
  • 网络Sony Pictures Entertainment, Inc;Sony Picture Entertainment Corporation
  1. 其它电影公司,包括制作了本年度最热门影片之一《2012》的索尼影视娱乐公司(SonyPicturesEntertainment),也正考虑在欧洲采取类似举措。

    Other studios , including Sony Pictures Entertainment , which had one of the year 's biggest hits with 2012 , are also considering such a move in Europe .

  2. 洛杉矶&索尼影视娱乐公司(SonyPicturesEntertainment)似乎刚从上个月的严重网络攻击中恢复过来,周二却发现自己遇到了新麻烦。

    LOS ANGELES & Just as Sony Pictures Entertainment appeared to be recovering from a crippling online attack last month , the studio found itself confronting new perils on Tuesday .

  3. 洛杉矶——索尼影视娱乐公司(SonyPicturesEntertainment)似乎刚从上个月的严重网络攻击中恢复过来,周二却发现自己遇到了新麻烦。

    LOS ANGELES - Just as Sony Pictures Entertainment appeared to be recovering from a crippling online attack last month , the studio found itself confronting new perils on Tuesday .

  4. 索尼影视娱乐公司(SonyPicturesEntertainment)已求助美国联邦调查局(FBI),调查在盗版网站上非法发布该公司制作的几部影片的事件。这些影片中包括了即将上映的圣诞节电影《安妮》(Annie)。

    Sony Pictures Entertainment has approached the Federal Bureau of Investigation to investigate the illegal release on piracy web sites of several of its films , including its upcoming Christmas movie , Annie .

  5. 索尼影视娱乐公司最大的弱点在于员工。

    The biggest weakness at Sony Pictures Entertainment was the employees .

  6. 本周三(3月4日),索尼影视娱乐公司关闭了在伦敦、巴黎和波兰的办公室,据称是出于“多方面的谨慎考虑”。

    Earlier on Wednesday , film company Sony Pictures Entertainment closed its London , Paris and Poland offices out of what it described as " an abundance of caution . "

  7. 联邦调查局网络安全部副主任约瑟夫o德马雷斯特于本月早些时候对国会表示,90%的公司都无法抵御索尼影视娱乐公司遭受的攻击。

    Joseph Demarest , assistant director of the cyber division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation , earlier this month declared to members of Congress that 90 % of businesses could not have stopped the Sony Pictures Entertainment attack .

  8. 米里夫斯基称,在最近的黑客攻击中泄露的电子邮件通讯,证明索尼影视娱乐公司没有采取足够措施来防范网络钓鱼攻击和远程访问木马,没有有效的密码管理策略,也没有恰当地进行加密、数据储存和备份操作。米里夫斯基表示:

    The email correspondence that leaked in the wake of the recent hack showed that Sony Pictures Entertainment may have been operating without adequate protection against phishing attacks , remote-access Trojans , password management policies , proper use of encryption , data storage , and backups , Miliesky says .

  9. 索尼电脑娱乐公司和索尼影视娱乐公司拒绝发表评论。

    Sony Computer Entertainment and Sony Pictures Entertainment declined to comment .

  10. 来自片方的一位人士透露,索尼公司(SonyCorp.)旗下索尼影视娱乐公司以及该片在美国的发行商WeinsteinCo.的高管意外地发现,该片已经从中国的影院下线,且中方没有告知此举的原因。

    Executives at Sony 6758.TO + 1.63 % Pictures , a unit of Sony Corp. , and Weinstein Co. , the movie 's U.S. distributor , were surprised to find that the movie had been removed from Chinese screens and haven 't been given a reason , a person within one of the studios said .

  11. 3艾米•帕斯卡尔,索尼影视娱乐电影集团董事长,兼索尼影视娱乐有限公司副董事长。

    Amy Pascal , chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment Motion Picture Group , won the No.3 spot on the list .

  12. 索尼经典影业也收获颇丰,它是索尼影视娱乐公司旗下一个较小的独立电影部门,此次共获得18项提名,也是它史上的最好成绩。

    Sony Pictures Classics also had a proud morning . The small indie film unit of Sony Pictures Entertainment had 18 nominations , its best showing ever .

  13. 韦德布什证券公司电子游戏分析师迈克尔o帕切特表示,索尼多年来以孤岛式的运营闻名,而索尼影视娱乐公司则是那个最孤立的岛屿。

    The company has long had a reputation for operating in silos , says Michael Pachter , a video game analyst at Wedbush Securities , and no silo is more isolated than Sony Pictures Entertainment .