
shuǐ kù shèn lòu
  • reservoir leakage;reservoir seepage
  1. 岩溶地区水库渗漏分析与数值法计算实例

    Analysis on Reservoir Leakage in Karst Area A Numerical Computation Example

  2. 冶勒水库渗漏的工程地质研究

    Engineering Geology Study on Reservoir Leakage for Yele Project

  3. 犍为水电站正常蓄水水位为335m,坝址处水位比蓄水前抬升约16m,库区水位的抬升给水库渗漏提供了良好的水动力条件。

    Normal water level of Qianwei hydropower station is 335m , the water level lifting approximately 16m before water storing at the dam site . The water rise provides good hydrodynamic conditions to the seepage of the reservoir .

  4. 惠州抽水蓄能电站水库渗漏条件分析

    Leakage condition analysis for reservoir of Huizhou Pumped Storage Power Station

  5. 临桂县4座水库渗漏分析及处理建议

    Seepage analysis and disposal suggestion of four reservoirs in Lingui county

  6. 水库渗漏与否与库区的地下水性状密切相关。

    The reservoir seepage is closely related to the groundwater behavior .

  7. 连通试验在岩溶地区水库渗漏调查分析中的应用

    Connection Experiments for Investigation of Seepage of Reservoir in Karst

  8. 岩溶水库渗漏定量预测是一个非常复杂的问题。

    Quantitative forecast of the leakage from karst reservoirs is a complex subject .

  9. 水库渗漏示踪探查的国外状况

    Conditions of the tracing detection of reservoir seepage abroad

  10. 同位素示踪技术探测水库渗漏路径

    Measurement on the Path of the Reservoir Leakage Using the Isotopic Tracing Techniques

  11. 岩溶地区水库渗漏的水均衡分析方法

    Water balance method for reservoir leakage in karst region

  12. 灰水库渗漏分析与计算

    Analysis and Calculation of Seepage of Flying Ash Reservoir

  13. 地下水示踪技术在水库渗漏勘察中的应用

    Application of Groundwater Tracing Technique on Reservoir Leakage Reconnaissance

  14. α径迹法探测岩溶水库渗漏带的初步应用

    Preliminary application of a-tracking method for detecting the karst seepage zone of a reservoir

  15. 渗流场反演计算及在水库渗漏控制中的应用研究

    The Application Study of Inversion Calculation of Seepage Field in the Leakage of Reservoir

  16. XD&103防水复合柔毡在水库渗漏处理中的应用

    Application of XD-103 water proof compound ductile blanket in dealing with the reservoir seepage

  17. 岩溶水库渗漏预测的地质-数学模型&数量化理论在岩溶方面的应用

    The geologic-mathematical models for predicting leakage from Karst reservoirs & application of quantitative theory in Karst

  18. 岩溶水库渗漏的数学地质模型逻辑信息法在岩溶水库渗漏评价中的应用

    Mathematical model of karst reservoir leakage & application of logic information methods to karst reservoir leakage

  19. 对病险水库渗漏的技术处理

    Handling the Leakage of Vicious Reservoir

  20. 同时,坝基截渗后可以减少水库渗漏量,增加兴利库容。

    At the same time , after the cut-off can reduce reservoir leakage , increasing irrigation storage .

  21. 黄河水院水利馆循环水系统地下水库渗漏处理

    The Seepage and Transaction of an Underground Reservoir of Circulating Water System of a Water Conservancy Shop

  22. 岩溶水库渗漏受众多因素影响,对其渗漏量预测一直是水利工作者的研究热点。

    Quantitative forecast of the leakage from karst reservoirs which is influenced by many factors has been a interesting research point .

  23. 基于灰色系统理论,采用灰色取值法代替量化分析中的确定性条件与参数,提出了水库渗漏评价的灰域模拟方法。

    Based on gray system theory , gray domain values and conditions substitute for the unique condition and parameter in quantitative analysis .

  24. 水库渗漏是河南省济源市蟒河口水库的主要工程地质问题。

    The leakage of reservoir is a principal engineering geological problem of Manghekou Reservoir , Jiyuan City , Henan Province , China .

  25. 天然淤积对减少水库渗漏和增强大坝安全起了重要作用。

    The natural silting in this reservoir has played a important role for reducing the reservoir leakage and strengthening the dam 's safety .

  26. 试验成果为评价水库渗漏提供了可靠依据,对解类似问惠具借鉴意义。

    The experimental result provides the reliable basis for evaluating the reservoir leakage , making a successful prototype for solving such complicated problem of similar case .

  27. 灰岩地区水库渗漏情况较为普遍,渗漏的形式多种多样,如何做好灰岩地区水库的防渗工作一直为水利工程设计人员所困扰。

    The leakage of reservoir in limestone area is relatively common . The form of leakage is variety . Workers of water conservancy engineering are troubled by how to do a good job in limestone reservoir seepage .

  28. 岩溶地区水库渗漏是碳酸盐岩地区兴建水利枢纽的主要工程地质问题之一,尤其是在可溶岩广布、岩溶发育强烈、地形复杂地区。

    Water leakage from a reservoir in the Karst region is one of the main engineering geological problems in building hydro project in carbonate rock regions , especially where with resoluble rock widespread , developed Karst and complicated topography .

  29. 通过连通试验确定地下水(包括岩溶地下水)流经的具体途径,为工程地质勘察布孔及施工方案的选择提供了依据,为根治水库渗漏问题提供了资料。

    The concrete way of underground water is determined by the communicating test in order to put the evidence for the hole layout of the geologic investigation of projects and put the data for treating the seepage of reservoirs .

  30. 分别对库区蓄水前后地下水的渗流场进行了数值模拟,计算了水库渗漏量的大小及库区蓄水稳定后的平均渗漏量,研究了渗漏量与各应力期降雨量(丰枯季)的关系。

    The numerical simulation of the before and after reservoir built was made , calculated the seepage of the reservoir and the average leakage of the reservoir after the stable water level . And study the relationship between the leakage and the rainfall of every stress period .