
  1. 目的采用RP-HPLC法测定创口贴吸水垫中葡萄糖酸氯己定的含量。

    OBJECTIVE To determine Chlorhexidine gluconate in Absorbent wound pad paste by RP-HPLC .

  2. 米歇尔:你胳膊上有创口贴。

    Michelle : You have a Band-Aid on your arm .

  3. 也许他们会找不到创口贴给你?

    Maybe they couldn 't find you a bandage ?

  4. John.厨房的架子上有创口贴。

    GABRIELLE : John . We have bandages top shelf in the kitchen .

  5. 看来需要条特号的创口贴了。

    That 's gonna need a special band-aid .

  6. 我们习惯于把创口贴贴上就假装它不存在。

    that we 're content to put a Band-Aid over and pretend it 's not there .

  7. 你需要一个创口贴。

    You need a bandage .

  8. 它真的好象能使我的牙齿变白,以及在我使用创口贴时可以防止敏感。

    It does seem to keep my teeth white and free from sensitivity when I 'm using white strips .

  9. 看来投资者已经认定,对于主权信贷泡沫破裂造成的伤口,这些措施不过是创口贴,治标不治本。

    Investors appear to have decided that these are mere Band-Aids for the gaping wound created by the bursting of the sovereign credit bubble .

  10. 通过广告,我们知道,受伤时可以用“邦迪”创口贴防止传染,并加速伤口愈合。

    By advertisements , we know that when we get hurt , we can use Band-Aids to prevent infection and accelerate the healing of the wounds .

  11. 采用活性创口敷料贴敷治疗软组织损伤380例。

    Cases with soft tissue injury were treated with Active Wound Dressing .

  12. 目的:探讨康惠尔创口敷贴在各种创面中的疗效和优点。

    Objective : To explore the efficacy and benefits of Comfeel wound dressing .