
lǜ bǎo shí
  • emerald;beryl
绿宝石[lǜ bǎo shí]
  1. 在DD眼前,正躺着一个巨大的、闪闪发光的绿宝石,跟地图上画的一模一样。

    Because lying before DD 's eyes , was a giant , sparkly emerald , which looked exactly as the one on the map .

  2. 绿宝石晶体自旋二重态对基态能级的影响及Jahn-Teller效应

    Effects of Spin Doublets on the Ground-state Energy Levels and Jahn-Teller Effects in Emerald crystal

  3. 王冠上镶嵌着稀世珍宝——有钻石、红宝石、绿宝石。

    The crown was set with precious jewels ─ diamonds , rubies and emeralds .

  4. 她局促不安地摸抚着脖子上的绿宝石。

    Self-consciously she fingered the emeralds at her throat .

  5. 他送给她很多绿宝石和裘皮大衣。

    He showered her with emeralds and furs

  6. 她脖子上戴着一串绿宝石。

    She wore a string of turquoise round her neck .

  7. 王冠上镶嵌着稀世珍宝—有钻石、红宝石、绿宝石。

    The crown was set with precious jewels — diamonds , rubies and emeralds .

  8. 金绿宝石中的Ga含量达1600×10-6,说明它是又一载Ga矿物。

    Ga content is 1600 × 10 ~ ( - 6 ) on average , showing that chrysoberyl is another important mineral rich in Ga.

  9. 研究了常温(20℃)与冷藏(0℃)条件下不同浓度1-MCP处理对绿宝石梨采后贮藏品质及保鲜效果的影响。

    The research was carried out to determine the effects of1-MCP treatment on post-harvest quality and fresh-keeping of lubaoshi pear stored at20 ℃ and0 ℃ respectively .

  10. 目的通过动物模型C57小鼠及人头皮的激光脱毛实验,探讨长脉冲翠绿宝石激光的脱毛机制。

    Objective To investigate the effect and pathogenesis of long pulsed alexandrite laser on hair removal .

  11. 利用该程序研究了红宝石晶体与绿宝石晶体的EPR参量与光谱精细结构,理论与实验符合甚好。

    Utilizing the CDM / EPR program , the EPR parameters and fine spectra for Ruby and Emerald have been investigated . The theoretical results are in good agreement with the experimental findings .

  12. 在他后面的墙上,你发现了关于Oliver财宝搜寻的文字:“上面写着你需要放一颗绿宝石在他的箱子来开始搜寻”。

    On the wall behind him , you find letters carved in the wall about Oliver 's treasure hunt and that you need to put an emerald in his chest to start the hunt .

  13. 对24块世界主要产地的金绿宝石和变石进行X荧光能谱分析,得到其所含的主要微量元素分别是Fe、Ga、Ti和Fe、Cr、Ti。

    Twenty four chrysoberyl and alexandrite samples from the major deposits all over the world were studi - ed qualitatively by XRF and the trace elements in chrysoberyl were gotten mainly to be Fe , Ga , Ti , in alexandrite to be Fe , Cr , Ti .

  14. 在三年的约会之后,演员亚当•舒尔曼在2011年11月下旬用Kwiat的一个绿宝石切割钻石戒指向女友安妮海瑟薇求婚了。的订婚戒指是一对的一类片,定制舒尔曼。

    Anne Hathaway and Adam ShulmanAfter three years of dating , actor Adam Shulman proposed to girlfriend Anne Hathaway in late November of 2011 with an emerald-cut diamond ring by Kwiat .

  15. 在绿宝石的两边各镶着砖石。

    On each side of the emerald there 's a diamond .

  16. 同心轮有关的元素是绿宝石的绿色。

    The color associated with the heart chakra is emerald green .

  17. 高功率巨脉冲输出可调谐金绿宝石激光器及其倍频研究

    High power tunable alexandrite laser with giant pulse output and its SHG

  18. 祁连绿宝石及其成矿作用初步研究

    Primary Study on the Qilian Green Gem and its Mineralization

  19. 一种绿色的金绿宝石,用作宝石。

    A green variety of chrysoberyl used as a gemstone .

  20. 第二件是一个绿宝石戒指,价值连城。

    The second piece is emerald ring , it 's very valuable .

  21. 绿宝石单车鞋的鳍让萝卜变绿了!

    MoC : Turquoise bicycle shoe fins actualize radishes greenly !

  22. 给我看看那个绿宝石和银的痕迹。

    I need to see that turquoise and silver trace .

  23. 有乳白宝石、绿宝石,它们都散失在芜菁的根部旁边。

    Opals and emeralds , they lie about the roots of turnips .

  24. 小芥:他的眼睛是不是很像绿宝石?

    Michico : Don 't you think his eyes are like Beryl ?

  25. 那是为什么美好绿宝石是很可贵。

    That is why fine emeralds are so valuable .

  26. 金绿宝石及其变种&变石和猫眼石

    Chrysoberyl and Its Variety-Variable Stones & Cat 's Eye

  27. 变色纺织品及其应用金绿宝石和变石的呈色机理

    Color - Changing Fabric and Its Application Mechanism of Chrysoberyl and Alexandrite Color

  28. 将绿宝石变为头骨,蓝宝石变为红宝石。

    Turns Green Gems into Skulls . Turns Blue Gems into Red Gems .

  29. 长脉冲翠绿宝石激光永久性脱毛疗效分析

    Retrospective analysis of efficacy on permanent hair removal by long pulsed Alexandrite laser

  30. 请问红宝石和绿宝石中您更喜欢哪个?

    Which attracts you more , may I ask , ruby or emerald ?