- 网络sobel operator

Roberts operator , Log operator , Sobel operator , Prewitt operator are used to detect edges .
The analyses indicate that the Sobel operator is more simple and effective , the Canny detector and the Gausian 's Laplacian algorithm yield thinner edges .
After experimental comparison between auther 's recognition algorithm and normally used algorithms ( So-bel algorithm operator , Hough transformation , ect , ), the result shows that this novel algorithm can recognize the pattern accurately and quickly , as well as less affected by noise .
Sobel operator and gray square centrobaric arithmetic were synthesized with the improved SUSAN operator in subpixel corner detection .
Comparing most singular manifold extracted from 5 × 5 sub-pixel method and edge from Sobel operator ( default threshold : 36.7920 ), the peak signal-to-noise ratio is 9.3981 dB , when the algorithm is used in standard image segmentation .