawful love . ( No.111 )

  10. 爱是生命的火焰,没有它,一切将变得黑暗。

    Love is the flame of life , without it , everything in life becomes gloomy .

  11. 爱像永恒的火焰,一旦点燃,便燃烧不止。

    Love is like an eternal flame , once it is lit , it will continue to burn for all time .

  12. 痛楚如沸水,饱含我对你的爱,爱的火焰将其蒸发殆尽。

    Pain like a boil about to burst with my love for you , consumed by fire with my love for you , I remember what you said to me .

  13. 分离对于相爱的人正犹如风吹向火苗,熄灭了爱的火花却点燃了爱的火焰。

    What parting is to love what wind is to fire , which blows out sparkles but up flames .

  14. 祷告是上帝爱的阳光,祷告是永恒的快乐的盼望,祷告是上帝给你我的爱的燃烧的火焰。

    Prayer is the sunshine of God 's love , prayer is hope of eternal happiness , prayer is the burning flame of God 's love for you and for me .