- 网络page frame

A page frame is a constituent of main memory , and hence it is a storage area .
It is important to distinguish a page from a page frame ; the former is just a block of data , which may be stored in any page frame or on disk .
The paging unit thinks of all RAM as partitioned into fixed-length page frames ( sometimes referred to as physical pages ) .
This paging algorithm determines which virtual memory pages currently in RAM ultimately have their page frames brought back to the free list .
It is also important to note that Windows allows page frames to be shared between processes , for example for DLLs , which are often used by several applications at once .
VMM also maintains what is referred to as a free list , which is defined as unallocated page frames .
The virtual memory pages whose page frames are to be reassigned are selected using the VMM 's page replacement algorithm .
At the same time , VMM maintains a free list of unallocated page frames , which are used to satisfy page faults .
Let 's discuss one important change in AIX5L with respect to page frames .
The VMM has a page-replacement algorithm , which assigns the page frames and determines exactly which virtual-memory pages currently in RAM will have their page frames brought back to the free list .
VMM is constantly lurking and working in the background trying to steal frames that have not been recently referenced , using the page replacement algorithm I discussed earlier .
There are usually a very small amount of unallocated pages ( which you configure ) that the VMM uses to free up space and reassign the page frames to .
We consider the approach of hiding the network communication cost in this thesis .
The page allocator , which is the manager of all the pages , allocates and frees physical pages .
It is the job of the virtual memory system to extend this into software , and to hold extra page-frame mappings .
Committed : Memory that can be accessed by the program and is fully backed , which means that page frames have been allocated for it in the paging file .
Because the page replacement algorithm is always looking for free frames while it is doing its scanning on systems with a lot of memory , the number of frames to scan can be significant .
The memory node should not only respond the operation of memory page accessing of the user node , but also automatically analyze the pattern of the user node during their accessing , predict the sequential operation , and push the potential needed memory pages to the user node actively .
The contents of this Album consists of 13 chapters with about 260 pages in 12 mo de luxe edition involving 500 photos with Chinese-English captions .
This allows the same page to be stored in a page frame , then saved to disk and later reloaded in a different page frame .
Physical storage is also organized into equal-sized units , most commonly known as page frames .
An operating-system data structure called the page table maps the virtual pages accessed by applications to real page frames in main memory .