
  • 网络Professional Librarian
  1. 专业馆员制对于高校图书馆队伍建设的意义

    The significance of the system of professional librarians in the personnel construction in libraries

  2. 同时,引进外文法律数据库后,法律图书馆专业馆员等人力资源未配合到位,开设法律信息检索课程也未落实到位。

    Meanwhile , after introduction of foreign legal database , professional legal librarians and legal retrieval course are not in place .

  3. 规划设计强调人文与科技相结合,专业馆员参与及图书馆建筑专家的作用。

    Their planning and designing emphasize the mixture of humanity and technology , participation of professional librarians and the use of experts of library construction .

  4. 高校图书馆非图情专业馆员继续教育的探索高校图书馆要因馆制宜加快学科馆员建设&兼与李莉同志商榷

    Exploration on the Further Education of Non-Library and Information Science Librarians in University The University Library Must Construct the Discipline Librarian System on the Basis of Local Conditions & Discuss with Li Li

  5. 阐述了图书馆开展继续教育的必要性,探讨了如何对两大人群&非专业馆员和老馆员推进继续教育,并提出了具体的学习方案。

    This paper expounds the necessity of developing the continuous education , probes into how to promote the continuous education for the two multitudes , the non-professional librarians and old librarians , and puts forward some concrete leaning schemes .

  6. 专业服务馆员制度是提升图书馆服务功能的有效途径。

    Subject librarian service is an effective way to improve library service functions .

  7. 高职院校图书馆专业型馆员制度实施的必要性及措施

    The Necessity and Measures of Implementing the Professional Librarians System in Higher Vocational College 's Library

  8. 专业服务馆员模式探讨&以深圳职业技术学院图书馆为例

    Discussion on Service Model of Subject Librarians & A Case Study with the Shenzhen Polytechnic College Library

  9. 高职院校图书馆专业服务馆员制度的建构与人员素质

    The Established Model and Qualification of the Staff of Specialist Service Librarian System based on the Library of Polytechnic

  10. 网络环境下图书情报专业毕业的馆员的继续教育

    Continuing education of librarians and information personnel under the network environment

  11. 图书情报专业毕业的馆员需要更新知识结构,接受继续教育,做一名网络环境下的高水平新型馆员;

    To be a qualified librarian , those who graduated from library and information science need to renew their knowledge structure and receive continuing education .

  12. 由专业经验型馆员转变为学者型馆员,必须有自我发展的意识、多元化的知识结构、研究式学习方式、信息专家的技能且学会创造性反思。

    To transform from experienced-oriented to learner-oriented , librarians should possess self-developmental consciousness , multidimensional lore framework , investigation study style , information expert skills and creative reflection .

  13. 在图书馆职业资格证书制度已成为国内图书馆界热门话题之际,宜理清专业人员、参考馆员和学科馆员的联系与区别,讨论设置学科馆员的可能性与运作方式。

    When professional library qualification system remains a topical subject , the paper tells the connection and distinction of subject librarians with and from professional librarians and reference librarians and discusses the possibility of setting up the position of subject librarians in academic libraries .

  14. 摘要本文论述了网络环境下专业图书馆联机检索工作的基本特征和读者对信息需求的特点,探讨了专业图书馆计算机检索工作方式及发展趋势,以及专业图书馆馆员的素质要求。

    This paper discusses the on-line retrieval and the demand of the readers on Professional Library under network environment , probes into the working and development of the on-line retrieval of professional library , and expounds exile quality of the Librarians of professional library .