
  • 网络Sodo;Soto;Hernando de Soto;exodar;Dani Sordo
  1. 目的:研究蜜环菌菌索多糖(ARP)抗衰老活性。

    AIM : To study the anti-aging effects of polysaccharides from rhizomorph of Armillaria mellea ( ARP ) on fruit fly and mouse .

  2. 本文研究了蜜环菌菌索多糖AMP-1和AMP-2组分对小鼠血糖及其急性毒性作用。

    The effects of polysaccharide from the rhizomorph of Armillaria mellea ( AMP ), AMP-1 and AMP-2 , on the blood glucose and acutely toxic in mice were studied .

  3. 蜜环菌菌索多糖抗衰老作用研究

    Anti-aging effects of polysaccharides from rhizomorph of Armillaria mellea

  4. 蜜环菌菌索多糖提取条件的优化及其部分生物学性质

    Studies on Extracting Conditions and Bio-activities of Polysaccharide from the Rhizomorph of Armillaria mellea

  5. 野生和人工培养蜜环菌菌索多糖含量及免疫活性的比较

    Comparision of polysaccharide and its immunological activity from the different rhizomorph of Armillaria Mellea

  6. 结果朗索多酶清洗剂与传统清洗剂用于医疗器械手工清洗差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。

    RESULTS Significant difference ( P < 0.01 ) was seen for manual cleaning effects between enzymatic detergent and non-enzymatic one .

  7. 阳性细胞在肝细胞索多散在分布,在肝细胞坏死灶中亦可检出凋亡细胞;

    The apoptotic cells were usually scattered in hepatic cords , which could be also identified in the necroinf lammatory areas .

  8. 左室假腱索多附着于室间隔和后乳头肌、乳头肌和游离室壁之间。

    Left ventricular false tendonsmostly attached the interventricular septum and the posterior papillary muscle , the papillary muscle and the free wall .

  9. 蜜环菌菌索多糖对小鼠血糖及急性毒性作用研究

    The Effect of Polysaccharide from the Rhizomorph of Armillaria Mellea ( AMP ) on the Blood Glucose and Acutely Toxic in Mice

  10. 奥德瑞发现他布道的那个主教教堂实际上叫做索多和马恩主教教堂。在他从马恩岛坐飞机飞回利物浦的路上,他发现在这两地之间有一片宽阔的区域。

    " He discovered that the bishop [ at the Isle of Man ] is actually called the Bishop of Sodor and Man ," Christopher Awdry explains .

  11. 目的:测定纯化蜜环菌菌索多糖(简称Am)组分的部分理化性质,以进一步了解Am结构和功能的关系。

    OBJECTIVE : Some properties of the purified polysaccharide from the rhizomorph of Armillariella mellea ( Am ) was analysed to make a further understanding of the relationship between its structure and function .

  12. 急性运动轴索损害性多发性神经病的电生理特征

    Electrophysiologic features of acute motor axon damage polyneuropathy

  13. 同时,计算还表明虚拟激励法是一种高效且精确的方法,对于分析振型密集的大跨空间索结构在多点输入下的地震响应是很适合的。

    It is also shown that the pseudo-excitation method is efficient and precise and can be applicable to the random seismic response analysis of the complicate structures under multiple supports excitation , such as space cable structures with dense vibration modes .

  14. 斜拉桥索力优化及多点随机地震响应分析

    Cable Forces Optimization and Multi-Support Random Seismic Response of Cable-Stayed Bridges

  15. 关于悬索桥的重力刚度再论悬挂索的重力刚度&双索、多跨

    Discussing gravity stiffness of suspension bridge Gravity Stiffness of Suspended Cable & Double Cables and Multispan