
  • 网络Logic error;Logical Error;BUG
  1. 在这一部分中,将介绍导致Java堆内存泄漏的许多常见的程序逻辑错误类型。

    In this section , a number of common types of program logic error that lead to Java heap memory leaks are described .

  2. 一般来说,当应用程序(由于程序逻辑错误)无意中保存对于不再需要的对象的引用时,会导致Java堆内存泄漏。

    In general , a Java heap memory leak results when an application unintentionally ( due to program logic error ) holds on to references to objects that are no longer required .

  3. 本文讨论C程序中常见的逻辑错误及产生的原因。

    This article discusses familiar logical errors in C program and causes .

  4. C语言教学中常见的运行错误和逻辑错误

    Common Logical Error and Run-time error in C Language Teaching

  5. C程序中常见的逻辑错误分析

    Familiar Logical Errors in C Program

  6. 向Perl脚本添加usestrict语句可帮助查找输入错误和逻辑错误。

    Adding the use strict statement to a Perl script helps find typos and logic errors .

  7. 谈VB程序设计中的逻辑错误问题

    On Logical Mistakes in VB Program Design

  8. 电源网格上的IRDrop会降低器件的开关速度和噪声容限,甚至导致逻辑错误。

    IR drop on power grid may decrease switching speed and noise immunity of the circuits . It may even cause the circuit to fail .

  9. 状态检验(Staticverification)可以查找多种通常的程序逻辑错误,如不恰当的使用一个在编译时而不是运行时的方法。

    Static verification offers the promise of finding many common errors in program logic such as possibly improper use of a method at compile time as opposed to at runtime .

  10. 作为一个练习,使用IDE分步探察另一个bug,这是一个导致重复计价的逻辑错误。

    As an exercise , use the IDE to step through the other bug & a logic error that can cause an overcharge .

  11. 该方法不仅可以验证系统是否存在逻辑错误,还能告诉用户发生错误的原因,为组合Web服务的验证提供了技术上的保障。

    Then , the extended CPN model checking tool can be used in the verification of Web services composition . The method can not only check the logical errors in some systems , but also tell users the reasons for the errors .

  12. 所以如果应用程序为按钮单击事件关联了错误的方法,UI测试自动化不会捕捉到逻辑错误(虽然每次测试都会失败,而且您会很快发现问题)。

    So the UI test automation will not catch the logic error if the application has the wrong method wired to a button click event ( although every test would fail and you 'd find the problem quickly ) .

  13. JSDT可以检测三种主要错误类型:语法/语言错误、类型/字段/方法可视性、流或逻辑错误。

    The JSDT detects three major types of errors : grammar / language errors , types / fields / method visibility , and flow or logic errors .

  14. 定量分析了时间同步误差对分布交互仿真(DIS)中时间同步误差的影响,时间同步误差会产生仿真系统时间上的逻辑错误,降低仿真精度和使实时战场状态显示失真。

    The effect of time synchronization error on distributed interactive simulation ( DIS ) is quantitatively analyzed . The analysis indicates that time synchronization error causes the logical error on time simulation system , reduces the simulation precision , and distorts the display of real time battlefield state .

  15. 在IC设计中,使用Verilog编写寄存器级描述(RTL)对目标系统建立行为级模型后,对RTL进行大量的软件仿真不仅可以及早发现潜在的逻辑错误,而且能够对目标系统的性能进行初步评估。

    In IC design , it is a common method to set up behavior models for target systems by RTL ( Register Transfer Level ) Verilog codes . People can find the potential logic bugs and primarily evaluate the performance of target systems by deploying software simulation for RTL codes .

  16. 角动量守恒定律推导中的逻辑错误

    Logic errors in the derivation of conservation law of angular momentum

  17. 排故手册内容是否得出不确定的结论或逻辑错误?

    Do the troubleshooting instructions produce inconclusive results or contain faulty logic ?

  18. 使用断言捕获代码中的逻辑错误。

    Use assertions to catch logic errors in your code .

  19. 他指出了文章中的一个逻辑错误。

    He identifies a logical fallacy in the article .

  20. 误译,语法逻辑错误,以及拼写错误处处可见。

    Mistranslation , uncorrect grammatical structures and spelling errors can be seen everywhere .

  21. 先天缺陷&频道设想的逻辑错误;

    Congenital defect - logical mistake on channel design ;

  22. 其他问题是一些细微的逻辑错误。

    Other kinds of problems are subtle logic errors .

  23. 除了用词不当外,还可能产生逻辑错误。

    Apart from the misuse of words , mistakes in logic can occur .

  24. 食不下咽几乎不开口说话除了挑电视的逻辑错误

    Doesn 't eat , barely talks , only to correct the television .

  25. 当应用程序中存在逻辑错误时,就会出现语句错误。

    A statement failure occurs when there is a logic misstep in an application .

  26. 政治经济学教材中价值理论的逻辑错误及纠正

    The Value Theory 's Logistical Mistakes in Text-Books of Political Economics and Their Correction

  27. 结合多线程及用例调度技术实现了程序的逻辑错误检测。

    With multi-threaded and use of scheduling technology to achieve a logical error detection procedures .

  28. 在推定作案条件的过程中,我们应避免犯三种逻辑错误。

    In inferring conditions of committing crimes , we should avoid making the three logical mistakes .

  29. 这不能完全避免逻辑错误,但它确实可以消除其中很多种类的错误。

    This does not completely prevent logical errors , but it does eliminate numerous classes of them .

  30. 思维错误可分为逻辑错误和非逻辑错误两种类型。

    The thinking error can be divided into tow types , the logical error ; non-logical error .