
shuǐ xià ɡōnɡ chénɡ
  • underwater engineering
  1. 我国海洋水下工程技术的发展与展望

    The development and outlook of ocean underwater engineering and technology in china

  2. 线性聚能装药爆破在水下工程的应用

    The Penetration Mechanism of Linear Shaped Charge and Its Application in Underwater Engineering

  3. FRP在水下工程修复加固中的应用&混凝土输水洞的修复与加固

    Applying FRP Reinforcement in Underwater Repair Engineering & Repair and Reinforcement of Water Supply Cement Structures

  4. 本文介绍由交通部海洋水下工程科学研究院自行设计制造的SD便携式水下电视的总体性能、结构设计与计算、电控系统、照明及观测系统的参数和说明。

    The specification , construction design and calculation , control system , illumination and observation systems of the SD portable under - water TV are introduced in this paper .

  5. 地震探测法在水下工程地质勘测的应用

    The application of seismic Investigation method in the project under-water geological exploration

  6. 探地雷达检测闸坝水下工程隐患

    Detection of hidden defects of underwater projects by the ground penetrating radar

  7. 自浮式气压沉柜在水下工程检修中的应用

    Application of the barometric buoy to repairing works under water

  8. 水下工程爆破对环境影响规律研究(下)

    Study on the Law of Influence of Underwater Engineering Blasting on Environment (ⅱ)

  9. 水下工程施工的风险分析与化解

    Risk Analysis of Underwater Works Construction and its Solution

  10. 水下工程检测技术及在堤坝上的应用

    Detecting technologies for underwater projects and its application

  11. 试论我国交通水下工程技术的专业范畴与体系

    On Speciality Categories and System of Underwater Engineering and Technology in Communications of China

  12. 水下工程结构的损伤诊断分析

    Damage diagnosis analysis of underwater engineering structure

  13. 水下工程用液压绞车的研究和设计

    Design of Hydraulic Winch for Underwater Engineering

  14. 21世纪初我国水下工程技术亟待开展的若干课题

    Some tasks of developing Chinese underwater engineering and technology development in the early 21st century

  15. 国外救捞及海洋水下工程科学技术水平

    State-of-the-art of salvage and ocean underwater engineering

  16. 水下工程监理

    Under water of Project Supervision

  17. 此次工程在水利事业的水下工程中是一典型的工程,很值的借鉴。

    This project is a typical underwater project in waterpower project . It is worth for reference .

  18. 海底电缆及其铺设技术是水下工程技术领域的一个重要分支。

    The submarine cable and it 's laying technique is an important part of underwater engineering technology .

  19. 本文结合水下工程实践,探讨了船台滑道水下导轨的检测与修复施工方法。

    This article discussed the inspected and repaired techniques which combined a underwater engineering practices on the underwater rail of slipway .

  20. 自本世纪80年代中期以来,世界水下工程技术随着各国科技水平的提高而得以迅速发展。

    The underwater engineering technology has been developed rapidly since the middle of 1980 's due to the advance of science and technology in the world .

  21. 本文涉及的海洋探测技术包括:海洋环境自动观测技术,海洋遥感技术,水声技术,水下工程探测技术,海洋地质和地球物理勘探技术。

    Some marine survey technologies are discussed including automatic marine environmental observation , ocean remote sensing , marine acoustics , underwater survey , geological oceanography and geophysics exploration .

  22. 本文对多种状态的内破裂进行了数值预报,对于一系列影响内破裂的因素及降低内破裂危险性的方法进行了分析研究,分析结果对海洋水下工程实践有重要意义。

    Effects of a serial factors which influence implosion results and methods which may reduce implosion danger have been analysed . Analysis results are significant for underwater engineering practice .

  23. 由于人类社会的不断发展,海上项目、水下工程的越来越多,水下混凝土工程越来越受到重视。

    Due to the continuous development of human society and an increasing number of sea projects and underwater engineering , more attention is paid to the underwater concrete engineering .

  24. 近年来,随着近海的开发及大量水下工程的建设,混凝土水下施工量越来越大。

    In recent years , with the development of the offshore and the construction of a large number of underwater engineering , underwater construction volume of concrete is increasing .

  25. 在设备的搬迁和拆除、沉船的打捞、水下工程的善后处理中的隐患

    " hazards arising from the removal and dismantling of a piece of equipment , salvage of a sunken vessel and improper treatment after an underwater engineering project . "

  26. 本文是长江科学院围绕三峡及长江航道整治工程水下工程爆破现场试验测试成果的汇集。

    The field experiments and tests achievements in underwater engineering blasting while realigning the Yangtze River channel and its Three Gorges by Yangtze River Scientific Academy are presented in this paper .

  27. 文章结合水下工程施工实例,介绍水下施工风险分析的必要性,提出降低与化解施工难度与风险的技术措施。

    The authors introduced the necessities of risk analysis for underwater project construction based on an underwater project construction example , and proposed the technological measures to minimize and solve constructional difficulties and risks .

  28. 海底矿产资源、海洋地质、水下工程地质、海洋渔业、水下通信等领域的研究都需要采用有效的工具和方法对海底特征信息进行全面了解。

    Many researches in the field of seabed mineral resources , marine geology , underwater engineering geology , marine fishery , underwater communication are necessary to adopt effective tools and methods to comprehensively characterize the seafloor information .

  29. 随着水声技术的不断发展,换能器作为声纳系统的重要组成部分,在水下工程中的应用越来越广泛,工作深度越来越大,换能器内外压力平衡的要求也来越高。

    With the development of the technology of remote sensing underwater , as the key part of the sonar system , transducer is used much more deeply in wider field , so it is necessary to equalize the pressure of the inner and outer of it .

  30. 本文介绍了予裂爆破技术在露天矿边坡工程上以及水下工程中的应用情况和经验,分析了予裂爆破的主要参数,提出了钻孔间距、线装药密度这两项参数的计算公式。

    In this paper the results and experience of the presplitting technique for the slope of the open pit and the underwater engineering are introduced . The main parameters of presplitting are analysed , and the calculation formulas of hole spacing and linear charge concentration are presented .