
  1. 内分泌干扰物(EDCs)具有很强的毒性和生物蓄积性,可通过饮用水和食物链富集来干扰动物和人类的内分泌系统。

    EDCs have a strong toxicity and bioaccumulation , and can be enriched through the food chain and drinking water to interfere with the endocrine system of animals and humans .

  2. 持久性有机污染物(POPs)具有持久性、生物蓄积性、半挥发性和高毒性等特性,已在全球各环境介质广泛存在,并沿食物链富集于生物体以及人体内。

    Persistent Organic Pollutants ( POPs ) with persistence , bioaccumulation , semi-volatility and highly toxic properties , have been found in various environmental media on a global scale , which can be enriched and accumulated in biota and human body along food chain .

  3. 环境中的多环麝香会通过食物链富集在生物体内和人体内。

    At last , polycyclic musks are bioaccumulated into biotas and human body through food chain .

  4. 水解胶原蛋白粉中的超量的重金属可能通过食物链富集,被人体摄入、吸收,造成对人体的损伤,甚至中毒。

    Trace metals in collagen can be accumulated and absorbed by human being through food chain , thus produce harmful effect .

  5. 镉污染不仅影响作物产量和品质,而且可通过食物链富集危害人体健康。

    Cadmium pollution not only affects crop yield and quality , but also poses threats to human health through the food chain enrichment .

  6. 通过甲基化作用,Hg2+能够转变为有机汞,并经食物链富集,最终进入动物和人体内,严重危害动物和人类的健康。

    Hg2 + can be converted to organic mercury by methylation and accumulated in the animal and human body through the food chain , posing a threat to human and animal health .

  7. 铅不但会影响作物的品质和产量,而且还可以通过食物链富集等方式危害人类的健康。

    Lead will not only affect the quantities and quality of the products cultivated in the farmland , but also harm the human health mostly by the means of the enriched food chains .

  8. 土壤重金属因其特有的生物毒性和易积累性,对生态系统和人类健康构成了严重的威胁,其中镉更易被作物吸收并通过食物链富集,进而威胁食品安全并影响人类健康。

    As their unique biological toxicity and easy accumulation , heavy metals pose a serious threat to ecosystem and human health , cadmium is more easily to be absorbed by crops and enriched by food chain , and then threaten food security and affect human health .

  9. 重金属污染具有复杂隐蔽性、危害持久性,尤其可能通过食物链的富集作用危及人类健康。

    The heavy metal pollution has characteristic of complex confidentiality , durable harm , especially may endanger our human health enrich through the food chain .

  10. 重金属污染不仅降低了土壤的肥力,而且影响植物生长发育,降低作物的产量和品质,最终通过食物链的富集作用对人类健康和环境安全造成危害。

    Heavy metal pollution not only reduces the soil fertility , but also affects plant growth and crop yield , leading to the hazard on human health and environment security through food chains .

  11. 另外,重金属污染具有长期性、隐蔽性,难以消除性,可通过食物链迁移富集,对人类健康造成威胁。

    Heavy metal pollution lasts long , has strong elusiveness and is hard to eliminate , and it also can pose a great threat to human health through the migration and enrichment of the food chain .

  12. 由于饮食结构的改变,通过食物链的富集进入禽蛋及人体的多环芳烃数量及含量是极少的,对人体健康暂不构成太大的威胁。

    Owing to the change of dietary structure , they are too lower to constitute a threat to human health temporarily that the contents of PAHs entering duck 's eggs and human bodies by food chain .

  13. 由于难降解,可通过食物链而富集且直接危害人类的健康,因此,这类化合物已成为全球性的重要污染物之一。

    Since PCBs do not readily degrade in the environment and threaten the health of human beings by bioaccumulation through food chain , they have become one of the most important contamination compounds in the world .

  14. 土壤中疏水性有机污染物,尤其是持久性有机污染物能蓄积在蚯蚓体内,并可能通过食物链的富集和放大作用影响整个土壤生态系统的平衡和健康。

    Hydrophobic organic contaminants ( HOCs ), especially persistent organic pollutants ( POPs ) can accumulate in earthworms and influence the balance and health of soil ecosystem via the enrichment and magnifying effects of food chains .

  15. 工业废水成分复杂、毒性大,尤其是工业废水中含有多种有害金属离子,不能被环境中的微生物降解,会通过食物链逐渐富集,对人和生物有很强的毒害作用。

    The industrial wastewater containing various deleterious metal ions often does great harm to the human and nature environment due to its complex components and great toxicity , and these metal elements could not be degradated naturally by organisms and may be accumulated through the food chain .

  16. 有机锡化合物具有脂溶性,易进入生物体内,通过食物链产生生物富集,对人和动物具有一定毒性。

    Organotin is fat-soluble and easy to access to biological body and concentrate through food chains , which will produce toxicity to human and animals .

  17. 同时,重金属不能被生物降解,且具有生物积累的特性,可以通过水体食物链产生生物富集和浓缩效应,最终影响人类。

    Meanwhile , heavy metal is non-biodegradable , and has the characteristics of bioaccumulation , it bio-accumulates and concentrates by water food chain and finally have an effect on humanity .

  18. 虽然这些农药能够有效提高农业产量和降低城市草坪等的维护成本,但是由于食物链的生物富集结果可能会影响到人类健康。

    Although these highly toxic pesticides can increase agricultural production and reduce the cost of lawn maintenance , etc. , but the bioaccumulation of the food chain may affect human health .

  19. 环境中的汞不仅能够通过溶解、挥发、沉降、甲基化等作用在环境中进行迁移转化,还能通过食物链、生物富集等产生放大效应,危害人体健康。

    Mercury can transport and transform in environment through dissolving , volatilization , sedimentation , methylation and some other processes . Also , it can endanger human health through food chain and bioaccumulation .

  20. 然而随着该药在食物链中的富集,长期食用会改变人类肠道菌群的微生态环境,造成人体肠道细菌菌群失调。

    However , with the enrichment of the antibiotic in our food chain , long-term consumption of aquatic product would influence the micro-ecological environment of human intestinal flora , leading to the imbalance of human intestinal flora .

  21. 水体重金属镉(Cd)污染问题日益严重,且Cd具有易积累、难降解、毒性大等特点,另外还能通过食物链被水生植物富集从而危害人畜健康。

    Heavy metal ( Cd ) pollution of water bodies has become an increasingly serious environmental problem . Cd can cause serious health hazards to animals and humans through the food chain due to easy accumulation toxicity , refractory and other characteristics .

  22. 镉易被植物吸收,并通过食物链在人体内富集。

    Cd is easy to be absorbed by plants and then enriched in human bodies through the food chains .

  23. 多溴联苯醚在典型电子垃圾污染区域水生食物链上的生物富集特征

    Bioaccumulation of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in a Contaminated Freshwater Food Web from an E-Waste Recycling Site , South China

  24. 重金属被土壤作物吸收后,通过食物链的传递和富集,最终危害人体健康。

    Absorbed by soil crop , heavy metal endangers human body health ultimately through the food chain transmission and enrichment .

  25. 某些重金属离子如Cd2+、Hg2+、Pb2+等具有强遗传毒性,可通过食物链进入鱼体内富集,导致重金属中毒,严重影响产量并直至危害人类健康。

    Some heavy metal ions , such as Cd2 + , Hg2 + , Pb2 + and so on , have strong genetic toxicity .

  26. 因此经常因其未经处理,或处理不完全就释放到环境中,通过食物链在生物体内富集,从而对自然生态和人类健康带来极大威胁。

    Due to their discharge into the environment without being appropriately disposed , CPs have posed great threat to natural ecosystem and human health by enrichment through the food chain .

  27. 这说明甲基汞随着食物链表现出生物富集的状态,而当地金矿开采释放出的汞转化为甲基汞顺着植物-昆虫-林蛙的食物链结构输入。

    This shows that methylmercury bioaccumulated with the food chain ; mercury that local gold mining released transformed into methylmercury and entered the plant - locust - frog food chain structure .

  28. 氯代苯类化合物具有强烈的致癌、致畸和致突变作用,可通过食物链进入人体并富集从而危及人类健康;同时,联苯胺类化合物对人类有致癌嫌疑。

    Chloro-benzenes have the intense carcinogenesis , tetratogenesis and mutagenesis , and may enter human body through food chain and are concentrated at there , thus endanger the human health . Similarly , benzidines are suspected to be carcinogenic to human beings .