
hé shì lù xiàng dài
  • videocassette;video cartridge;video
盒式录像带[hé shì lù xiàng dài]
  1. 盒式磁带录像机用来录制和放送盒式录像带上的图像和声音的一种电子仪器盒式磁带放音机和其他磁性放音设备

    An electronic device for recording and playing back video images and sound on a videocassette . cassette type player and other magnetic sound-reproducing apparatus

  2. 为防止意外抹去录下的资料,VHS盒式录像带在背面设有一个可拆除的小护片。

    · To prevent accidental erasure of recorded material , the VHS cassette has a removable tab on the rear side .

  3. 有盒式录像带可以教学生一个国家的生活和语言。

    There are video-cassettes which teach students about the life and language of a country .

  4. 据咨询公司NextEnergy负责工业及创新发展的副总裁丹o拉多姆斯基介绍,对特斯拉来说,针对新出现的创新调整非常困难,“这就和从盒式录像带转向光盘差不多,会改变整个供应链。”

    According to Dan Radomski , vice president for industry and venture development at the consulting firmNextEnergy , it would be very difficult for Tesla to pivot in response to these innovations . " It 's not too much different from us going from VHS to disc . It changes the entire supply chain . "

  5. 盒式磁带录像机需要录像带才能播放或录像。

    VCRs were required to play or record such tapes .