
  • 网络creativity education;creative education;creation education
  1. 完善创造教育的运行机制;

    Improving the operation mechanism of creativity education ;

  2. 中学物理教学中的创造教育研究

    Creativity Education in Physics Education in Middle School

  3. 自2012年卸任数字巧克力公司CEO以来,霍金斯一直在全身心地打理如果你能公司(IfYouCanCompany)&一家旨在为6到12岁孩童创造教育视频游戏的初创企业。

    Since stepping down as CEO of digital chocolate in 2012 , Hawkins has been focusing his attention on if you can company , a startup that creates educational videogames for 6 - to 12-year-olds .

  4. 试论创造教育在知识经济社会中的作用

    Try to Discuss the Role of Creative Education in Knowledge-Economy Social

  5. 创造力系统观及其对创造教育的启示

    A Systemic Perspective on Creativity and its Inspiration to Creativity Education

  6. 实施创造教育是一场深刻的变革,它涉及到教育思想、教育内容和教育方法改革等问题。

    It requires reform in educational idea , content and method .

  7. 幼儿园绘画教育活动评价内容的研究幼儿园创造教育研究

    The Research on the Evaluative Contents of Painting Activities of the Kindergarten

  8. 开展创造教育实现德育目标

    Carry Out the Creative Education to Fulfil the Object of Moral Education

  9. 传统教育评价与创造教育的理论冲突

    The academic conflict about traditional educational assessment and creation education

  10. 中国传统文化对创造教育的负面影响

    The Negative Influence of Traditional Chinese Culture on Creation Education

  11. 实施创造教育必须采取强有力的措施。

    Powerful measures must be taken to implement creative education .

  12. 高校体育创造教育教学改革研究

    Teaching reform research on physical creation education in higher school

  13. 创造教育下对教师新形象的思考

    Consideration of the new image of the teachers engaging in creative education

  14. 右脑革命与创造教育&对当代教育改革发展趋势的认识

    Right-brain Revolution and Creative Education : Understanding Tendency of Contemporary Educational Reform

  15. 实施创造教育,关键要更新教育观念。

    The key to conduct creative education is to renew educational ideas .

  16. 试从经济角度探索创造教育模式的构建

    Construct Innovative Education from the Point of View of Economy

  17. 大学生创造力的培养与创造教育的建设

    On Development of Creativity and Construction of Creative Education for College Students

  18. 创造教育应有的哲学理念

    The Required Philosophical Idea of Creative Education What 's Philosophy For Create Efforts

  19. 用智慧统帅知识是创造教育的追求;

    Acquiring knowledge controlled by intelligence is the main goal of creative education .

  20. 关于教育管理的四对矛盾的理性思考对创造教育能力的理性思考

    Rational Thinking on Four Contradictions of Educational Management in Primary and Middle Schools

  21. 创造教育已成为当前教育改革的主要潮流。

    Creative education is the major trend of the present reform of education .

  22. 创造教育:高校学生工作的灵魂

    Creative Education : the Spirits of the work for student affairs in universities

  23. 论陶行知创造教育的思想体系

    On the Logical System of Creation Education Differentiation Between Creative and Innovative Education

  24. 企业如何开展创造教育?

    How to carry out creative education in enterprises ?

  25. 育德是创造教育的灵魂;

    Cultivating morality is the soul of creative education .

  26. 创造教育中,实践活动课程的设置是什么情况?

    What situation is the setting of activity course ?

  27. 提升人的生命质量是创造教育的终极目的;

    Lifting life quality of man is the ultimate aim of creative education .

  28. 幼儿创造教育活动的指导

    A Superficial Comment on the Instruction in Activities of Creative Education of Infants

  29. 创造教育与高师的使命

    Creative Education and the Mission for Higher Teacher Education

  30. 小学阶段是实施创造教育的起始时期。

    The key period ofthe implementation of creative education is in elementary school .