
guǎn jì hù jiè
  • Interlibrary loan;interlending
馆际互借[guǎn jì hù jiè]
  1. 高校图书馆馆际互借员培养模式的探讨

    Discussion on the Cultivation Pattern of Interlending Librarians of University

  2. BorrowDirect:为馆际互借提速

    Borrow Direct : Increasing the Speed of Interlibrary Loan

  3. CALIS馆际互借系统的工作流程

    The Working Flow of CALIS ILL System

  4. 基于系统的BALIS返还式馆际互借服务研究

    A Study on BALIS Return-Style Interlibrary Loan Service Based on System

  5. BALIS馆际互借的实践与发展

    The Practice and Development for Interlibrary Loan of BALIS

  6. 基于虚拟联合目录的BALIS馆际互借新型应用与实践

    New Applications and Practices for BALIS ILL Based on the Virtual Union Catalog

  7. 文章阐述了大学城图书馆文献资源的建设应与CALIS有机结合,通过协调采购、联机合作编目、馆际互借、文献传递、参与特色数据库的建设等方式走整体化建设的发展道路。

    The article expounds that the construction of the information resources of libraries in university towns should be closely connected with CALIS , through the channels of collaborating purchasing , online cataloging , interlibrary loans , document deliveries , etc.

  8. 中国科学院馆际互借与文献传递服务体系建设

    The Building of CAS Interlibrary Loan and Documentation Delivery Service Architecture

  9. 国外图书馆界对馆际互借的研究非常活跃。

    Researches in interlibrary loan are very active in foreign countries .

  10. 网络环境下的馆际互借研究与展望

    Research and Prospect of Interlibrary Loan Service in the Networking Environment

  11. 直接借阅是一种全新的用户自主型模式的馆际互借服务。

    Borrow direct is a new pattern of user-initiated interlibrary loaning .

  12. 积极开展馆际互借、联合征订工作;

    Actively unfold inter-library loan and joint purchasing among different libraries ;

  13. 山东省高校图书馆馆际互借服务状况调查及对策

    Analysis of Investigation and Countermeasure Against the Service Status of Interlibrary Loan

  14. 我国馆际互借服务的现状与发展趋势

    The dissertation actuality and development trend of our country interlibrary loan service

  15. 试评《美国馆际互借法》(2001年修订本)

    On Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States ( revised 2001 )

  16. 网络时代馆际互借模式之研究

    Study on the interlibrary loan modle in the network era

  17. 中世纪已经有了馆际互借。

    Interlibrary lending was not unknown in the middle ages .

  18. 几种馆际互借协议之比较与探讨

    Comparison and discussions of several Interlibrary Loan protocol s

  19. 海南省高校图书馆馆际互借探讨

    On Interlibrary Loan in University Libraries in Hainan Province

  20. 从馆际互借到文献交流:不列颠图书馆文献提供服务中心的回顾与展望

    From Interlibrary Lending to Document Delivery : The British Library Document Supply Centre

  21. 清华大学图书馆馆际互借工作现状分析

    Analysis of the Present Situation of Interlibrary Loan Service of Tsinghua University Library

  22. 中西方图书馆馆际互借模式比较探讨

    Comparison and Discussion about Inter-Library Loan Models of Libraries in East and West

  23. 基于网络环境的我国馆际互借服务现状及发展分析

    The Interlibrary Loan s in the Computer Network Environment

  24. 馆际互借员开展文献传递服务应注意的几个问题

    Some Problems should be Paid Attention to for Librarians within Interlibrary Transfers Context

  25. 开放系统互连环境下馆际互借协议的国际标准

    Brief introduction of international standard on the interlibrary loan protocol in the OSI environment

  26. 馆际互借系统发展趋势研究

    The Trends of Interlibrary Loan Management Systems Development

  27. 馆际互借;网络环境;资源共享;分层分级管理;

    Interlibrary loan ; Network environment ; Resource sharing ; Management at different levels ;

  28. 馆际互借版权问题研究

    A Study for Copyright of Interlibrary Loan

  29. 资源共享:美国的馆际互借

    Resource Sharing : An Introduction to the Interlibrary Loan in the United States of America

  30. 建立务实、高效的馆际互借体系

    Establishing Efficient Borrowing System among Libraries