
  • 网络Professional Practice;internship
  1. PACS系统在医学影像专业实习教学的优势与思考

    Advantage and thought on use of PACS in professional practice teaching in medical imaging

  2. 基于Kano模型的专业实习教学质量满意度测评

    Satisfaction Evaluation of the Quality of Professional Practice Teaching Based on Kano Model

  3. 关于社会工作专业实习课程建设思考&以N学院社会工作专业为例

    Thinking about Construction of Social Work Professional Training Course & A Case Study of N College

  4. 金融学专业实习改革之我见

    My Humble Opinion about Reform in Professional Practice of Finance Specialty

  5. 社会体育专业实习实训教学模式的构建

    Construction of Practice and Training Teaching Modes for Social Sports Majors

  6. 高职临床医学专业实习与就业的探讨

    On Higher Vocational Clinical and Medical Students ' Internship and Employment

  7. 农学专业实习教学的改革与探索

    The Reform and Exploration on Practice Teaching of Agronomy Major Courses

  8. 电化教育专业实习与教育实习研究

    Study on the professional practice and teaching practice of audio-visual education

  9. 会计专业实习校内化实践研究

    Practice for Accounting Specialty Carried out within University : A Study

  10. 高职院校旅游与酒店管理专业实习管理问题分析及对策探索

    A Study on the Major Practice of Tourism and Hotel Management

  11. 广州地区社会工作专业实习学生满意度分析

    The Analysis of Social Work Students ' Internship Satisfaction in Guangzhou

  12. 印刷机械专业实习基地建设探讨

    The establishment of professional practice teaching center of printing mechanical engineering

  13. 构建完善的预备教师专业实习制度;

    To construct the sound system of specialty practice for probationary teachers ;

  14. 关于高职院校工商管理专业实习的思考

    Research on the practice of business administration major in higher vocational institutes

  15. 关于提高临床医学专业实习医师临床技能的改革与思考

    Innovation and reflection on improving clinical skills of medical interns

  16. 关于机械设计专业实习教学的实践与思考

    Some thoughts about the teaching practice of mechanical design major

  17. 医科院校社会工作专业实习机构建设探索

    The Explorations for Establishing Social Work Practice Institution in the Medical University

  18. 努力探索压力加工专业实习改革的新路子

    To explore new ways to practice reform in presswork major

  19. 如何提高麻醉专业实习医生的动脉穿刺技能

    How to improve the skill of artery cannulation in internships of anesthesiology

  20. 高职工学交替模式下酒店专业实习管理系统设计

    On Internship Management System for Hotel Service Majors in Work-study Alternation Program

  21. 多种形式下电子类专业实习效果的比较

    Comparison of the Practice Effects under Various Forms of Electronic Engineering Specialities

  22. 调整药学专业实习模式,培养社会急需人才

    Adjusting Practice Mode in Pharmaceutical Discipline , Cultivating Talents to Service Society

  23. 高职专业实习组织管理调查分析与研究&对广东农工商职业技术学院学生实习组织管理问题的调研思考

    An Investigation and Analysis of Practice Organizational Management of Higher Vocational Speciality

  24. 秘书专业实习教学研究

    A Study of the Practice Activity of the Secretary Major

  25. 工业分析专业实习过程中进行毕业设计的尝试

    Trying to Complete Graduation Project of Industrial Analysis Profession in Practice Process

  26. 环境科学专业实习基地评估体系的构建

    Construction of evaluation system for practice base of environmental science

  27. 高职专业实习实训基地建设之我见

    On Construction of Practical Bases for Higher Vocational Majors

  28. 会计专业实习是会计学专业教学活动中重要的环节,为弥补专业实习经费不足、提高专业实习的质量,我们将传统的校外会计专业实习校内化。

    Practice is an important step in teaching related activities for accounting specialty .

  29. 高校旅游专业实习工作之管见

    Opinion of the Practice of Tourism Students from College

  30. 社工专业实习中的超能与超权问题研究

    Problems beyond Capabilities and Powers of Social Work Students Encountered in Field Practice