
  1. 它耸立在岸边,曾经是瑞典海军的骄傲,却在首航时便沉没了。

    Once the pride of the Swedish navy , the ship sank on its maiden voyage .

  2. 挑战竞争对手瑞典潜艇陪练美国海军

    Challenge the Challengers Swedish Submarine : a False Match for US Navy

  3. 维斯比级是德国蒂森克虏伯集团下属的瑞典考姆公司为瑞典海军建造的轻型隐身护卫舰。

    The Visby Class of stealth corvettes were built for the Swedish Navy by the Swedish company Kockums ( a subsidiary of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems of Germany ) .