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  • grenade;high explosive shell
榴弹 [liú dàn]
  • [high explosive shell] 装填高级炸药且装药空腔较大的炮弹,这种弹在穿过薄防护装甲后才爆炸

榴弹[liú dàn]
  1. 他们带着火箭推进榴弹发射器、AK-47和防空机枪(加入义军)。

    They took rocket-propelled grenade launchers , AK-47s and anti-aircraft guns .

  2. 这是一位装备相对较好的反抗军战士,他配有护甲、头盔,以及一具在全世界冲突中都可以见到的RPG或火箭助推榴弹发射器。

    A relatively well-equipped rebel fighter since he looks to have some kind of body armour , helmet and that staple of conflicts the world over , an RPG or rocket-propelled grenade launcher .

  3. 每一个案例中,劫机者都用了假手榴弹吓唬机组人员。

    In each case the hijackers bluffed the crew using fake grenades

  4. VB6.0在榴弹CAD系统研制中的应用

    Application of VB6.0 in Development of the Shrapnel CAD System

  5. 高爆反坦克(HEAT)弹可用于大多数自行火炮和榴弹炮管,他们有更好的穿透性。

    High Explosive Anti-Tank ( HEAT ) Shells can be used on most SPG-class and tank howitzer guns and they carry a higher penetration value than HE .

  6. 两者都很有效,你还可以用大量升级的榴弹兵来增长EMP的时间。

    Both work great although you can keep the EMP up constantly with multiple upgraded grenadiers .

  7. 本文通过分析影响地炮榴弹威力的因素,确定榴弹破片质量q、破片数N,破片飞散角α、破片飞散方位角(?)

    This paper analyses the factors that affect thc power of the ground artillery fragmentation ammunition so as to define fragment scattering angle α, fragment scattering azimuth angle (?) * α n !

  8. 借助VB可视化的用户界面设计功能,把榴弹各个不同功能模块很好地集成起来,提高了榴弹CAD系统的使用性能。

    With the help of VB program and the function of visual user interface , the various modules of functions are assembled to improve the conveniency of Shrapnel CAD System .

  9. 假如循环使用游戏技能的话,升级了EMP手雷的榴弹兵能够让史诗单位一直瘫痪。

    Grenadiers with EMP Grenades can keep an Epic Unit EMP'ed almost constantly when several are used in a cycle .

  10. 现在R1和的R4步枪上我们进行了枪榴弹的开发工作。

    We now have working Rifle grenades in HE and FRAG for both the R1 and R4 Rifles .

  11. 商业内幕报道,7月ISIS已经从一个撤退的伊拉克军队那里缴获55个美国M198榴弹炮。

    Business Insider reported in July that ISIS had seized 55 American M198 Howitzers from a fleeing Iraqi army .

  12. 以25mm口径榴弹引信系统为研究对象,采用有限元结构分析软件ADINA进行系统的弹塑性动力分析。

    Dynamic stress analysis of projectile / fuze system is studied making use of the sofeware package ADINA .

  13. 该榴弹CAD软件具有以下一些功能模块:计算弹丸质量、极转动惯量等构造特征数,计算内、外弹道特性,计算气动力,威力等。

    The software package have some functions as follows : calculating the shrapnel 's diagnostic parameters such as the mass and the pole moment of inertia , the inner and outer ballistic characteristic , the aerodynamic force and power , and so on .

  14. 分析了榴弹涂敷隐身材料的强度要求,根据要求设计粘合胶强度、RAM的厚度和密度等参数,并进行实验验证。

    The adhesion strength of stealth RAM is analyzed . According to the adhesion strength , thickness and density of stealth RAM , the simulated bullet is designed . All of these are proved by test .

  15. 本文以某型牵引榴弹炮为雏型,基于Pareto最优化概念,研究火炮总体结构多目标优化设计。

    The Generalized Pareto Distribution This thesis mainly researches the multi-objective optimal design of artillery global structure based on the concept of Pareto-optimum , the research objective is based on a sort of towed howitzer .

  16. 在2005年北京国际航空博览会期间,中国北方工业总公司(NORINCO)展示了最新的PLZ05155毫米自行榴弹炮模型。

    During the2005 Beijing International Aviation Expo , NORINCO revealed a model of its latest PLZ05155mm self-propelled gun-howitzer .

  17. 介绍了ADAMS应用软件,探讨了多体动力学基础理论和建模方法,并应用ADAMS软件平台建立车载榴弹炮的多体系统动力学模型。

    Fourthly , ADAMS package is introduced , including the employed theoretical background of multi-body system dynamics and modeling method . Based on platform of ADAMS , the multi-body dynamics model is constructed for the vehicle mounted howitzer .

  18. NBC上周宣布威廉姆斯无薪停职半年,此前他承认自己曾误称在2003年伊拉克战争期间,他所乘的直升机被一枚火箭推进榴弹击中。

    NBC this week suspended Mr Williams for six months without pay after he admitted that he had mistakenly claimed to be aboard a helicopter struck by a rocket-propelled grenade in 2003 during the Iraq war .

  19. 中国SH-1是一种为外销市场由中国北方工业总公司(NORINCO)发展的155毫米自行榴弹炮。

    The SH-1 is a155mm self-propelled howitzer developed by China North Industries Group Corporation ( NORINCO ) for the export market .

  20. 一般考虑中国北方工业总公司(NORINCO)正在发展它的PLZ45155毫米自行榴弹炮一种改进型,在1990年早期内被首次介绍。

    It was speculated that NORINCO was developing an improved variant of its PLZ45155mm self-propelled gun-howitzer , which was first introduced in the early1990s .

  21. 不像标准的QBZ95突击步枪,ARC95不能够增加使用一具榴弹发射器。

    Unlike the standard QBZ95 assault rifle , the ARC95 cannot be attached with a grenade launcher .

  22. 榴弹发射器继续研发的项目编号是XM25,步木仓部分继续研发的项目编号改为XM8。

    Development of the grenade launcher is proceeding as the XM25 , while the rifle element was redesignated XM8 .

  23. QLZ87式和美国MK19-3型40毫米自动枪榴弹发射器相比,QLZ87式在射程、初速和射速方面较差。

    Compared to the U.S.MK19-340mm automatic grenade launcher , the QLZ87 is inferior in range , muzzle velocity , and rate of fire .

  24. 该文还以某榴弹炮的M14开槽管状装药为例,计算得其膛壁最高温度为1284K,单发磨损为17.9μm。

    As an example , the maximum wall temperature of 203 mm howitzer using M14 slotted stick propellant is 1284 K , the heat wear in single shot is 17 9 μ m.

  25. 威廉姆斯在他的新闻节目中表示,那名军士长曾在伊拉克的一次危险情况中保护了他。我们乘坐的直升机被一枚RPG击中,随后迫降,这里的RPG指的是火箭推进榴弹。

    Williams suggested on his newscast that the sergeant had protected him from a dangerous situation in Iraq , when the helicopter we were traveling in was forced down after being hit by an RPG , referring to a rocket-propelled grenade .

  26. 方法电引爆离地面7m高的榴弹,将36只绵羊布放于距爆心6~48m处,致伤时测量冲击波超压和破片速度,致伤后进行病理学观察。

    Methods A total of 36 sheep were distributed at the distance 6 to 48 m away from the explosive center and the shell was exploded electrically at 7 m above the earth . At the same time , the velocity of fragments and shock wave pressure were determined .

  27. 小口径榴弹定向杀伤技术的威力和分布均匀性

    Fragments ahead flighting lethality and distribution homogeneity for small caliber grenade

  28. 小口径榴弹局部改性控制破碎模拟试验研究

    Local modified and controlled fragmentation experimental study on small caliber grenades

  29. 冲压发动机增程榴弹绕流流场数值分析

    Numerical Analysis on Flow Field Characteristic of Ramjet Assisted Range Projectile

  30. 即使强大的武士也不是榴弹炮的对手。

    Even the mighty Samurai cannot stand up to the howitzers .