
  • 网络green salad
  1. 所谓绿色沙拉指的是只有绿色的蔬菜,如莴苣和黄瓜等凉拌生菜。

    A green salad has only green vegetables , such as lettuce and cucumber .

  2. 你想要哪一种,绿色沙拉还是西红柿沙拉?

    Which would you like , green salad or tomato salad ?

  3. 上帝说:“尝尝我的绿色沙拉。”

    So God said ," Try my fresh green salad . "

  4. 新鲜的蕨类像欧芹一样的叶子,作为鸡肉、小牛肉、煎蛋卷、绿色沙拉和菠菜的装饰。

    Fresh ferny parsley-like leaves used as a garnish with chicken and veal and omelets and green salads and spinach .

  5. 撒有低脂奶酪的绿色沙拉、煮熟的鸡蛋和几片火鸡胜于通心粉沙拉。

    A green salad sprinkled with low-fat cheese , a hardboiled egg and some sliced turkey wins over a pasta salad .

  6. 因此上帝说,“试试我的新鲜绿色沙拉。”而撒旦却在边上呈现了千岛酱,油炸面包小块和蒜茸土司面包。

    So God said ," try my fresh green salad . " and Satan presented Thousand-Island dressing , buttery croutons and garlic toast on the side .

  7. 我想吃炸鸡和绿色的沙拉。野餐时,我们吃炸鸡和熟玉米。

    I want a fried chicken and a green salad . At our picnic we has fried chicken and roasting ears .

  8. 新鲜的蕨类叶子和绿色种子,在沙拉和凉蔬菜中用作装饰;干种子用在糖果和烈酒中。

    Fresh ferny leaves and green seeds used as garnish in salads and cold vegetables ; dried seeds used in confectionery and liqueurs .