
luó ji ɡuān xi
  • logical relationship;logical relation
  1. 序流程图,在分析、处理随机信号逻辑关系的基础上,提出了PLC的编程方法。

    After analyzing and processing the logical relationship of stochastic signal , the way of PLC program is put forward .

  2. Petri网擅长反映系统中的逻辑关系;

    Petri Net is good at reflecting systems ' logical relationship and suitable to conduct time .

  3. 这个句子有三层关系,比较、条件和结果,按这种逻辑关系翻译就十分省事。同今天地面城市里的居民相比,新洞穴里的居民如果在比较健康的生态环境中生活,会有更多的机会见到青枝绿叶。

    The chances are that the dwellers of the new caves would see more greenery , under ecologically healthier conditions , than dwellers of surface cities do today .

  4. 如果这种逻辑关系遭到攻击或破坏,将严重威胁结构化P2P网络的正常路由安全、或严重降低路由效率。

    It will seriously threaten the security and efficiency of P2P routing if the logic relations were destroyed .

  5. 本文从HDB3编码、译码的原理出发,首先将其用逻辑关系表达出来,然后用VHDL语言来加以描述。

    Based on the principle and its VHDL description of HDB3 , the circuit logic function is given .

  6. 阐述了HSE管理体系要素间的逻辑关系,剖析了HSE管理体系各要素在体系中的作用。

    This paper introduces the logical relations of the elements , and discusses about the roles of each element in HSE management system .

  7. 基于极大代数方法,描述一类具有排队现象的工作流图中AND和XOR的时间逻辑关系。

    Based on min-max systems theory , min-max algebra is used to capture both AND and XOR logic in workflow diagrams with queueing .

  8. 作为OCR进入自动化阶段的首要步骤,版面分析的正确性直接影响到系统输出结果的语义关系和逻辑关系。

    As the first step into the OCR automation phase , the accuracy of layout analysis directly affects the output of the semantic and logical relations .

  9. 研究了系统逻辑关系的Petri网表示,基于Petri网的建模方法,采用Petri网模型求系统最小割集的自顶向下法。

    The Petri net is employed to model the logical relation and to get the minimal cut sets and the minimal path sets of the system 's event , a top-to-down algorithm for this purpose is got .

  10. XML(EXtensibleMarkupLanguage,可扩展标记语言)为网络传输提供了一种便捷有效的数据格式,它是一种自描述的标记语言,能提供统一的数据说明方式,可以描述任意数据逻辑关系。

    Extensible Markup Language ( XML ) provides a convenient and effective data format for data transmission on the Internet . It is a self-describing markup language , which provides a uniform way to describe data as well as its logic relation .

  11. 此类结构中的V主要是单音节动词,而VP的形式则灵活多样,V和VP只有肯定形式,没有否定形式,V和VP之间是一种假设的逻辑关系。

    V is mainly monosyllabic verb , but the VP has flexible and diverse forms , V jiu VP only has certain forms , there is no negative form , there is a logical relationship that is assumptions between V and VP .

  12. 另外,论文结合各监测类型的影响因素和监测数据,基于MicrosoftAccess2007对某地铁施工监测数据库进行基本模型的设计,对数据库的功能、数据表及其逻辑关系、数据库的简要运行模块进行主要介绍。

    In addition , it mainly analyzes the function of database , data tables , logical relationship and operation modules on the basis of the design of a metro construction monitoring database model by Microsoft Access 2007 , combined with monitoring data and its influencing factors .

  13. 针对高速通信信道的误码检测,在传统串行CRC的产生和校验的基础上,推导和建立了并行8位CRC的逻辑关系,并在FPGA上编程实现。

    With the aim at error-code check of high speed communication channel , based on generation and detection of traditional serial CRC , logical circuit for 8-bit parallel CRC is deduced and set up , and the system in FPGA is realized .

  14. 然后,分析了这两个模型的内部逻辑关系和各自存在的问题,提出改进方案,使得这两个模型的输入和输出都符合气动执行阀粘滞特性的物理特性和ISA标准。

    After analyzing the two models and their logic problems , this thesis proposed improved method , which can make the two models consistent with the physical properties of the pneumatic actuator valve with stiction properties and ISA standards . 2 .

  15. 系统详细设计则深入系统内部,通过细化功能,业务关系与逻辑关系的联系进行设计,系统详细设计包括:RFID节点网络研究,短信平台详细设计,数据库设计。(4)功能的实现。

    System design is deep within the system detailed , through detailed function , business relationship and the logical connection design , detailed design system including : RFID node network research , sms platform the detailed design , database design . ( 4 ) the realization of the function of .

  16. 阐明了增量调制丁类放大器的编码信号及其逻辑关系,最后指出了利用关闭律可以同时抑制间隙零码和间隙躁声,从而提高了CDA的性能。

    In the final of the paper , it was pointed out that using closure law , the gap zero yards and the gap noise can be prohibited at the same time , so as to improve the properties of the CDA .

  17. 应用安全系统工程理论对煤矿人因事故发生原因进行了详细分析与探讨,建立了煤矿生产系统人因事故形成逻辑关系图、煤矿人因事故发生原因的FTA逻辑模型图;

    The article analyzes and discusses in detail the causes of accidents due to human factor in coal mine by applying theories of safety system engineering and establishes accident forming logic model chart of coal mine production system and FTA mode chart of coal mine accidents ' causes .

  18. 同时运用进度控制理论,针对新疆软交换项目的特点,提出了PDCA动态控制的方法和流程,应用调整工作逻辑关系等进度控制方法,得到了进度控制的成果。

    The use of the progress of control theory , for Xinjiang soft switching characteristics of the project , proposed a the PDCA dynamic control methods and processes , application of adjustment of the logical relationship progress control method to control the outcome of the progress .

  19. 通过对工作流管理系统(WfMS)功能组成的定义和分析,建立了基于复合三元组的工作流管理系统模型,并对WfMS组成部分相互之间的逻辑关系进行了分析和分类。

    In this paper , the model of workflow management system ( WfMS ) based on the compound triple form was setup by defining and analyzing the function components , which constructed the WfMS . The logical relationship among the components was analyzed and sorted .

  20. 为了准确描述离散事件控制系统对象之间的逻辑关系和编写控制程序,提出了一种基于规则的语言&逻辑规则描述语言(LRDL)。

    In order to exactly describe logic relations among objects of discrete event control systems and write programs , a rule-based language , Logic Rule Description Language ( LRDL ) is put forward .

  21. 该算法与传统的基于AOV图的算法相比,明显降低了算法的复杂度,且使用二叉树描述梯形图的逻辑关系具有通用性,可用于复杂梯形图的转换。

    Compared with the traditional algorithm based on AOV diagraph , the presented algorithm significantly reduces the complexity of the algorithm . In addition , it can be used for the complex ladder conversion because it describes the logic relations between instructions in the ladder program with binary trees .

  22. 复合模糊命题的弱逻辑关系及其运算方法

    The Feeble Logic of the Compound Fuzzy Proposition and Its Algorithm

  23. 太极拳的起源与中国古代性文化的逻辑关系

    Logical Relationship between Origin of TaiJiquan and Chinese Ancient Sexual Culture

  24. 面向用户的工作逻辑关系确定

    On working A User-oriented approach for deriving the relation between activities

  25. 对系统模型有明确逻辑关系的数学描述,做到灵活性与扩充性的统一;

    System models have explicit logical relation to mathematic description .

  26. 浅析定语从句与其主句的逻辑关系

    On the Logical Relationship Between the Main Clause and Its Attribute Clause

  27. 此外,从逻辑关系来看,主从投射占绝大多数。

    In terms of logical relationship , hypotactic projection accounts vast majority .

  28. 具有逻辑关系的多性能状态指标综合分析方法

    An Integrated Analysis on the Performance of the Logical Relation State Indicators

  29. 论表达自由与政治转型的基本逻辑关系

    The logical Relationship Between Political Transition and Freedom of Speech

  30. 基于泛逻辑学的逻辑关系柔性化研究

    Research on Flexibility of Logic Relation Based on Universal Logics