- 网络eclogite facies

The eclogite facies stage which is high-pressure facies ;
As the early coexisting mineral of eclogite facies , the occurrence of these mineral indicates that the eclogites in this district underwent ultrahigh pressure metamorphism .
The petrological and geochemical characteristics of the eclogite face metamorphic palaeo-ocean crust ( serpentite , type C eclogite and basic mylonite ) have been studied with electron-probe and other methods .
Eclogite-facies ophiolite melange in qingdao : its petrological evidence and P-T path
Radioactive isotope ~ ( 87 ) Sr / ~ ( 86 ) Sr initialized average value is 0.7048 , and ε Nd value is - 5.3 , which show magma come of enriched mantle , and assimilated by the lower melt compositions from the eclogite face mafic rocks .
And the late one is high-pressure greenschist facies to eclogite facies metamorphism .
Characteristics of eclogite face metamorphic palaeo-ocean crust from Qingdao and its genesis significance
On the eclogite facies metamorphism in the Dabie Mountains
Based on the melt-mineral equilibrium thermodynamics , it is believed that the adakitic magma originated by partial .
The petrology of ultrahigh-pressure eclogite-facies rocks in the proximity of Shima , Taihu County , Anhui Province , China ;
The studied results show that different secondary changes occurred in fluid inclusions of various rocks and no primary inclusion has been found .
In fact , the Western Alps and the North Apennine are in the same belt , but in Western Alps eclogitic metamorphism is widely spread .
These sequences underwent low-temperature and high-pressure blueschist to eclogite facies metamorphism during the Indosinian ( c. 230 Ma ) collision between the North China and Yangtze cratons .
Therefore , the magmas were the product of low partial melting of mafic eclogite at the base of the thickened crust , and their magma sources were affected by fluids .
Magmas of alkali-rich porphyries originated near the bottom ( about 55 km in depth ) of the thickened crust in western Yunnan ; the source rocks may be those of eclogite phase ;
Ultrahigh-pressure eclogite-facies rocks in the proximity of Shima , Taihu County in the Dabie mountain are divided into two different types : ( 1 ) silica-saturated rocks , represented by coesite-bearing eclogite ( retrograded );
With increasing p T conditions , the subducting slab passes through the high pressure to ultrahigh pressure eclogite facies transition where large amount of H 2O are released by the breakdown of hydrous minerals .
Mineral assemblages and substitute relations show that both the Neoproterozoic granitic gneisses and Precambrian metamorphic rock series suffered early eclogite-facies metamorphism and late amphibolite-facies retrograde metamorphism , and then suffered the post-collision partial melting and migmatization .
The petrographical data of the deep seated xenoliths indicate that they could be subjected to earlier eclogite facies high pressure ( HP ) and ultra high pressure metamorphism ( UHPM ) and late amphibolite facies retrogressive metamorphism , then caught by the host magma .
The ultra-high pressure metamorphic belt in the southern part of the Dabie Mountains is mainly distributed in the subducted basement of the Yangtze plate ( the Dabie Group ) and composed of eclogite with small amounts of ultramafic and jadeite-quartzite blocks and their country rocks .
The metamorphism of the Susong Complex is intermediate between that of the southern glaucophane greenschist facies belt and that of the northern eclogite facies belt , three of which represent the products of the different subduction depths of the Yangtze plate under the North China plate .
Hydrous eclogite - facies veins cutting through the host blueschists / eclogites in the western Tianshan high-pressure-low-temperature metamorphic belt documented a dehydration process within a Paleozoic subduction zone .