
luó ji biǎo shì
  • logical representation
  1. 使用SCA绑定的导入是SCA组件在另一个模块中的逻辑表示。

    An import with an SCA binding is a logical representation of an SCA component in another module .

  2. 一个联结创建了Web文档的逻辑表示并使得WebSEAL得以代表WebSEAL所连接到的后端服务器来提供安全性。

    A junction creates a logical representation of the Web documents and enables WebSEAL to provide security on behalf of the back-end server to which WebSEAL is connected .

  3. 针对传统分析方法的不足,提出了时间Petri网的线性逻辑表示和时间推理方法。

    A translation from time Petri nets to linear logic is presented in this paper .

  4. 这些方法是由学习Agent来完成的,它由已知知识、学习条件和获取知识三部分构成,采用框架和一阶逻辑表示,因此学习Agent具有良好的扩展性。

    The agent is composed of known knowledge , learning conditions , and learning knowledge , and it has strong extensibility , because it s expressive language is the frame and first-order logic .

  5. 该方法不但为ER模型提供了一种新的逻辑表示途径,而且有效地克服了基于描述性逻辑表示途径的缺陷。

    This method not only supplies a new logic representation approach for ER model , but also effectively overcomes the shortcomings of the approach based on the description logic representation .

  6. 对ESB编程通常涉及虚拟环境,并将逻辑表示为称为消息流或中介流的连接活动流。

    Programming for an ESB usually involves a visual environment , representing the logic as a flow of connected activities called a message flow or mediation flow .

  7. 为克服以上缺陷,本文在完成ER模型分类研究、ER模式语义与语法形式定义的基础上,利用AnswerSet编程完成了ER模式的逻辑表示。

    To overcome these shortcomings , based on accomplishments of research on the ER model classification , the formal definition of syntax and semantics of ER schema , this thesis utilizes Answer Set programming to represent ER Schema .

  8. PAR方法及其平台使用一阶谓词逻辑表示功能规约,分划与递推来进行算法形式推导,各种转换系统来自动生成算法程序。

    The PAR approach and its platform expresses function specification by first prediction logic , formally derives algorithm by partition and recurrence , and automatic generate algorithmic program by diversified transformation systems .

  9. 该方法基于软件工程的思想,使用描述逻辑表示服装领域共享语词库,使用OWL表示最终本体,即有效利用了描述逻辑的良好的推理能力,又便于计算机的处理。

    Based on the idea of soft engineering , using OWL to express the terminal ontology , the method utilizes the excellent reasoning ability of description logics and facilitates computer processing .

  10. 这个设备的逻辑表示是fcs0。

    The logical representation of this device is fcs0 .

  11. AND逻辑表示输出事件当且仅当输入事件都完成时发生,XOR逻辑表示在数个输入事件中按概率只有一个会发生并导致输出事件的发生。

    AND logic requires that output event happens only when all the input events happen . XOR logic requires that output event happens only when one of the input events happens according to the probability distribution .

  12. 全局优先级的逻辑表示与透明传递;

    Logical presentation and transparent transfer of the global priory ;

  13. 一种采用一阶动态逻辑表示的数字权限描述模型

    Digital rights expression model based on first-order dynamic logic

  14. 反应系统的连续时序逻辑表示和验证

    Representing and Verifying Reactive Systems with Continuous-Time Temporal Logic

  15. 这三种知识表示方法为:逻辑表示法、语义网络和产生式系统。

    The three methods are : logic representation , semantic network , rule-based system .

  16. 逻辑表示必然的理。

    Logic demonstrates the rules which are inevitable .

  17. 性质继承的线性逻辑表示和推理

    A linear logic approach to property inheritance

  18. 住宅的智能化是必然的。逻辑表示必然的理。

    The house should be made intelligent . Logic demonstrates the rules which are inevitable .

  19. 在此处,逻辑表示它在业务方面的合理性。

    Here , logical means that it makes sense as far as the business is concerned .

  20. 在比较正式的上下文中,“服务”指业务任务的抽象或逻辑表示。

    In more formal contexts ," service " refers to the abstract or logical representation of a business task .

  21. 设备可以按照它们的链接方式形成层次结构,一些设备同时有物理和逻辑表示。

    Devices can be hierarchical in how they are linked together , and some devices have both physical and logical representations .

  22. 实质蕴涵因其刻划真值函数关系故此并非传统逻辑表示充分条件关系的“若,则”的逻辑抽象。

    Material implication , which describes a kind of truth value function , is naturally not the logic abstract of the sufficient condition relation .

  23. 基于旋转机械故障特征,提出一种利用模糊逻辑表示故障诊断知识的方法。

    Based on the analysis of the rotating machines , a method of knowledge representation for equipment fault diagnosis by using fuzzy logic is offered .

  24. 为实现文本谓词表示的自动生成,本文在句法分析的结果上建立了逻辑表示转换系统。

    In order to automatically generate logic representation of text , this paper builds a logic representation transformation system based on the results of syntax parsing .

  25. 传统上,定理机器证明常常使用某种逻辑表示,然后再进行推理,这些方法往往缺乏灵活性,且证明过程难以理解。

    Traditionally , Mechanical theorem proving often use a logic representation , and then inference , these methods lack of flexibility and the proving processes are difficult to understand .

  26. 视频语义分析是对视频信息所包含内容的描述和逻辑表示,涉及众多信息处理研究领域。

    Video semantic analysis is the description and logical representation of the contents in video information , which is a complicated process of information processing in many research areas .

  27. 首先用模糊逻辑表示关于对象的具有不确定性的经验知识,通过模糊推理可由特征得到关于对象的用基本概率分配函数表示的具有不确定性的模式分类信息。

    Imprecise knowledge related with the object is first expressed with fuzzy logic rules , and raw information about object class expressed as BPA is obtained through applying fuzzy inference to multiple features .

  28. 介绍了一种新的解决模糊问题的途径,提出了一种模糊逻辑表示新形式,论证了其较之于传统模糊逻辑表示法的优点。

    This paper introduces a new measure to solve fuzzy problem , puts forward a new form to express fuzzy logic , demonstrates its strong suit compared to the traditional representation of fuzzy logic .

  29. 文本谓词表示是一种一阶谓词逻辑表示方法,不同的单词对应不同的逻辑谓词,谓词参数的位置信息表示句法语义信息。

    Text predicate representation is a first order predicate logic . In this method , different words have different definitions of logical predicates , and the position of their parameters indicates the syntax and semantic information .

  30. 外模式对应于用户级,是与某一应用有关的数据的逻辑表示,用户应用程序根据外模式进行数据操作。

    The external schema corresponds to the user-level view of the data of the database , one or a few users see the logic of an application-related data that the user application program manipulates data according to external schema .