
yè méi
  • header
  1. 在WORD中页眉和页脚的设置技巧与实现

    Setup and implement the header and footer of document in the word

  2. “日期页眉”web部件在您的数字仪表板顶部显示当前日期。

    The date header web part displays the current date at the top of your digital dashboard .

  3. 页面模式可以显示页眉、页脚、脚注和页码。

    Page Mode shows headers , footers , footnotes and page numbers .

  4. 为web页创建共享的页眉、页脚或边框。

    Creates shared headers , footers , or borders for your web pages .

  5. Word域在页眉页脚中的应用

    Application of Word Field in Setting Page Header and Footer

  6. 清单4提供了page元素中包含的页眉和页脚工具栏的示例。

    Listing 4 provides an example of both header and footer toolbars included within a page element .

  7. 要在页眉或页脚文本框中另起一行,请按enter。

    To start a new line in a header or footer text box , press enter .

  8. 如果Web页面具有独特的样式,可以在页面页眉的元素内定义样式规则。

    If a Web page has unique styles , you can define style rules within the element of the page 's header .

  9. 在基于Web的应用程序中,可重用组件的常见格式是页眉、页脚、导航栏等。

    Some of the common forms of reusable components in a Web-based application are Header , footer , Navigational bar , and so on .

  10. 要加入页眉的url。

    URL of header to include .

  11. 第一个的名称是pagetitle,允许您重写页眉的值。

    The first one , with the name of page_title , allows you to override the value for the header of the page .

  12. 在下面的过程中,您将在页眉模板和项模板中放置label控件。

    In the following procedure , you will put label controls in the header template and the item template .

  13. 在删除分组级别时,如果组页眉或组页脚中有分组字段,则access将把该字段移到报表的“主体”节中。

    When you delete a grouping level , if the grouping field was in the group header or footer , access moves it to the report 's detail section .

  14. 本文利用插入Word域的方法,解决了在文档的不同部分设置不同的页眉和页脚的问题。

    This paper mainly solves the problem of how to set different page headers and page footers in different parts of the document by inserting the word field .

  15. 如果access确定在该页眉之后没有足够的空间至少打印一行数据,则该组将从下一页开始。

    If access determines that there is not enough room for at least one row of data to be printed after the header , the group begins on the following page .

  16. 顾名思义,header标签用于将HTML页面的一部分标记为页眉。

    As the name suggests , the header tag is intended to mark a section of the HTML page as the header .

  17. 通过单击该编辑器页眉区域的ShowinTeamOrganization链接,她可以了解其团队如何适应总体团队组织结构,从而确定与其他团队的协作方式。

    She can find how her team fits into the overall team organization and thus find her way to other teams by clicking the Show in Team Organization link in the editor 's header area .

  18. ExtendedDataTable&将使用页眉对标准JSFdatatable进行扩展,允许进行按列排序。

    Extended DataTable & This extends the standard JSF datatable with a header , which allows for sorting by column .

  19. 我们将那个单一的HTML文件分割成小段,然后将标准的IBM页眉和页脚添加到每个小段中。

    We then took that single HTML file , broke it into small pieces , and added the standard IBM header and footer to each small piece .

  20. 教程的页眉和页脚是由样板生成的,并且面板主体中的大多数标记实际上等同于它们的HTML对应标记。

    The header and footer of the tutorial are generated by boilerplate , and most of the tags in the body of the panel are virtually identical to their HTML counterparts .

  21. 用户可以选择以检视原始的RFC文件,或者隐匿,每一页的页眉和页脚。

    Users can select to view original RFC document , or to hide each page 's header and footer .

  22. 可以将XFDL文件本身包括在JSP页面内以便保留导航按钮、页眉和页脚。

    You can include the XFDL file itself in the JSP page to maintain your navigation buttons , header , and footer .

  23. GridView的默认属性是隐藏的页眉和页脚时没有行被绑定到它。

    The default property of the GridView is to hide the header and footer when no rows are bound to it .

  24. 例如,清单2显示了如何使用div标签创建一个只包含页眉、内容区域和页脚的简单页面。

    For example , Listing 2 shows how you can use div tags to create a simple page with a header , content area , and footer .

  25. 若要删除页眉或页脚的一部分,请在页眉或页脚文本框中选中要删除的部分,然后按delete或backspace。

    To delete a portion of a header or footer , select the portion that you want to delete in the header or footer text box , and then press Delete or backspace .

  26. 指明所有页面在下列四个div元素之一中维护其内容:一个div用于页眉,一个用于页脚,一个用于导航,一个用于内容。

    Dictate that all pages maintain their content in one of four div elements : a div for the header , one for the footer , one for navigation , and one for content .

  27. 要将工具栏定义为页眉或页脚,您可以使用data-role属性。

    To define a toolbar as a header or footer , you use the data-role attribute .

  28. Dojo控件是根据页面页眉所示的模板(在我们的例子中为“noir”)设置样式的;正常的系统字体和按钮图形表示Dojo没有运行。

    Dojo controls are styled according to a template ( in our case " noir ") as shown in the page header ; a normal system font and button shape would indicate that Dojo is not running .

  29. 每个页面必须将页眉和页脚包含在特定目录中(或对SSI包含进行更改以指向包含文件所在的正确目录)。

    Every page must include a header and footer , and be in a certain directory ( or make changes to the SSI includes to point to the right directory where the included files live ) .

  30. 然而,RTF的微软实现却规定脚注、注释、页眉和页脚(在本章的后边将有叙述)不会继承其之前文本的格式。

    However , Microsoft implementations of RTF assume that the footnote , annotation , header , and footer groups ( described later in this chapter ) do not inherit the formatting of the preceding text .