
  • 网络the method of logical analysis;logical analysis
  1. 在本文论述中,主要运用了逻辑分析方法、比较法方法和实证方法的研究方法。

    In the discussion of the paper , the method of logical analysis , the method of comparative law and the method of positivism have been employed .

  2. 合同案例权利逻辑分析方法

    Logical Analysis Method of Rights in Contract Cases

  3. 根据调查收集的丰富的数据和信息,借助SPSS软件进行描述性统计分析和二元逻辑分析方法,全面分析农户对于生态系统服务的认知度、影响因子、空间差异和原因。

    According to the data and information from survey , used the description statistics and the logic analysis of the SPSS to understand farmers ' perception of ecosystem services , the influence factors , spatial differences and reasons .

  4. 基于上述确定的基因网络,利用系统发生谱的逻辑分析方法逆向构建Parkinson疾病相关基因的逻辑网络。

    Based on the above determined gene network , logic network of Parkinson-related genes is constructed by logic analysis of phylogenetic profiles and then logic network of disease phenotypes is predicted according to the relationships between genes and phenotypes .

  5. 本文对目前较为常用的形式逻辑分析方法&BAN逻辑的形式化分析理论进行了介绍,在此基础上对军网身份鉴别协议进行了BAN逻辑描述,并对协议的安全性进行了理论分析与证明。

    This paper introduces the BAN logic formalized analysis theory which is the formal logic analysis method , and the BAN logic description of authentication protocol in military network is proposed , the theoretic analysis and verification of protocol security are also indicated .

  6. 主要运用观察统计与逻辑分析方法,对目前国内优秀U-17少年守门员接扑球技术运用情况及存在问题分析研究。

    The methods of observation and mathematical statistics were adopted to analyze the technical skills of catching and diving of the elite U-17 juvenile goalkeepers .

  7. 认证协议的形式逻辑分析方法&BAN类逻辑综述

    Formal Logical Methods for Analysis of Authentication Protocols - BAN-like Logics

  8. 验证电子商务协议的新逻辑分析方法

    New logic analysis method for the verification of electronic commerce protocol

  9. 冯友兰的逻辑分析方法

    On Feng Youlan ′ s Logic Analysis Method

  10. 程序设计的一种逻辑分析方法

    One Method of Logical Analysis On Program

  11. 逻辑分析方法的贫困

    The Poverty of Logic Analytical Method

  12. 形式化逻辑分析方法。

    Formal logic analysis system .

  13. 他将逻辑分析方法引入中国哲学史的研究,从而将中国哲学梳理成一个多层次的范畴体系,取得了伟大成果。

    It is he that successfully introduces the analytical methodology in the study of Chinese philosophical history .

  14. 第四,本文将遵循提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的逻辑分析方法。

    Forth , the thesis will be followed to ask questions , analyze and solve problems of logical analysis .

  15. 第一章,采用逻辑分析方法得出了凭样品买卖合同的特征,成立条件及其表现形态。

    By logical analytical method , Part 1 introduces the Characteristics , formation elements and category of sample contract .

  16. 所以他要用逻辑分析方法去改造理、气两个范畴。

    Thus , Mr. Feng begin to use logic analysis method to renew the two categories Li and Qi .

  17. 作为分析哲学大师,罗素是通过逻辑分析方法和逻辑构造原则来得出自己的中立一元论的。

    As a master of analytic philosophy , Russell draw its own neutral monism through logical analysis and logical structure .

  18. 同时在全文中贯穿运用分析与综合,推理与归纳等逻辑分析方法。

    While in the text through the use of analysis and synthesis , logical reasoning and analysis of induction and other methods .

  19. 运用演绎、归纳、类比等各种逻辑分析方法,对各种信息进行较为深入的探讨和分析并论证有关结论和建议。

    Using deduction , induction , and analogy logic analysis methods , this study explore deeply various data and check some conclusion and suggestion .

  20. 本文主要研究电子商务安全协议的设计与逻辑分析方法,研究内容包括以下方面:1.深入研究了典型的电子商务安全协议逻辑分析方法,指出了它们的优点与不足。

    Researches on e-commerce security protocols . This thesis studies the typical logic analysis methods for the e-commerce security protocols , and discusses their advantages and disadvantages .

  21. 运用逻辑分析方法析解、重释中国传统哲学范畴,无疑是本世纪中国哲学现代化和世界化的前提。

    This Century , it is the precondition of the modernization and globalization Of Chinese philosophy to use logic analysis method to explain Chinese traditional philosophical categories .

  22. 最后通过逻辑分析方法提出了较为完整的规范建构,以期更好维护个人尊严,实现人格独立。

    At last , this thesis puts forward a complete norm construction by using logical analysis method , aiming at defending human dignity and independent personality better .

  23. 最后通过实时推理验证控制系统的性能,说明逻辑分析方法对信息物理融合系统的合理性及可行性。

    Finally , test the control system through the performance of real-time reasoning to say that logic analysis method of information is reasonable and feasible to hybrid system .

  24. 再后,围绕培育和增强核心能力及竞争优势的标准,运用逻辑分析方法,系统性地分析了不同发展战略下目标企业的选择。

    Next , with the criterion of cultivating and strengthening core competence and competitive advantage , this thesis analyzes the selection of target company systematically , using logical analysis .

  25. 此处笔者创新性采取逻辑分析方法,对问题所在、形成原因和改进方法进行分析阐述,使得论述更具条理和说服力。

    I adopted an innovative method of logical analysis to explain the reasons problems and improvements of the issues . I want to make a coherent and convincing exposition .

  26. 将逻辑分析方法运用于中国哲学体系的研究和重建过程中,提升中国哲学的内涵,尽显中国哲学的魅力。

    Thirdly , making logical analysis method to be used in the process of Chinese philosophy 's research and reconstruction , improving Chinese philosophy 's connotation and revealing its charm .

  27. 而形式化逻辑分析方法可以在协议实施之前就用严格可靠的方法对其进行分析验证,是一个最有前途的研究方法。

    But the formal logic analysis system can validate it in a credible and strict way before protocol was applied , it is one of the most promising way for protocol checking .

  28. 通过对日本神奈川地区400名太极拳练习者的问卷调查,采用逻辑分析方法,同时结合访谈法,探索发展太极拳运动的一般社会学规律。

    The research into the general rule in sociology is carried out by the means of logical be analyses , interviews and the research into the examination taken by 400-who exercise Taijiquan .

  29. 未来的制度性研究应当是采用了体系化思考方法的制度性研究,应当是面向其他学科的研究方法和研究成果开放的制度性研究,而非单纯采用法律的逻辑分析方法的制度性研究。

    The research on the institutions in the future should adopt systematical method , be open to the theories and methodologies of other disciplines , rather than merely use the legal logic analytical approach .

  30. 本文采用历史分析方法、社会学法学分析方法和逻辑分析方法,以并列式的逻辑结构对私法理念进行研究。全文包括导论、正文和结语三个部分。

    The historical analytical method , the sociological jurisprudential analytical method , the logical analytical method and a coordinate logical structure have been adopted by the author in the research of the idea of private law .