
  • 网络logical node;lphd
  1. 我们将演示如何在脱机情况下划分数据库,以及如何将数据库从ESE迁移到DPF逻辑节点(纵向扩展)环境。

    We demonstrate how to partition tables and migrate the database from ESE to a DPF logical node ( scaling up ) environment , offline .

  2. 当并行执行InfoSphereDataStage任务时至少为每个构成任务的阶段,以及每个逻辑节点创建一个进程。

    When you execute an InfoSphere DataStage job in parallel , at least one process is created for each stage composing the job , and for each logical node .

  3. DATABASEPARTITIONING&按照键散列将数据分布在数据库的多个逻辑节点上(DPF)。

    DATABASE PARTITIONING-distributing data by key hash across logical nodes of the database ( DPF ) .

  4. 默认情况下,在所有逻辑节点上并行执行的任务,在InfoSphereDataStage的配置中声明。

    By default the job executes in parallel on all logical nodes declared in the configuration of InfoSphere DataStage .

  5. 论文首先分析了硬盘录像子系统的应用功能,配置了逻辑节点模型对象,完成了系统模型数据和服务的UML设计,实现了基于XMLSCHEMA技术对数据格式的统一和底层数据库的互操作;

    Firstly , we analyses system functions , configures logical nodes , devises UML models for data and services . Communications in this model depend on XML Schema , which realizes the interoperability between source database and XML documents .

  6. 建议在InfoSphereDataStage安装时使用的逻辑节点数量,通常为InfoSphereDataStage服务器CPU数量的一半。

    The recommended number of logical nodes that you should use on an InfoSphere DataStage installation is usually half the number of CPUs of the InfoSphere DataStage server .

  7. 最后基于IEC61850标准,对储能电站的相关逻辑节点进行了扩充。

    At last , the related logical nodes of energy storage power station are expanded according to IEC 61850 standards .

  8. 使用我们所描述的步骤,可以很容易地将数据库从DB2ESE环境迁移到DB2ESEDPF(逻辑节点)环境。

    Using the steps we 've described , you can easily migrate your database from the DB2 ESE environment to the DB2 ESE DPF ( logical nodes ) environment .

  9. 最佳实践:当执行规则时,如果InfoSphereDataStage的内存使用量与系统的物理限制接近,那么,可以减少逻辑节点的数量。

    Best Practice : When executing rules , if the memory usage of InfoSphere DataStage is close to the physical limit of the system , then reduce the number of logical nodes .

  10. 阐述了IEC61850对逻辑节点、通信信息片、事件时间、传输时间、报文的类型和性能级的定义。

    The definitions given by IEC61850 on logical nodes ( LNs ), PICOM , event time , transfer time , types and performance classes of message are expounded .

  11. E-UTRAN结构,也就是指E-UTRAN的逻辑节点和节点之间的接口,作为无线网络层的一部分被定义。

    The E-UTRAN architecture , i.e.the E-UTRAN logical nodes and interfaces between them , are defined as part of the Radio Network Layer .

  12. 通过分析智能设备与当地监控之间所需的通信,探讨了利用IEC61850标准中定义的数据模型来对站内实际设备进行建模的方法,利用设备映射之后形成的逻辑节点实现站内设备之间的无缝通信。

    This paper analyzes the communications between IED and automation system , discusses the means of modeling of common information found in real device by the IEC 61850 , using LN to realize seamless information model .

  13. 对于设计层,应在IEC61970中增加一个与IEC61850的逻辑节点对应的基类,并以它为基础扩展和量测与设计层模型相关的数据类;

    For the design level , a basic data model in conformity with the IEC 61850 's logical node be added , along with its necessary derivations that are needed to describe the solution at the design level ;

  14. 移动代理系统中基于逻辑节点的负载迁移机制

    Migrating Load Mechanism Based on Logical Node in Mobile Agent System

  15. 弹性分组环中自动逻辑节点重新排序研究

    Study of Automatical Logical Node Reordering in Resilient Packet Ring

  16. 首先是逻辑节点的状态迁移;

    The first is how to capture states of the migrated logical node ;

  17. 解决了实现逻辑节点迁移的两个主要问题。

    This paper solves two main problems in implementing migration of logical node .

  18. 为了识别当前活动逻辑节点,可以发出以下命令

    To identify the current active logical node , you can issue the following command

  19. 这样做是为了维护多逻辑节点配置中路径的惟一性。

    This is done to maintain the uniqueness of the path in multiple logical node configurations .

  20. 在技能交流的练习中,我们在一台机器上设置了两个逻辑节点。

    In our skills transfer exercise , we set up two logical nodes on one machine .

  21. 按照该结构设计一套简单的线路保护实验装置,对装置中各模块进行逻辑节点建模、数据对象建模、服务建模;

    Designs a simple feeder protection equipment for experiments , models the logical node , models the data objects and models the services ;

  22. 分析了广域保护功能逻辑节点之间的交换信息,这些信息都属于快速报文业务。

    The exchanged-message among the functional logic nodes of wide area protection is analyzed , which belongs to the fast message transmission services .

  23. 并按照标准的规定,创建了广域方向保护逻辑节点类和广域纠错保护逻辑节点类。

    According to the standard code , the logical node classes of wide area directional protection and wide area error correction protection are set up .

  24. 所创建的流程的数量,要依据构成任务的阶段数量,以及逻辑节点的数量。

    The number of processes that are created depends on the number of stages that compose the job , as well as the number of logical nodes .

  25. 在这种情况下,可通过变更配置,来减少所运行的逻辑节点,从而降低内存的使用量。

    In such a case , you can reduce the amount of memory that is used by the rule by changing the configuration to run on less logical nodes .

  26. 为所有中继路由器分配一个泛播地址,将它们当作一个逻辑节点,借助泛播路由以最短路径到达该逻辑节点。

    In this paper , all the relay routers are taken as a virtual node by assigning them an anycast address which is accessed along the shortest path by anycast routing .

  27. 文章实现的迁移机制只用到较少的系统拓扑知识,而且只有迁移逻辑节点本身在移动时被要求停止计算。此算法同样适用于其它的分布式计算。

    The implemented mechanism uses minimal knowledge of the system topology and requires only the migrated logical node to stop computing while in transit , which makes this algorithm applicable to other distributed computations .

  28. 该图以事件节点、逻辑节点和因果边分别描述了行为、逻辑及因果关系,并以时间、概率和激活条件等参数丰富了因果关系的内容。

    The graph uses event node , logic node and causal edge to respectively describe behavior , logic and causal relation , and the causal relation is enriched with time parameter , probability parameter and enabled condition parameter .

  29. 通过加入新的表示业务流转规则的逻辑节点,如时间限定与连接节点、条件限定与分支节点、条件限定与连接节点等,使模型简单化,且易于表示复杂业务流程。

    The new logical nodes indicating business process rules are added in the paper , such as time limit and join node , condition limit and split node , condition limit and join node , etc. , which make the model simplified and easy to show complex business process .

  30. 右键单击非标准化多维逻辑数据模型节点,然后在上下文菜单中单击TransformtoPhysicalDataModel。

    Right click the de-normalized dimensional logical data model node , and click Transform to Physical Data Model from the context menu .