
  • 网络Entrepreneurial story;creation story
  1. 创业故事:44岁的唐尼•埃里森很清楚,1994年,他放弃在高盛(GoldmanSachs,《财富》500强)的工作,转而投入竞争激烈的办公用品市场,在外人眼里看起来疯狂透顶。

    What he did : Tony Ellison , 44 , knew it seemed crazy to ditch his career at Goldman Sachs ( GS , Fortune 500 ) to jump into the ultracompetitive office-supply market back in 1994 .

  2. 他们的创业故事最广为人知的版本是这样的,据说赫利尔在一次晚宴上想与宾客分享一段视频,但历尽千辛万苦都没有成功,成为了日后YouTube诞生的导火索。但是这个故事被卡里姆所否认。

    The popular story , which Karim now disputes , is that Hurley and Chen were at a dinner party and were struggling to show videos , and those difficulties planted the seed that grew into YouTube .

  3. 但我也知道不一样的创业故事。

    But I know a different startup story .

  4. 其中一个称它是我们听说过的最不堪的创业故事之一。

    one called it one of the ugliest startup stories we 've ever heard .

  5. 此类题材的作品大多描述的是著名企业家的艰辛的创业故事。

    Most of these offerings delve into the pathos of its most famous entrepreneurs .

  6. 一些成功的创业故事正在开始上演,这使参与该计划的院校受到了激励。

    Participating schools have been buoyed by the entrepreneurial success stories they are starting to see .

  7. 成立于1984年的戴尔计算机公司却逆潮流而动,运用直销模式,精彩地演绎了业界又一个经典的创业故事。

    But Dell company , founded in 1984 , has created a miracle story of success through the direct model .

  8. 这个创业故事很让人震撼,它打破了只有贵族才能当帝王的习惯,以至于国家的民众都甘愿接受国号汉作为民族的称呼。

    The mover and shaker broke the mode to be an emperor merely from the noble , and his conduct made people accept the title of the dynasty of Han as the name of their nationality .

  9. 科尔斯在时装界的创业故事和苹果派一样具有美国特色,或者说是在纽约郊区长大的犹太男孩的典型案例。

    Kors 's origin story in the world of fashion is about as American as apple pie - or , as was the case for a Jewish boy growing up in suburban New York , Sunday-night Chinese .

  10. 据悉,该剧斥资1900万人民币,描绘了澳门大都会生活的彩色画卷,鲜活呈现了一群澳门年轻人的爱情、奋斗、创业故事。

    The show depicts how young people in Macao live to fulfill their dreams and to find love . From the ruins of St. Paul 's Cathedral to fisherman 's Wharf , most of the episodes were filmed on location , which impressed the leading actors and actresses .

  11. 我拍了一部电视剧——《温州一家人》,讲述了上世纪八十年代浙江一家子走南闯北、经商创业的故事,最终将事业扩展到了欧洲。

    I created a TV drama , One Family from Wenzhou , which tells the story of how a family from Zhejiang province made a living by doing business across the country in the 1980s and finally expanded their business to Europe .

  12. 她们可能会告诉你,她们正在为创业者故事大赛和交际活动寻找完美的场地或合适的主持人。

    They could tell you all about their search for the perfect venue or the right emcee for their storytelling competition and networking events for entrepreneurs .

  13. 近年来,在我国许多报纸、电视等媒体上,关于残疾人艰难创业的故事越来越多。

    In recent years , there have been more and more reports in newspaper and television about the enterprise of the disabled , many of which were successful .

  14. 记者获悉,孙坚以“微笑力&如家的创业与服务”为演讲主题,同复旦学子们分享其创业的故事。

    Sun Jian put forth the program on a start-up story sharing speech in Fudan University .