
  1. 离开领事馆前,请详细阅读有关资料。

    Please read it carefully before you leave the Consulate .

  2. 两个美丽的中国女孩在中国馆前。

    Two Beautiful Chinese Girls in front of China Pavilion .

  3. 类似的抗议活动还在沈阳总领事馆前举行。

    Similar protests were also staged outside the Japanese consulate general in Shenyang .

  4. 当你跑出来时,我正好在领事馆前.

    I was outside the consulate when you ran .

  5. 在利比亚大使馆前,埃及首都开罗街头也洋溢一片欢欣气氛。

    Spontaneous celebrations broke out in the streets around the Libyan embassy in Cairo .

  6. 国家医术馆前的喷泉

    Fountain in front of National Art Gallery .

  7. 他们在咖啡馆前闲逛。

    They idled before coffee shop .

  8. 离开领事馆前请把此简章交回保安员,谢谢合作。

    Please return this information sheet to the guard before you lease the consulate . thank you !

  9. 北京抗议者于周五齐聚日本大使馆前表示抗议。

    Protesters gathered on Friday in front of the Japanese embassy in Beijing , to voice their opposition .

  10. 首尔方面,一些抗议者在日本驻韩国大使馆前聚集,抗议东京的举措。

    In Seoul , protestors have gathered in front of the Japanese embassy , demonstrating against Tokyo 's move .

  11. 在荷兰的海牙的波兰大使馆前降下半旗的波兰国旗。

    The national flag of Poland was at half staff in front of the Polish embassy in The Hague , the Netherlands .

  12. 出纳员通常总要问一下将离去的顾客,是否在最后离馆前还有应交的电话费或饮食费。

    The cashiers usually ask departing guests if they have incurred any last-minute changes for the telephone or for food and beverage service .

  13. 在送往殡仪馆前,遇难者的遗体被银色袋子包裹好,整齐摆放在失事飞机一侧。

    Before escorting to the funeral parlor , victim 's remains are wrapped by the silver bag , places neatly in crashed aircraft one side .

  14. 申请者在五个能处理签证的美国领事馆前等待60天才能预约成功。

    Applicants here have waited as long as 60 days to secure an appointment at one of five U.S. consular locations in Chinathat process visas .

  15. 书面陈述中还记录了监控视频信息,有一个人将一辆面包车停在领事馆前并且把几个物体放在领事馆前门处。

    The affidavit cited surveillance videos that allegedly showed an individual parking a minivan in front of the consulate and placing objects near the front entrance .

  16. 我们不会忘记在美国驻汉城大使馆前集体祈祷的韩国小朋友们,以及那些在开罗的清真寺里深表同情的祈祷者。

    We will not forget South Korean children gathering to pray outside our Embassy in seoul , or the prayers of sympathy offered at a mosque in cairo .

  17. 基于此,就高校图书馆在网络环境下对新生进行入馆前教育应坚持的原则以及应采取的方法和措施等进行了深入的探讨。

    Based on this , this paper probes deeply into the principles , methods and measures that should be taken in the education before library entry of the new students .

  18. 论述了大学新生馆前教育的必要性,分析了馆前教育的具体内容,提出了当前馆前教育的几种新方式。

    This paper expounds the necessity of library entry education of freshmen , analyzes the contents of library entry education , and advances several new methods for the current library entry education .

  19. 由于最近世界杯正在举行,各国展馆相应增加了足球元素,我听说由于英国参展方将曼联当家球星鲁尼的蜡像放在了英国馆前,几乎所有是球迷的观众都往英国馆拥。

    Not surprisingly , football has become a new highlight in many venues . Someone came up with the smart idea of installing a wax figure of Wayne Rooney in the entrance of the UK Pavilion , which as you can imagine has made your pavilion even more popular .

  20. 新生入馆前教育是高校图书馆各项服务工作的重中之重,它直接影响着图书馆服务工作的质量和学生今后对学习的兴趣以及利用图书馆的能力。

    The education before library entry of the new students , which is a very important task of all services of university library , has direct influence on the quality of the service of the library and on students ' learning interest and the ability of utilizing the library .