
  • 网络Sola;SORA;solla;soller
  1. 我看着她在一个高楼里消失了。我知道索拉在我边上。

    As I watched her disappear into a building , I realized that Sola was near me .

  2. 索拉说:约翰。卡特,那个女人会安全的,因为我们的人民将举行一个重要的游戏程序。

    SOLA : John Carter , that woman will be saved for the great games that are held by our people .

  3. 维比安诺山CEO罗伦佐·法索拉·波隆纳


  4. 多因索拉•索格贝桑(DoyinsolaSogbesan,见左图)曾为安联财产保险公司(中国)(AllianzChinaGeneral)上海分公司工作过一段时间,她对那段经历非常满意。

    Doyinsola Sogbesan ( left ) , who worked for an insurance company , Allianz China General , in Shanghai , enjoyed the experience .

  5. 科索拉多州:如果你连滑雪都不会,那么请别来打扰我好吗?

    Colorado : If You Don 't Ski , Don 't Bother

  6. 他们花了三小时才把钢索拉上来。

    It took three hours to pull the cable back up .

  7. 但是巴克却扑向索拉克斯,抢了他的位子。

    But Buck jumped at Sol - leks and took his place .

  8. 埃美索拉唑和奥美拉唑对心脏支架置入后氯吡格雷抗血小板作用的影响

    Effects of esomeprazole and omeprazole on clopidogrel platelet inhibition following cardiac stent implantation

  9. 索拉在公寓里忙碌着,要将一切都准备好。

    Thora bustled about the flat getting everything ready .

  10. 他拉开巴克,想再次套上索拉克斯。

    He pulled Buck away and tried to harness Sol - leks again .

  11. 某机场航站楼屋面预应力索拉拱桁架结构设计

    On design for prestressed cable arch truss of roof on some airport building

  12. 那会是我麦克、劳斯基及索拉索。

    It will be me * Mccluskey and sollozzo .

  13. 索拉纳尚未收到官方回复。

    Mr Solana has yet to receive an official response to the offer .

  14. 从来没有那么长那么重的船被套索拉过。

    No ship that large or that heavy had ever been parbuckled before .

  15. 请把主要的绳索拉紧些,帆扯得不够紧!

    Please harden in the main ropes , the sail 's not tight enough !

  16. 没看见船在脱出吗?把那条索拉紧!

    Don 't you see the boat is pulling away ? Back up there !

  17. 现在,索拉斯正被自己成为妻子负担这个想法所困扰。

    Now , Mr. Sollars is troubled by thoughts of becoming a burden to her .

  18. 丽莎•格拉尔迪尼于1542年在佛罗伦萨去世,安葬在圣奥索拉修道院。

    Lisa Gherardini died in Florence in1542 and was buried in the grounds of Sant'Orsola convent .

  19. 在会议上,伊朗递交了一份索拉纳称之为“步骤”的很长的文件。

    At the meeting , Iran presented a long paper of , what Solana called modalities .

  20. 把绳索拉到道路对面

    Stretch a rope across a path

  21. 派克打头,乔,蒂克和索拉克斯跟在他后面。

    Pike was leading , and Joe , Teek and Sol - leks were behind him .

  22. 搭配菜肴:嫩牛腰肉,烤芒果片,野味,戈根索拉乳酪。

    Food Matches : Beef tenderloin , filet mignon , oven roasted wild game , gorgonzola cheese .

  23. 治疗时间中位数在索拉非尼组为23周,在安慰剂组为19周。

    Treatment duration was a median of23 weeks in the sorafenib group and19 weeks in the placebo group .

  24. 对戴夫和索拉克斯来说,新的领队对他们来说没有什么不同,他们仍然很卖力地拉着。

    A new leader made no differ - ence to Dave and Sol-leks ; they continued to pull hard .

  25. 现在我们用绳索拉不动风帆,一定是有些扣拴不知怎么地被扭曲了。

    The sails are not responding to our pull on the ropes ; the fastenings must got twisted somehow .

  26. 但是巴克却没有起来,索拉克斯慢腾腾地爬起来,然后是蒂克和乔,最后是派克。

    But Buck didn 't get up.Sol-leks stood up slowly , then Teek and Joe , and finally Pike .

  27. 当雪撬再度停下来时,戴夫咬住了索拉克斯身上的挽具要把他推开,

    When the sledge made its next stop , Dave bit through Sol-leks " harness and pushed him away .

  28. 索拉娅案评注&德国民法中对损害一般人格权的非物质损害的金钱赔偿

    A Study on Soraya : Damages for Non - substantial Injury to the General Personality in German Civil Law

  29. 货运索道牵引索的使用经验双线循环式货运索道承载索拉紧区段的划分

    Experience in using towing rope in material ropeways The tension section division of carrying rope for bicable cyclic material ropeway

  30. 他需要一条新的头犬,并觉得索拉克斯最合适不过了。

    He needed a new lead - dog , and decided that Sol-leks was the best dog that he had .