
yè biǎo
  • page table
  1. POWERHypervisor使用全局分区页表执行虚拟内存管理,并管理分区尝试访问超出其分配限制之外的内存的请求。

    The POWER Hypervisor performs virtual memory management using a global partition page table , and manages any attempt by a partition to access memory outside its allocated limit .

  2. Hypervisor可以访问整个内存空间,并且通过全局分区页表来维护分配给分区的内存。

    The hypervisor has access to the entire memory space , and maintains the memory allocated to partitions through a global partition page table .

  3. 为了支持客户物理地址到主机物理地址的转换,系统维护了一组影子页表(shadowpagetable)。

    A set of shadow page tables is maintained to support the translation from guest physical addresses to host physical addresses .

  4. 虚拟机管理程序维护了一些影子页表,以便将Guest物理地址转换为主机物理地址。

    The hypervisor maintained shadow page tables to translate guest physical addresses into host physical addresses .

  5. Intel和AMD都通过添加二维页表来解决这个问题,Intel称之为

    Intel and AMD solved this issue through the addition of two-dimensional page tables called

  6. 最后一种方法是为L1虚拟机管理程序虚拟化这个二维页表。

    The final method virtualizes the two-dimensional page tables for the L1 hypervisor .

  7. 这会要求捕获页表的变化,以便虚拟机管理程序能够管理CPU中的物理表。

    All of this required trapping changes to the page tables so that the hypervisor could manage the physical tables in the CPU .

  8. Hypervisor使用全局分区页表将虚拟地址转换为系统范围的物理地址。

    The hypervisor converts a virtual address to a system-wide physical address using the global partition page tables .

  9. Write还可以自动创建索引和内容页表,并将内容(照片、图例、表格、电子表格片段)插入和合并到您的文档中。

    Write also provides the ability to automatically create indexes and table of contents pages , and to insert and merge content ( photos , illustrations , tables , spreadsheet fragments ) into your documents .

  10. 还有一些代码通过使用影子页表(shadowpage-table)和管理x86区段来提供内存映射。

    There 's code to provide the memory mapping through the use of shadow page-tables and management of x86 segments .

  11. 第二个方法是在L0管理的二维页表之上使用影子表。

    The second method uses shadow tables over the two-dimensional page tables , which are managed by L0 .

  12. 操作系统不能直接地访问这个Hypervisor资源,可以使用Hypervisor调用读取全局页表、或者向全局页表写入一个新的条目。

    The operating system cannot access this hypervisor resource directly , and uses hypervisor calls to read or write a new entry to the global page table .

  13. 在借助现代处理器中的页表协助之前,虚拟机管理程序会模仿内存管理单元(MMU)的行为。

    Prior to page table assists in modern processors , hypervisors emulated the behavior of the memory management unit ( MMU ) .

  14. 全局分区页表由不同分区的PMB到LMB的映射组成。

    The global partition page table consists of the mapping of PMBs to the LMBs of different partitions .

  15. 内存隐藏是指VMM有自己的一套页表,它可以对操作系统隐藏实际的物理地址。

    Hidden memory is about the VMM has its own set of page tables , it can hide the actual physical address of the operating system .

  16. 锁定TLB输入能确保对于给出区域的内存读取绝不会导致页表移动的掉失。

    Locking TLB entries can ensure that a memory access to a given region never incurs the penalty of a page table walk .

  17. 然而,不需要一次就给进程所有的页表分配RAM,当进程确实需要时再分配页表更加有效率。

    However , there is no need to allocate RAM for all Page Tables of a process at once ; it is more efficient to allocate RAM for a Page Table only when the process effectively needs it .

  18. 每项都指向一个更小目录的低级表,因此pgd就是一个页表目录。

    Each entry will be a pointer to a lower table of a smaller-sized directory , so the PGD is a directory of page tables .

  19. 为了防范这类攻击,提出利用页面不可执行的方法,重载页表项中User/Supervisor位的含义,用来表示可执行/不可执行状态,并在IA32处理器上,基于Linux内核实现了这种方法。

    In order to handle such attack , we present a method of non-executable page that overloads the meaning of the User / Supervisor bit in the ptes to mean the executable / non-executable status . We have implemented this method for IA-32 processors on Linux kernel .

  20. 在32位机器上页表通常只可以存储在低端内存中。

    Page-tables can normally be stored only in low memory on32-bit machines .

  21. 建立一个页表,把逻辑地址转换为物理地址。

    Set up a page table to translate logical to physical addresses .

  22. 一种硬件寄存器,其中保存有系统页表的物理地址。

    A hardware register containing the physical address of the system page table .

  23. 能允许的操作须指定使用与每个页表入口关联的控制位。

    Permitted operations are specified using control bits associated with each page table entry .

  24. 为了能同时对虚拟地址空间和他对应的页表都进行分页。

    So we can page the virtual address space AND page the page table .

  25. 最简单的分页表经常是维护一个帧表和一个页表。

    The simplest page table systems often maintain a frame table and a page table .

  26. 在高端内存中存储页表条目

    Storing page-table entries in high memory

  27. 虚拟存储系统中的一种页表,它用定长页和变长段对虚存进行控制。

    A page table in a virtual storage system that uses both fixed-length pages and variable-length segments .

  28. 操作系统有一种数据结构称为页表,将应用程序访问的虚拟页映射到主存中的实际页帧。

    An operating-system data structure called the page table maps the virtual pages accessed by applications to real page frames in main memory .

  29. 虚拟哈希页表(VHPT)是高性能微处理器系统实现虚拟地址到物理地址的转换映像,是存储管理的关键技术之一。

    Being a key technology in memory management , virtual hash page table is a mechanism for the virtual-to-physical address mapping in high performance microprocessor systems .

  30. 为了找到指定虚拟地址所对应的物理地址,必须定位于合适的页表及其中正确的入口。

    To determine the physical address corresponding to a given virtual address , the appropriate page table , and the correct entry within that page table must be located .