
yè yán yóu
  • shale oil
  1. 页岩油组成的研究Ⅲ.页岩油350°C馏分结构参数的计算

    Research on shale oil composition ⅲ . structural parameters calculation of fraction ( 350 ℃) of shale oil

  2. 抚顺页岩油组分分析和喹啉在NiW/γ-Al2O3催化剂上的加氢脱氮研究

    Composition Analysis of Fushun Shale Oil and Hydrodenitrogenation of Quinoline over NiW / γ - Al_2O_3 Catalysts

  3. 这些可能持续存在的因素,如页岩油的增长,都表明油价“持续走低”的可能性。

    These   likely   persistent   forces ,   like   the   growth   of   shale    oil ,   point   to   a   " low   for   long "   scenario .

  4. 三大能源机构近期表示,今年石油输出国组织(OrganizationofthePetroleumExportingCountries,简称:欧佩克)以外国家的原油产量将增加,其中大部分来自美国的页岩油。

    Three leading energy agencies recently said production from outside the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries would increase this year , much of it from U.S. shale .

  5. 吡啶及页岩油轻油含氮化合物对MoSa催化剂活性的影响

    The poisoning effect of pyridine and the " nitrogen comfounds " separated from diesel fraction of shale oil on the catalytic activity of mos_2

  6. 中海油一直在积极投资北美的非传统油气储量,过去一年,该公司已与美国俄克拉荷马州的chesapeakeenergy签订两笔数十亿美元的页岩油协议。

    CNOOC has been investing aggressively in unconventional oil and gas deposits in North America , signing two multibillion-dollar shale oil deals with Chesapeake energy of Oklahoma during the past year .

  7. 这些GDP和就业机会并非直接由页岩油行业创造,甚至不是整个能源行业,而是该行业给地方经济带来的乘数效应所产生的。

    Not all that money and jobs come directly from the shale oil industry or even the energy industry as a whole but instead derive from the multiplier effect the industry has on local economies .

  8. 美国最大的页岩油开发商依欧格资源公司(EOGResources)本周表示,如果油价稳定在每桶65美元左右,该公司会重启北达科他州和德克萨斯州的水力压裂井。

    EOG Resources , the largest US shale producer , said this week that it would resume fracking wells in North Dakota and Texas if prices stabilise around $ 65 a barrel .

  9. 中海油在去年10月曾与chesapeake达成一宗类似协议,入股德克萨斯州的一个页岩油气项目。

    CNOOC did a similar deal with Chesapeake in October for a stake in a shale oil and gas project in Texas .

  10. 自去年6月以来,油价基准布伦特(Brent)原油价格已下跌逾一半,至每桶不到58美元,这正危及美国一些页岩油生产的经济前景。

    The benchmark Brent crude price has more than halved since June to under $ 58 per barrel and now threatens the economic viability of some US shale production .

  11. 由于中国和欧洲的增长前景变糟,需求减少的状况将持续数年,而美国页岩油产量的迅速提高以及石油输出国组织(Opec)产量的居高不下已造成供应增加。

    Lower demand will persist for years , thanks to the weakening outlook for China and Europe , while supply has been expanded by booming US shale production and stubbornly high Opec production .

  12. 今明两年美国石油产量将出现增长,尽管自去年6月中旬以来油价下跌了60%,并且欧佩克(OPEC)实行了旨在遏制北美页岩油繁荣的政策。

    US oil production will increase this year and next despite the 60 per cent slide in oil prices since mid-June and an Opec policy designed to rein in the North American shale boom .

  13. 美国页岩油的稳定出产也对油轮市场造成巨大影响,根据经纪公司ClarksonResearchServices的数据,美国原油海运进口量自2006年来下跌43%,仅今年就下跌9%。

    Relentless production from US shale oilfields has also had a transformational impact on the tanker market . US seaborne crude imports are down 43 per cent since 2006 and have fallen 9 per cent this year alone , according to Clarkson Research Services , the broking firm .

  14. 管理着4亿美元资产的基金公司AISGroup的首席投资长赫梅尔(JohnHummel)称,全球所有新原油资源的开采成本都较高。他预计到2015年美国页岩油产量将下降。

    John Hummel , chief investment officer for AIS Group , a fund manager with $ 400 million under management , said all the new sources of global oil are expensive to extract , and he sees U.S. shale output falling by 2015 .

  15. 以苯作为评价MoS2催化剂活性的原料,试验了吡啶及页岩油轻油含氮化合物对催化剂活性的影响。

    Using pure benzene as raw material for the evaluation of catalytic activity of MoS_2 , the study of the poisoning effect of pyridine and the " nitrogen compounds " separated from diesel fraction of Shale oil on MoS_2 catalyst was carried out .

  16. 在实现页岩油加氢工艺中高温、高压下压力数据监测及无线传输的同时,使用串行接口将WSN与压力控制系统互联,实现了页岩油加氢工艺中压力的自动控制。

    When this article implements the pressure data monitoring and wireless communication on the state of high pressure in the shale oil hydrogenation process , uses the serial interface to bind the WSN and pressure controlling system , which implements the automatic control of pressure .

  17. 埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)首席执行官表示,世界应该适应一个油价相对疲弱的时期,而美国页岩油生产的适应力超过许多人此前的预期。

    The world should settle in for a period of relatively weak oil prices , the chief executive of ExxonMobil has said , with US shale production more resilient than many people had expected .

  18. 沙特大幅减产的细节在石油输出国组织(OPEC)在维也纳开会前夕得以公布。这与水力压裂释放大量页岩油和页岩气所带来的美国能源产量飙升形成对比。

    The sharp fall in Saudi production , details of which were published ahead of a meeting in Vienna of the Opec oil cartel , contrasts with surging US energy output as hydraulic fracturing or fracking have unlocked vast quantities of shale oil and gas .

  19. 对页岩油的生产采取扶植政策;

    Policy should be promulgated to foster the production of shale ;

  20. 一种改善页岩油柴油馏分安定性的组合工艺

    A Combined Process to Improve Stability of Shale Oil Diesel Fraction

  21. 同时适宜的粒度可以适当提高页岩油的产率。

    Moreover , oil yield can be increased using appropriate particle size .

  22. 页岩油工业固体废弃物农业利用试验研究

    An experimental study on agricultural utilization of shale oil industrial solid waste

  23. 络合法分离页岩油中的含氮化合物

    Separation of nitrogen compounds from shale oil by complexation method

  24. 页岩油剩余瓦斯发电后尾气的合理利用

    Rational using the tail gas after the surplus gas generating of shale oil

  25. 抚顺页岩油重油及残油的烃族组成

    The hydrocarbon constituents in heavy distillate and residue of Fushun crude shale oil

  26. 页岩油工业固体废物堆置场环境的植林修复

    Environmental remediation for the shale oil industrial solid wastes dumping area through forestation

  27. 多亏了科技,页岩油生产商一直在降低他们的生产成本。

    The shale producers keep lowering their costs of production thanks to technology .

  28. 不同产地页岩油的组成分析

    Analysis of composition of shale oils from different places

  29. 减少页岩油制喷雾炭黑筛余物的工程技术途径

    Technical approaches to reducting sieve residue of spraying carbon black from shale oil

  30. 色谱法从页岩油分离非烃

    Separation of non-hydrocarbons from shale oil by chromatographic method