
  • 网络Food Bank;Second Harvest Food Bank
  1. 例如,ShamiaHolloway是首都地区食品银行的女发言人。该食品银行为华盛顿地区700多个组织提供服务。

    For example , Shamia Holloway is a spokeswoman for the Capital Area Food Bank , which serves more than 700 organizations around Washington , DC .

  2. “丰收组织”是日本家、唯一一家所谓“食品银行”。

    Second Harvest is Japan 's first and only food bank .

  3. 如今,为了保持传统节礼日的传统精神,企业、机构和家庭会通过礼赠穷人或帮助困难家庭来贡献时间、提供服务或捐赠款项,为食品银行献出帮助。

    Today , many businesses , organizations and families try to keep the traditional spirit of Boxing Day alive by donating their time , services and money to aid Food Banks , providing gifts for the poor , or helping families in need .

  4. 奥巴马总统在周一光顾了华盛顿特区的一家非盈利机构玛莎的餐桌,这是一家旨在帮助低收入家庭的食品银行。

    President Obama visited Marthas Table in Washington D.C. Monday . The food bank helps low-income families .

  5. 美国政府过去常常通过购买大量盈余大宗农产品来支撑市场价格,然后把这些产品分给食品银行。

    The government used to buy large quantities of surplus farm commodities to support market prices , which it would distribute to food banks .

  6. 随着过去4年价格的大幅攀升,这类捐赠减少了75%,食品银行的财力开始枯竭。

    As prices have climbed over the past four years these donations have dropped by 75 per cent , leaving food banks scrambling for resources .

  7. 每天晚上,学校的食堂都会有志愿者来整理剩饭剩菜,并把这些剩饭剩菜送到当地的收容所和食品银行。

    Each night , volunteers would show up at a campus dining hall to pick up leftovers and deliver them to area shelters and food banks .

  8. 填补政府援助缺口的,是由200家地区食品银行组成的网络,它们向全国3万个教堂和赈济所派送食品。

    Filling the gap where government help does not reach is a network of 200 regional food banks that distributes food to 30000 churches and soup kitchens around the country .

  9. 以百万计的美国人生平第一次在寻找他们的食品银行,而在加利福尼亚州,正如在许多其他州,教育系统正在快速瓦解。

    Millions of Americans are discovering food banks for the first time in their lives , whilst in California , as in many other states , the education system is disintegrating fast .

  10. 美国人对花生价格上涨的感受最深&这已迫使零售商大幅提高了花生酱的价格。花生酱是厨房橱柜和食品银行的一种主要食品。

    The price spike has been felt most acutely in the US , where it has forced retailers to push through large increases in the price of peanut butter – a staple of kitchen cupboards and food banks .

  11. “爱心饭店”、“人民救援”与“食品银行”三家法国慈善团体打算申领这些肉制品,然后再将其分发给资助对象。

    The charities , Restos du Coeur ( Restaurants with Heart ) , Secours Populaire ( People Rescue ) and Banque Alimentaire ( The Food Bank ) want to get hold of the meals and re-distribute them among their clients .

  12. 蕾哈娜和她的基金会也将帮助当地的食品银行,为美国的高危社区和老年人服务,加快海地和马拉维等国的检测工作,还会为抗击病毒研发疫苗的医学专业人员和诊断实验室工作人员提供防护设备。

    Rihanna and her foundation will also aim to help local food banks serve at-risk communities and the elderly in the United States , accelerate testing efforts in countries such as Haiti and Malawi , and aim to provide protective equipment for medical professional and diagnostic lab workers who are working to develop vaccines to combat the virus .

  13. 泰国企业对华投资的行业有:食品加工、银行、建材、电力与造纸等。

    Investments of Thai enterprises in China mainly are Food Processing Industry , Banking , Construction-related Material Industry , Electronic Power Industry and Paper Industry , etc.

  14. 食品危机是世界银行和国际货币基金组织为期两天的会议讨论的议题之一。

    The food crisis was among the issues discussed at a two-day meeting of the world bank and the international monetary fund .

  15. 在美国,食品经销商通过FoodCowboy应用将“坏菜”,即纯粹出于品相原因而遭食品杂货店嫌弃的蔬菜,重新出售给需要的慈善机构和食品银行。

    In the US , the Food Cowboy app allows food distributors to redistribute " ugly vegetables " ― or produce rejected by groceries for purely cosmetic reasons ― to charities and food banks who need them .