
  • 网络Green Orange
  1. 琼中绿橙生长的最适宜生态区位于海南省中部山区的琼中黎族苗族自治县,绿橙的种植已成为该县最重要的经济支柱产业之一。

    Qiongzhong green orange grows in Qiongzhong Li and Miao Autonomous County which located in the mountain area of middle part of Hainan Province , planting of green orange is the most important economic pillar of the county now .

  2. 绿橙表面缺陷的计算机视觉分级技术

    Determination of Surface Defects of Green Orange Based on Computer Vision

  3. 应用计算机视觉研究了绿橙表面缺陷的分级检测技术。

    The grade identification technology of surface defects of green orange based on computer vision was studied .

  4. 本文应用计算机视觉技术研究了绿橙的表面缺陷及大小尺寸的检测方法。

    This article studied the detection method of green orange surface defect and the size , which based on the computer vision technology .

  5. 结果表明,该方法对绿橙的4个质量等级的正确分级率分别是97.44%,91.49%,91.78%和95.12%。

    The result indicated that the accuracies of four quality grades of green orange were 97.44 % , 91.49 % , 91.78 % and 95.12 % respectively .

  6. 本文从绿色意识呼唤绿橙、绿色生态滋养绿橙、绿色科技打造绿橙、绿色消费青睐绿橙等方面论述琼中绿橙开发的相关问题。

    This article discusses the exploitation of green oranges in Qiongzhong county in such aspects as green awareness , green ecology , green science and technology and green consumption .

  7. (加入了对改变界面颜色方案的支持:现可用蓝,绿,橙,红,紫,灰六种。)

    Added support for changing the GUI color scheme ( now available are Blue , Green , Orange , Red , Purple , Grey ) .

  8. 此外,诸如绿、黄橙、蓝灰等色亦可。

    In addition , such as green , yellow , blue , orange color such as ash .

  9. 它们均具有绿、黄、橙到红色波长连续可调的荧光发射,高荧光量子产率,窄荧光峰半高宽,高光学稳定性和pH环境稳定性,以及低细胞毒性等优点。

    Their emission can be tuned from green , yellow , orange till red . Meantime , these two quantum dots have many merits such as high fluorescence quantum yield , narrow full width of half maximum of fluorescence peak , high photo-and pH-stability and low cytotoxicity .

  10. 通过考察影响因素,能够稳定地得到荧光量子产率在40%左右的绿、黄、橙和红色荧光的高质量CdTe量子点。

    The influencing factors on the CdTe QDs synthesis have been investigated , and the high quality CdTe QDs with green , yellow , orange and red fluorescence have been obtained , whose fluorescence quantum yields were up to 40 % .

  11. 我们也要其他颜色如绿,粉,橙等。

    We also need other colors such as green , pink , orange , etc.