
Comprehensive Reinforcement of Somali pirates issue requires International Harmonization and international cooperation .
Horn of Africa analyst Roger Middleton says he agrees that depending on Kenya to help solve the piracy problem in Somalia is less than ideal .
Secretary Rice said there is a need for more intelligence and information sharing , and the United States would lead a contact group on Somali piracy .
Piracy has a long history . Especially since 2008 , the problem of Somali pirates seriously threatens the peace and stability , which is one of the hot spots on the research in the international law .
Thirdly , in response to the Somali piracy , it is proposed to establish African Court for Piracy to exercise jurisdiction over piracy off Somali .
Horn of Africa analyst at Chatham House in London , Roger Middleton , says the international community must take some of the blame for the calamity .
This dissertation looks at the problem of piracy , maintaining a focus on piracy off the coast of Somalia which has continued to be a menace to the international society despite international anti-piracy efforts .